Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 648: Brunswick (Part 1)

Investigating the list of Pilgrims who sailed to Maine in the 1850s was a difficult task, when the household registration system was so imperfect that Salomon's investigation was stalled for a while. Fortunately, the family of the person he investigated was quite famous in the local area, and his blood was distributed along the two continents of Europe and North America along the voyage of that year. Through the letters between this family, Salomon's work continued. The help of Professor Selvig was also indispensable - after learning of Salomon's request, he immediately happily drove the mystic to the family's old house in England, and read the old newspapers in the local library. The obituaries and news helped Salomon sort out the general course of the matter. However, the results of the investigation were horrifying. Daxi, who was on the sidelines, was so frightened that she almost jumped up when she saw the sorted out materials that smelled of old paper and dust.

The family seemed to be shrouded in the shadow of death, whether it was the notorious but prominent family elders, or the offspring who had turned against each other, none of them died. Either fell ill at a young age, or disappeared quietly after starting a family. The longest-lived is a writer, but he fell into an uncontrollable madness after returning to his old house in Maine in middle age.

Following this clue, after many years, Salomon once again set foot on the land of Maine.

But he didn't miss the place at all.

Salomon declined Professor Selvig's request because he knew that this mission was very dangerous. The land of Maine seemed to be forever entangled with the indescribable foreign gods, and even this mission was no exception. There is no support, because apart from the Venerable and some old guys from the mystic family, there are few people in Kama Taj who are more skilled in magic than him, so he has to complete this task by himself.

He took his apprentice, Wanda, and drove along Route 196 to Brunswick, Maine's mid-coast. This is the mouth of the Androscoggin River and the location of the last clue Salomon traced. The black crow wings of death spread out here, and vicious whispers permeated every inch of the land here. In the eyes of the mystic and Wanda, every inch of the air here was filled with madness. Since the Salem witch trials, Maine's fortunes have been on a path of destruction. For Wanda, a fledgling witch, this mission is very dangerous. Whether in a castle or a New York penthouse, Salomon keeps the realities of the wizarding world outside from her. Since Wanda was reluctant to dig out the secrets from Jiaying's mind, the mystic chose to bring her here to let her witness the terrible truth of this world——the magic in this world originated from the Outer Gods, and all ancient The blood of Azathoth flows from the gods and the gods of the earth, and the magic of all the gods in outer dimensions has a terrifying dark side, and even Salomon's own soul is shaped by this power. The cost of casting spells is extremely heavy, and madness is a byproduct of magic. Every spellcaster of Karma Taj sprints on a path of self-destruction for the safety of the Prime Material Plane, with no return.

Salomon quickly handled the borrowing certificates for the two of them to use the library of Bowdoin College through the relationship, and made an appointment for tomorrow's meeting with the professors of folklore and history of the college.

"Uncle Tom's Cabin" was written by Harriet Beecher Stowe, a family member of the faculty of this college and published by Bowdoin College. An alumni of Bowdoin. If you are a high school student in the United States, you will know that the famous writer Hawthorne is also a graduate of Bowdoin College. As long as we drive south for 25 minutes, we can reach Portland. We will live in Brunswick Last night, waiting for tomorrow's meeting...Wanda, how are you?"

The air made her dizzy and her cheeks flushed like a fever. As long as she leaves Salomon for a while, she needs to adjust her breathing all the time to clear the overflowing darkness in her mind. But when she was close to the mystic, this symptom would disappear in an instant, as if around Salomon was the only peaceful place, and the curse could not get close to him. Salomon held up the witch's face and examined her pupils carefully. He could feel the blood and pulse under the thin skin of his neck, and Wanda's body temperature and heartbeat were rising abnormally. She felt that her sense of touch was extremely sensitive, and the slender fingers on her neck were cold, and her skin was stinging, red and swollen from the friction of finger calluses honed from years of using swords and guns. She felt her lips crusted over, and thirst engulfed her mouth. Her heartbeat was speeding up, but her limbs were getting weaker and weaker. An indescribable pain permeated her lower abdomen, but the pleasure that accompanied the pain almost knocked her to the ground.

"Dizzy?" Salomon expected that the magic of the same source might cause Wanda to have an adverse reaction, but he did not expect the situation to be so serious. The witch closed her eyes nervously. After getting an affirmative answer, Salomon helped her shoulders and put him into the passenger seat of the Aston Martin DB7, canceling the trip to visit the Bowdoin College Museum of Art, even though they had already arrived in front of the domed building. "Come on, I'll take you to the hotel. We'll carve amulets there. You remember how I taught you how to draw amulets against the Old Gods?"

"I remember." Wanda murmured, trying to squeeze out a few words.

"This Aston Martin DB7 was a gift from my adoptive mother when I was in college. If you and Pietro both go to college, I will give you a car for each of you - maybe Pietro prefers to run by himself , so he needs a pair of wool knee pads more than a car." Salomon stepped on the gas pedal, trying to divert Wanda's attention with a joke. Wanda’s situation cannot pass through the portal now—Kama Taj’s portal, which overlaps the coordinates of two locations, may seem simple, but it is a powerful spell that uses magic to synchronize the time difference between the inside and outside of the gate. It is similar to a wormhole. It is relatively simple to use the curtain behind the material universe as a transit portal. A spell was quietly cast on the witch. Wanda felt a slight tingle from the magic on her skin, but the pain was quickly buried by dizziness. The spell worked quickly, but Wanda's pain gradually subsided, and by the time they reached the hotel in Noble Street, the annoying pain that had plagued her had disappeared.

She looked at Salomon with a guilty face. Because of her, Salomon's plan was interrupted halfway.

"Don't think too much, you will definitely encounter unexpected situations when performing tasks." Salomon got out of the car, walked to the other side to open the door for her, and helped her out of the passenger seat, "You I have a severe allergic reaction to magic, let's make the amulet first. I hope you remember to bring your own kit. Although the mystics of Karma Taj have spent hundreds of years clearing the curse in Maine, the breath of the Outer God It’s not that easy to eradicate.”

After she got out of the car, she quickly let go of the mystic's arm. The airport had delivered their luggage to the room, and now she just wished she could change quickly. She was sure that Salomon could smell the hormones on her body, and she didn't want Salomon to think that she was a slutty woman.

The mystic glanced at the co-pilot quietly, then took off his coat and put it on her very intimately.

"Did he find out?"

Wanda started to think wildly, and her cheeks became hot again. Dizzy, she followed the mystic, but her mind kept jumping. If they hadn't already walked to the lobby, she might suddenly squat down and cry. This is much more difficult than defeating Ultron, and the mental suffering is far more than the physical one. Wanda only understood Salomon's difficulty at this moment.

Ask for a ticket!

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