Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 649 Coronzon Church (Second Change)

"Minor earthquakes continue to occur across Maine... The governor asks citizens to stay at home and not to panic... We have invited Richard, a geologist..." Salomon dropped the TV remote control and answered as if he had received an amnesty. When he picked up the phone, the sleepy voice of the host was really tormenting. The call relayed by the front desk gave him a temporary escape from the boring TV show.

"Mr. Augustus? This is the Bonhams Auction House. The painting you are auctioning will be delivered to the Brunswick Hotel by someone in five hours. Please pay attention to sign for it." Salomon hung up the phone, Glancing at Wanda, who was lying on the table and concentrating on carving the amulet on the bronze medal, he planned to tell her the news.

This is a long-term task to recover the "Dark Book of God" or its remaining pages. For Salomon, he has been carrying out it for nearly ten years. He was able to lock the mission location through a peculiar artwork. Among them was a grotesque parody of the Madonna and Child—with fat limbs reminiscent of Peter Paul Rubens's The Nymphs and the Satyr, and as intense as The Raven of the Ryu The Daughters of Hippos". But that painting is not aesthetically pleasing, on the contrary this painting is extremely uncomfortable. The facial expressions of the characters in the painting are full of malice, and the limbs all show the wrinkled skin that has lost its elasticity after aging. There are dense protrusions under the curves of the body without aesthetic feeling, as if the skin is not flesh and blood but worms. In the dark background of the oil painting, some grotesque creatures are playing around.

This terrible but at the same time unparalleled charm of the painting is being auctioned as an imitation of Rubens' painting style by an unknown eighteenth-century painter. Salomon bought the painting on a hunch, secured access to a closer look, and got in touch with the seller. Through talking with the seller and spending a lot of money, Salomon learned the story behind the painting: the seller of this painting is the only remaining blood of the family mentioned before, the crazy writer Charles Boone. A descendant of relative James Robert Boone. The painting and other artwork, including a battered cross and a card covered in eerie writing, were brought in by the seller's ancestor, Charles Boone.

In order to allow Salomon to buy more artworks so that he can take drugs and suffer from rheumatism, the seller told Salomon a very horrifying story-in the story, there is an extremely evil house and an empty house. A weird town with no one in it, a child without eyes, a calf with two heads, many living people who went mad, and many dead people who also went mad. Different from fabricating bizarre stories to increase the price of auction items, Salomon knew immediately that this was definitely not a fabricated story, and the place where the story took place was the old Boone family about three miles north of Falmouth. House, a tributary of the Androscoggin River about eleven miles upstream from the mouth of the Coggin River, is a deserted town on the banks of the River Royal near Chapelwhite.

Salomon was able to make sure they weren't making it up because the junkie mentioned a book. When the seller showed him the card, Salomon was even more convinced that it was a true story. For this reason, he deliberately put aside the troublesome things after the Ultron incident, went back to the library of Karma Taj headquarters to check the records, and finally found the information about Charles Boone and Jerusalem in a mission record more than a hundred years ago. town information. According to Kama Taj's mission records, Jerusalem Town is just an ordinary abandoned town with traces of black magic activities, but there are no abnormal phenomena.

The book was called The Worm's Mystery, and the cards Charles Boone sent contained spells that could be used to summon a monster hundreds of feet tall from outside the universe.

When he saw the seller again, the seller had died of a drug overdose on the street.

This is the result determined by the police, but Salomon does not think so. Although he saw numerous injection marks in the groin of the seller's corpse, the seller had only inhaled through the nasal cavity when he was last seen. In just half a month, it is not so easy for an addict to advance from nasal inhalation to groin injection. All doubts were resolved when he found an inconspicuous tattoo on the seller's body.

The organization to which this tattoo belongs was founded in the 16th century in the mountains of Romania and later moved to England and Scotland. After Karma Taj wiped out this organization, the Church of Coronzon reappeared in America.

The name of the demon of Kabbalah.

Salomon touched the silver key under his clothes anxiously.

He couldn't find the seller's spirit, couldn't summon the ghost to answer him. But when he tried to cast the spell, the silver key suddenly became hot, and the mark on his hand reminded him that this matter had something to do with the nameless god, the ruler of time and space, and the one who made all things one. He can determine that both vampires and cultists are related to the town of Jesus Salem in the story. If it weren't for the painting, and the traces of vampire activity reported by Karma Taj's informants, Salomon would never have noticed the place. He was quite sure that the death of the seller was inseparable from the cult of Yog-Sothoth, the One of All.

He was also pretty sure that someone was trying to summon a monster using that spellbook that Charles Boone had seen.

This matter was resolved by Salomon, and other mystics worked with the Sisterhood and the intelligence service to destroy the Church of Coronzon hidden in the United States. Agent Victoria Hand stopped hunting HYDRA to devote herself full-time to the extermination of the cult.

"Sorry, no comment." Agent Hand bluntly rejected Natasha Romanov's idea of ​​asking for news.

The sudden disappearance of Salomon and Wanda disturbs Agent Natasha Romanoff. As a spy sent by the Avengers to the Immortal City (on the surface), she must know the actions of the two unstable factors, Salomon and Wanda. Usually, she can also choose to be a double agent, but when the three sky carriers are activated, the danger level begins to rise infinitely. Even though the location of this operation includes the downtown area, the Immortal City still prepares ammunition according to the standard of high-intensity warfare. Agent Hand pushed past Natasha expressionlessly—she was busy arranging the brainwashing procedure. All mortal agents who are about to undergo an operation to wipe out the cultists must undergo brainwashing and completely forget what they have seen and heard. This is an irrefutable procedure, and those who refuse to implement it will be executed on the spot. She had to, she knew how easy it was to corrupt a mortal. A whisper, a sign, and a smile can turn a determined elite agent into a cultist in the days to come.

With Salomon's help, Stephanie's father, Gideon Malik, climbed into position to help the Immortal City, and this mission will be his moment to make a difference. Loyalty is reward, useful people are loyal people.

"Agent C-A1, Commander of England Division." Agent Hand handed a mission process document to his subordinates, "This is your combat mission. C-A2, Commander of Scotland Division, this is you Combat missions. The CIA will provide you with intelligence support, but you must remember to keep your mouth shut and maintain your special agent qualities. I will personally lead the combat team of the North American branch, and when the signal from the monarch is sent, we will act at the same time .”

"Including operations downtown?"

"If necessary, artillery fire can cover up all traces." Agent Hand glanced at C-A2, "Casual casualties are inevitable. Carry out the mission, Agent Weaver. This is the last time I will call your name."

Ask for a ticket!

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