Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 640 The Evil of Human Nature (Part 1)

The Immortal City didn't have enough samples of Skrulls, which was a flaw that even Salomon couldn't solve.

The Skrulls develop and multiply by parasitizing among the various civilizations in the universe, occupying an important position, and when there are enough numbers, they will become the masters of the planet in one fell swoop. When the Skrull Empire still existed, the Skrulu people occupied more than a dozen planets through this method, and became a super civilization that could compete with the Kerry Empire. However, these latent Skrulls will only be awakened when necessary, and there is not much way to separate them from the local race-before lurking, Skrulls will go through brainwashing procedures, and they will think that they are local residents Rather than an outsider, there is no flaw in the psychological level. In addition, the transformation of the Skrull is an imitation of the genetic level, and even a part of genetic memory can be obtained, which also makes it extremely difficult for ordinary genetic screening to distinguish them.

The disgust of other civilizations towards the Skrulls is not unreasonable. After all, no one wants to wake up and find that their planet has been occupied by a group of green-skinned aliens. Only on rare occasions do Skrulls reveal themselves. The found Skrulls have only one ending, without exception. The Skrull sample kept by S.H.I.E.L.D. is the only biological sample of Salomon's hand, perhaps with the addition of a decomposed Skrull hand whose owner's body should now be in Nick In Fury's hand—this is a special case, because the Skrull did not go through the strict latent procedure, and Salomon used the magic of probing thoughts, which led to the exposure.

Salomon also gave this order on the luck of a blind cat meeting a dead mouse.

Through the subdued Whitehall Hydra forces to further infiltrate various biochemical institutions around the world, use the Global Vaccine Alliance and the biochemical research institutions of the United States to conduct preliminary genetic screening on the population of the North American continent, and make full use of the many genetic research results and resources that the United States already has. A small number of samples from the biological laboratory are used as reference materials. This is a long-running order, led by the intelligence department of the Immortal City, a file of Stephanie and the brain of Dr. Whitehall, the Hydra recommended to Salomon more than once Dr. Lister, a well-known internal biologist, Whitehall believed that his old subordinate was very helpful to Salomon's research.

"Remember to let him have one brain, only in this way he will not be like the Nazi Hydra. Less cables, the taste of the nutrient solution will not be so good, he has high blood pressure and high blood fat, he is too old, Alzheimer's disease is not far away, let him focus on research... You ask me? The mind determines age, doesn't it? I believe my soul is young enough."

Whitehall's brainwaves remain courteous even after translating into synthetic voices. It took the brain all night to adjust the synthesized voice to its original German accent, and even with only the brain left, the bloodthirsty demon still maintained his poise. Salomon thought that Whitehall just wanted a companion. After all, the poor worm with only the brain in the nutrition cabin couldn't even tickle it. So knowledgeable.

"Connect with Brigadier General Hegel, remember to take over our ruby ​​tomorrow. If Whitehall's information is true, then Ruby is our best experimental carrier." Salomon left an instruction for Stephanie, "There is also a message from your father, Gideon Malik, remember to go home and ask."

"Aren't you going back to Malik Manor with me?"

"Not today, Stephanie, I still have to teach students. If they don't keep their mouths tight, they will reveal my identity sooner or later!"

"I promise not to say anything, teacher."

"Then what are you still doing here?" The mystic followed Wanda's footsteps, wandering carelessly in the Avengers' new base. This land was bought by Howard Stark. In order to deal with more and more members of the Avengers, Tony Stark decided to move the base to this location. "I bought a penthouse in New York for you and Pietro. If possible, I still want you to live with me in London." He said, "Both New York and London are much better than this dormitory." .Where's Pietro?"

"He...he is undergoing training and testing." Wanda's face became a little ugly, "He didn't decide whether to follow you or join the Avengers. He seems to be very enthusiastic about maintaining peace. I don't know much about it. Like... you should know what I'm thinking, in fact I think you're the only one who can understand me."

"Spellcasters and non-spellcasters belong to two worlds, Wanda. Unless you show the magic in your hands to mortals without hesitation, it will be difficult for them to understand why some people are so fascinated by magic, but you also know that this is Absolutely not allowed." The staff who come and go will unconsciously cast their eyes on the two masters and apprentices who are strolling. Wanda Maximoff's charismatic appearance is quite eye-catching, and her magic is also the most mysterious thing in this base. The same is true of Salomon's height and appearance beside her, especially when the mystic is still wearing his robes, anyone can tell that he is a wizard.

No one knows where Stark found so many staff members, densely packed like ants.

No one knows what conditions Pepper Potts agreed to Congress in order to establish this base.

"Is the talk show Stark's idea? If you don't need to be famous, then you'd better not appear in the public eye." Salomon didn't cast a spell to block his conversation with Wanda, he knew very well that once he entered It is monitored here. "As long as you save one person, other people will question why you don't save another one. It is human nature to stand on the moral high ground, especially when the people under the cliff have power that they cannot have, this kind of criticism is very important. It will become more violent and carefree." The mystic spread his hands, "I have killed innocent people, because they protect the guilty, I can understand, because that is their family. If you are determined to be famous, then you can't do this. Do - you can kill vampires, but can you kill those who admire vampires? If you do, they will start to fear you, slander you, curse you, curse you, you can overnight From a hero admired by everyone to a notorious terrorist. Unless you are like me who is not afraid of others' opinions and shows absolute cold-bloodedness and rationality when performing tasks..."

"You shouldn't have said that, Salomon." Steve Rogers walked towards him, followed by Falcon. Salomon glanced over and saw that Captain Rogers was also carrying the shield-retracting device Stark had developed for him. "That's not what you do, kid. I've seen your files, and even your poor education can't hide your kindness."

"I don't know what you misunderstood me, Rogers." The mystic pressed Wanda's shoulder, "You know what I said is the truth. I believe in the beauty of human nature, but I believe in the ugliness of human nature even more. I have seen it because Good intentions lead to viciousness, and it is not uncommon for a moment of soft-heartedness to lead to the death of others."

"You started killing when you were twelve, but didn't you save those Sokovians?"

"Is he the one who cast that magic, Captain? Why is he so tall?" Falcon lowered his voice and glanced at Salomon out of the corner of his eye. Standing in front of the mystic, he stretched out his hand with a serious expression, "Ahem, hello, I am..."

"I know you." Salomon shook Falcon's hand. Falcon grinned and took his hand back.

"Maybe we can have a drink or two."

"I'm paying for my actions, which is the same as your motive for killing Ultron. It's not kind. I think our conversation on the aircraft carrier is straightforward enough, there is no need to continue." The mystic turned to Falcon, "Don't you know?"

"Know what?" The eyes under the Falcon's red goggles widened.

"I'm not yet twenty-one!"

Ask for a ticket!

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