Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 637 Post-war Summary (Second Change)

Bayonetta kissed her pistol, her pale gray eyes turned to the mystic. "My dear little elk, are you ready to be hunted?"

The plan to take Stephanie or the Witch to eat at the restaurant that had just been purchased for money laundering fell through. The mystic hurriedly put on his clothes, kissed the Witch, and promised to return in a few hours. He would never miss the evening and the early morning making out, ever. Accompanied by a rainstorm of bullets, Salomon walked through the portal wearing the antlers the witch had prepared for him, and arrived at the administrative building of the Immortal City.

Stephanie crouched screaming as a bullet passed through the portal and shattered the hall's exquisite stained glass.

Stephanie, still in shock, quickly briefed Salomon on the situation.

"Please remind me before you come from the battlefield next time."

"It's hard to say, there are battlefields everywhere, dear Stephanie."

They took an elevator decorated with gilded arabesques all the way to the top floor of the Gothic building. The power structure of the Immortal City is as clear and direct as the floors of this building. At the top are the Office of the Interior and Salomon's office. The two rooms are connected by Stephanie's personal office, which serves as the connection between the mystic and the entire power structure. communicate. On the surface, Stephanie is the restrainer of Salomon, but the actual situation is that Salomon is a dictator, and any order of his will be passed unconditionally by Stephanie. Stephanie is not a think tank but a messenger .

"Agent Coulson wants to talk to you, my lord." Agent Hand, as someone who knew part of the truth about the Sokovia incident, naturally knew that Salomon's current power could easily destroy a government. Out of awe, her address to Salomon changed unconsciously. Agent Hand in light bulletproof armor looked serious, and behind her was the support team sent by the Sisterhood to the intelligence department. Not only do they carry the most powerful individual combat weapons in the Immortal City, but they can also apply for ballistic missile strikes. A small team can subvert a small-scale high-intensity war.

In the holographic projection screen, Agent Hand's face turned blue.

"Perhaps you still remember the female hacker in Coulson's team. She obtained superpowers, that is, the abilities of the Inhuman race. From the information we have obtained, Skye's ability should be a shock wave, and the mutation mechanism is still unclear. She Jiaying’s mother, Jiaying, is the leader of the Inhumans gathering place [Afterlife]—”Agent Victoria Hand hesitated a little,”—after the death of Commander Gonzalez, Skye betrayed Coulson’s team. Now she Fleeing with the Inhumans in [Afterlife], we don't know what happened, unless we directly capture Skye's mother, only in this way will it be possible to understand what happened from her. In addition, the only remaining The aircraft carrier was also attacked by the Inhumans. The current situation is unknown. Agent Weaver has been disconnected for more than 20 minutes. I plan to apply for a portal in five minutes, lead the combat team to support, and take in those gods by the way. Agents of SHIELD. Before you consider whether to speak to Agent Coulson, I want to know your attitude towards S.H.I.E.L.D.."

"I don't care, Agent Hand. I just met Nick Fury yesterday, and maybe Coulson already knew about past S.H.I.E.L.D. agents being recruited, but that doesn't matter because even Nick Fury himself I don't care. S.H.I.E.L.D. belongs to the past and has nothing to do with the future. I keep them only because there is a fate that requires Agent Coulson to complete with his life. He will not die before that, and neither will anyone related to that fate. Die. It's up to you to decide, as long as they stay out of the way."

Agent Hand breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you, my lord."

"But I hope I see an agent, not an emotional vigilante. Also, your intelligence department played a huge role in the Ultron incident, not only leading us to shoot down the spy satellite, but also mobilizing Many forces outside the organization. You will be rewarded, Victoria Hand, and your achievements will be recorded in your file. Pass on Coulson's signal."

"Yes, my lord."

"Good morning, Agent Coulson. Maybe good afternoon or good evening, you can choose."

"Salomon, I beg you to remain calm. According to the information May brought, the Inhumans seem to think that Gonzalez fired first." Agent Coulson's tone was very humble, he almost begged Salomon not to do anything . He knew the inside story of the Sokovia incident. Agent Maria Hill had told him a long time ago, and he didn't think those Inhumans could resist Salomon's magic.

"Are you sure it was Commander Gonzalez who made the first move? My information tells me that Gonzalez went there with good intentions. Gonzalez is a human being, but the Inhumans think they are above humans. , and then he died. That's the truth, Coulson. I know what kind of guy Gonzalez is, I actually recruited him - Immortal City touched many Aegis during the Hydra Rebellion Bureau agents, after the rebellion in the aircraft carrier was suppressed, Commander Gonzalez led his combat team into the battle at the Tricurved Wing headquarters."

"Let's figure out what happened first, I still don't understand a lot of things. My dispatch sent four Quinjet fighter jets, and Agent Morst disappeared with the plane. I couldn't even find the signal. One of the Quin-jet fighters that arrived in [Afterlife] attacked the Inhumans by itself, and then disappeared.” Agent Coulson said with a sad face, “It’s all a conspiracy, Salomon. I beg you to put the tip of your sword against the quasi-enemy rather than friend."

"I will rely on Victoria Hand's intelligence for consideration." Salomon turned off the video communication, unwilling to communicate with Agent Coulson. He and Stephanie have a lot of work to do-such as the resettlement of the orphans who voluntarily came from Sokovia, whether to train with the orphans Lara Croft brought from Syria; How to deal with the staff after being exposed to magic, whether to join the Mars foundry plan; whether the information department needs to be expanded, and whether the equipment is updated; the maintenance of the sky carrier and the replenishment of ammunition loss; the sisterhood power armor and weapon maintenance period; the intelligence department funds Expenditure; List of Strategic Arms Maintainers...

Salomon read all the documents handed over by Stephanie very quickly, and gave instructions based on the actual situation. When he had settled all the papers, he asked Stephanie to bring up Lara Croft's files and applications.

Lara Croft once again boarded the London tabloids, and those unscrupulous media satirized her as "immersed in her own fantasy like Sir Richard Crawford". Anyone in any circle knows that she went out to explore twice in succession, and brought back nothing except some small things. There is no evidence that she really found Kit City. It wasn't that Salomon disagreed with her dissertation on the Undead Prophet and the Lost City, but that Lara Croft herself destroyed the near-finished dissertation. She wasn't about to reveal the near-magic miracle, knowing the chaos it would cause to the world—and Salomon owed her another big favor. For this reason, Laura Crawford also pinched Salomon's collar and asked the mystic to give her a historical site full of mysteries, which has nothing to do with magic, monsters, and aliens, so that she can publish an article. paper.

"You want to give her a historical relic? Do you need an engineering team to build it?"

"No need, Laura Croft probably won't be able to publish archaeological papers in this life, because she will be inseparable from the mysterious relics in this life." The mystic looked at Laura Croft's itinerary and made a grimace , "Look at her, she has no intention of resting at all. She plans to go to South America next year."

Ask for a ticket! This time should have doubled!

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