Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 647: Professor of Folklore (Second)

"Space-time is derived from the superposition of a series of transition history paths between different nodes and connections in a dynamic spin network. You have studied Feynman diagrams, Hilbert spaces and differential manifolds, so we also Ability to understand spin networks. This topology provides a description language for the quantum geometry of space and spin foams have the same role in the quantum geometry of spacetime. Spin networks are one-dimensional graphs with labels at vertices and edges. Spacetime Can be regarded as a superposition of spin foam, which is a generalization of Feynman diagram. The boundary of spin foam is spin network. As in manifold theory, the boundary of n-manifold is (n-1)-manifold .”

To ordinary people, Professor Selvig's lectures are no different from demonic whispers. Even those undergraduates at Royal Holloway, University of London, have difficulty understanding all the courses when they listen to him, because he always overextends the content of lectures, which makes many undergraduates who come here because of his fame. For example, this time, he only mentioned how to understand space-time, and then it was uncontrollably related to quantum geometry, and then extended to generalized covariance and background independence. The blackboard was quickly filled, and Professor Selvig pulled a whiteboard and wrote the ADM notation on it. Salomon patted the hand of the undergraduate student beside him who was about to collapse, and the female student leaned on his shoulder.

"Go away, Bitch!" Daisy stretched out her hand and pushed the female student aside, took her place, and leaned herself on Salomon's shoulder. Since Jane Foster won the Nobel Prize, intern Daisy has also become tyrannical. This kind of arrogance is limited to grabbing food from Salomon's plate when they go to eat together in the small town of Egham. Everyone regards this childish behavior as Daisy's new joke.

"Is Professor Selvig always like this?"

"Otherwise, there wouldn't be so few people listening to this course. Don't you think I can understand it?" Daisy pursed her lips. Since Professor Selvig was linked to the two alien invasions, the Battle of New York and the Battle of London, no matter how out of tune this crazy old man lectures, the school has no intention of interfering with his teaching arrangements. For Salomon, the content taught by Professor Selvig is not too difficult. He has already learned everything that should be learned, and he does not think he is wasting time. ——Professor Selvig It is very likely that his brain has been inspired by the space gem, otherwise it is impossible to explain why he can still do such valuable research after Stonehenge became the great sage of the folk druid religion. No one knows when Professor Selvig will come up with a shocking but equally correct point of view.

"You're a graduate student, Daisy!"

"I'm a social science graduate student, not an astrophysics graduate student."

"I'm not here to attend class either. Although Jane often throws us over when she's busy, I have other things to do today." Salomon blinked, lowered his head and said to Daisy quite mysteriously, " You know what I mean. It's... my main job."

Daisy thought for a few seconds, and her expression suddenly became terrified.

"Vampire, or werewolf?" She involuntarily lowered her voice, while looking around the auditorium tremblingly. "Is it right in this classroom?" She sniffed and tried to lower her volume until only the hiss of airflow in her throat remained. Salomon could clearly feel Daxi's body trembling constantly, because she was almost tightening into Salomon's position. "Could it be that undergraduate student? Oh my god, I pushed her just now! Is she looking at me now!"

"Uh..." Salomon smiled awkwardly at the undergraduate, "I think she just wanted to settle accounts with you after class. Not a vampire, not a werewolf, but..."

"That painting!" Darcy let go of her hands holding Salomon's neck. Her eyes widened and she looked even more frightened.

The painting she was referring to was an oil painting from 1864 by Sir Edwin Henry Landseer. The painting, which hangs on the wall of the testing center and depicts two polar bears tearing at the flesh of a crew member, was inspired by the disappearance of a British Arctic expedition in 1845. However, the scary picture is not the reason why Daisy associates it. The horror of this painting comes from a creepy rumor from the 1920s-a student who was taking an exam put the A student who stabbed himself in the eye with a pencil wrote "The polar bears made me do it" on his test paper before committing suicide. But if you were to go back to a well-documented anecdote, it would be a legend among students in the 1960s: Anyone sitting in front of this painting during an exam would fail.

From then on, when the school held exams, the painting would be covered with a large enough Union Jack.

"The last two survivors of the Franklin expedition died of cannibalism." Daisy became more and more frightened as she spoke, but Salomon rolled his eyes. What a terrible superstition! Although some magic is closely related to superstition, less than two hundred years have passed, and a painting that is hated by everyone at the same time can't cause any major trouble. What's more, Oxford University has far more ghost stories than Holloway College, such as the ghost of William Laud, the beheaded Archbishop of Canterbury, in the library of St John's College. Oxford University still has real vampires who want to fall in love with human beings with a twitching brain. Salomon killed them all on the first day of class in Oxford. What is there to be afraid of mere ghosts and curses?

"I've wanted to burn that painting for a long time! Isn't it? Is that the cemetery of Queen Mary College?"

"No, do you think I look like an exorcist priest? Although I am a professional exorcist, it doesn't mean that I will tell you all the details of the exorcism." Facing Salomon's question, Daisy's eyes were full of bewilderment. "Do you know Professor Selvig's achievements in folklore? This is Professor Selvig's newly expanded academic field. Although in the face of serious physics, folklore looks like a castle built of sand, But that doesn’t stop him from studying religious folklore through mythology—especially since Saul is also on good terms with him, and he has few rivals in this field.”

"I...why didn't I know about this!" Daisy became bolder again. With the sound of the bell, she patted Salomon's arm hard. Salomon shrugged with an innocent expression. "Go away, or that Bitch will come to trouble me!" Daisy pulled the two-meter-tall mystic and tried to hide in the leaving crowd. Obviously, she didn't know that it was useless to do so, and instead made her and Salo is more conspicuous. When they finally broke away from the crowd and headed to the professor's office first, Daisy finally asked a question that had been suppressed for a long time (about five minutes).

"Then why did you come to see Professor Selvig?"

"Jerusalem Grove, a small town 20 miles north of Portland on the east side of Cumberland." Salomon said, "I need to go there to recover a lost book of black magic. That book can Vampires are created through terrible rituals, and I plan to take my apprentices there to see. Before that, I will find old newspapers issued by the Cumberland City Library in England, and look for clues, because the magic book is Brought to America from England. I'm sure Professor Selvig can help."

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