Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 639 Ears, Eyes and Mouthpiece (Second Change)

Salomon didn't allow himself to take too long a break at the office, ten minutes was long enough, he wasn't interested in Jimmy's "chicken show" or interrogating crazy women, not even some outer dimension full of lobsters. This is not a parallel universe like [Squirrel Girl Universe] or [West Coast Avengers Universe], this is a messy world, and events that endanger the entire universe happen from time to time. In order to be able to complete his mission, he still has more important things to do—well, he is still a little interested in the prawn dimension, maybe that dimension can solve the food crisis, even if it is not worth his time. This universe is so big, there will always be some novelty and interesting things, maybe there is a Bikini Castle under the sea, but only the Eternal God knows about this kind of thing.

His current focus is not on these absurd things.

It is important to figure out the social structure of the Inhumans and many other details. He wants to know whether the Inhumans on Earth [afterlife] have contacted [Aktilan] on the moon, and he wants to know the details of the pioneer race farm. location, so as to analyze the blood relationship between the Cree and the Inhumans, and what role the genetic engineering of the Cosmos Celestial Group played in it. In order to reverse the past of the Cosmic Celestial Group, Salomon needs enough samples—the knowledge he obtained from Gaia, the mother of the earth, told him that the experiment of the Cosmic Celestial Group led to many races that were originally born on the same planet all over the galaxy , these races used as petri dishes have the same genes, but they have developed different civilizations. For example, the Skrulls were originally the experimental products of the Celestial Group born on the earth. Because of this, the Skrulls' mythology has always retained the desire for the earth.

The dispersed races also include humans.

For example, the golden galaxy Gallardo star 60,000 light-years away, they even have a deep understanding of the outer dimension, but they also encountered hardships because of this. They developed an army that replaced their bodies with machines and kept only their brains, and thus developed a magnificent civilization on that terrible planet. The tenacity and purity of human beings are fully reflected in this cruel universe, which also makes Salomon firmly believe that human beings will have the opportunity to step into the next wave of evolution and become the most perfect race.

To gain insight into the greatest experiment in the entire universe, he must know enough to drive any organism mad.

Although he is reluctant to admit it, Salomon cannot rule out the fact that Skrulls and humans have a common genetic modification template. "I need samples, Agent Hand." Salomon said slowly. He was thinking about how to get what he wanted from the Tianjianju peak space station built by Nick Fury.

"The Sisterhood broke one of the teleporter's legs." Agent Victoria Hand folded her hands behind her back, her black overcoat covering the bulletproof armor and powered exoskeleton. She had the look of a stern Junker, and she did get a piece of land. "But we couldn't keep him. He escaped with his last strength. We had a conflict with Coulson's team, but there were no casualties." She said, "The mutiny in the only aircraft carrier of the SHIELD has been stopped. The sisterhood suppressed, we captured several aliens, and their information has been uploaded to the server. They are not born aliens, they all had their own lives before that. For some reason, they were collected..."

"Activate the teleportation room and send the samples back to the Immortal City." Although Salomon's expression didn't change much, Stephanie was keenly aware of her boss's mood swings. She took the initiative to take over the conversation with Agent Hand, because she knew that Agent Coulson kept his hands on the Inhumans, and Agent Hand also acquiesced in this behavior—due to the existence of a long-term cooperation agreement, Agent Hand There is nothing wrong with it. Stephanie thought that anyone should not mention this matter when Salomon was in a bad mood, as if the Inhumans lived a second longer was torture to him.

In fact, Victoria Hand didn't like that kind of agreement either, and seemed too soft to be gentle with terrorists.

"There is no need to do this, Stephanie. The reason I recruited Victoria is because she is direct enough." The mystic waved his hand, interrupting the conversation between Stephanie and Agent Hand, "Tell me the cause of Gonzalez's death, I Hope you've got results."

"According to the analysis of the accompanying scientists... In fact, there is no need for analysis. Gonzalez has been petrified. From the bone marrow to the skin, without exception, it is almost like a carbonized product after being soaked in tar."

"Is it petrification ability, or petrification magic? Karma Taj's planetary defense system can't be activated all the time, we have to solve the problem by ourselves."

"The result of the spectral analysis is the former. We have not detected the magic spectrum in [Afterlife], but we have also not found aliens with petrification capabilities." This technology comes from SHIELD, and its root is Thor's return Traces left by the Rainbow Bridge in Asgard. S.H.I.E.L.D. learned about the magic aura, and Nick Fury understood the meanings of different magic auras based on the results of the conversation with Salomon.

It's just that in the mouths of some scientists, this phenomenon should be called the magic spectrum, such as the scientific team of Coulson's team.

"Maybe it's Terrigen." Salomon transmitted a bunch of keys to Agent Hand, "A-616-In folder, you now have permission to know this secret. This document includes the Let the team’s technical department start a preliminary analysis of the samples taken from the people in the house, and more samples will be delivered from the teleportation room. Find out the information I want from Jiaying—the origins of all Terrigen on Earth, they are How to obtain the technology to extract Terrigen. I believe you know how to interrogate, we will not be soft on the Inhumans, if necessary, then do what Whitehall did to Jiaying."

Victoria Hand wrinkled her nose and quietly blew on the red hair highlighted in front of her forehead.

In the eyes of the Inhumans, Salomon is no different from Hitler who practiced genocidal, but she does not hate this practice, because she has witnessed the arrogance of the Inhumans towards humans. The words "you" and "we" are the best interpretations. Even Skye, who has a deep relationship with Agent Coulson, has taken refuge in the Inhumans, which further shows that the possibility of coexistence between humans and Inhumans is very slim.

What she hates is the hybrid creation of science and magic in the teleportation room. The pungent ozone smell after the teleportation would always irritate her lungs, as if a piece of moldy cake was stuffed into her chest, and she kept feeling nauseous. The order from the Immortal City has been issued, and she can only instruct the staff to put the sedated Inhumans into the narrow cabin of the transmission room - an Inhuman female who can split several herself, and an Inhuman who can pass through the palm of her hand. The man who was discharged, and the stump of a teleporter without eyes - and pressed the teleport switch with his own hands. The high-voltage electricity that penetrates the air hums, and the air smells of ozone. Agent Hand shook his head and returned to the communication room to report to Salomon.

She is Salomon's eyes, ears and mouthpiece. She works 24 hours a day all year round, and she is willing to fight for this cause, just like she did when she joined S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Very well, what about another task?"

"Are you referring to global genetic screening through the Vaccine Alliance?"

Ask for a ticket!

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