Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 650: Before the Storm (Part 1)

The twisted pentagram was effective after bestowing blessings. Wanda wore this copper amulet, and the foul power was driven from her skin, and the symptoms of strong magic allergies were immediately relieved. She felt the skin on her chest tingle and flushed from the constant protection spell. As long as she does not take off the old seal, she can temporarily leave Salomon's side and move freely. At the same time, she also carved a simple Kama Taj coat of arms and Salomon's personal coat of arms on the north side of the old bronze medal. From the perspective of occultism, this combination symbol accurately points to Kama Taj The mystic Salomon, the principle is similar to when Salomon asked Wanda to use the Ouija board-she will never forget that dream, and using the power of dreams is also a necessary skill for a witch.

Seeing that Wanda's condition improved, Salomon told her little by little the mission information he knew. It's just that according to the practice of spellcasters, he has obscured many terrible truths that only a few mystics can know. This is not done to monopolize knowledge, but to protect the ignorant. Only ignorance is the only way to protect the spirit. The more you know, the more spiritual pollution you will suffer. For Salomon, Wanda's mental stability is the most important thing.

The weather in Maine always seemed to be bad, with the faint flash of thunder in the leaden clouds outside the window, as if a storm was coming. As the night gradually fell, the air became more and more stuffy, and Wanda's forehead was constantly sweating. She took off her red leather jacket, but she was still sweating. Only by turning down the temperature of the air conditioner to the lowest level could she take a breath from the stifling environment. Rainstorm warnings continued to appear in the corner of the muted TV screen, and a storm was coming.

The mystics were vague, sketching out the foes they might face. If his guess was right, then they were about to face more than just vampires.

"Agomoto's crystal ball has detected traces of blood magic, which coincides with a very high degree of darker power. So our task is not only to destroy the vampire, but also the monsters it summons." The mystic's mood was not bad. "As for the type of monster, I can only speculate from the painting I bought. A magic book is mentioned in the story told by the seller. The magic book Kama Taj also has a collection, but It’s not the original version, other fragments scattered around the world may be related to this matter—no, it’s for sure, if we’re lucky, we can recover the original version of "Secret of Worms" this time."

According to Salomon's description, the slime spewed by that monster can hit the enemy two or three kilometers away, and the monster hundreds of feet long can easily destroy a human battleship, and it will continue to drill holes underground. From his phone, Salomon pulls up data collected by the Immortal City from U.S. seismic monitoring stations. "It's a deep earthquake, so it's not very destructive. There's nothing notable except for breaking the record of the focal depth and shaking your head and breaking a few plates." He said, "But with the As the source of the earthquake continues to rise, the destructive power of the earthquake will gradually increase. If such a terrible disaster continues, it will trigger an extremely terrible earthquake."

Earthquake monitoring stations have issued warnings to the state government, but the rising earthquake source they detected did not attract the attention of the state government. Only the current governor, Paul LePage, made a televised speech to appease the masses and maintain the economy. Coupled with the approach of election day, this kind of thing is even less on the agenda. Brunswick was not too far from the previous epicenter. When Salomon was explaining the information he knew to Wanda, the front desk also called and mentioned the recent frequent minor earthquakes, and offered free breakfast. Lunch to keep panicked out-of-town tourists. This measure was very effective. After all, the minor earthquake did not cause any damage except for the shattering of a glass. In contrast, the recent murders and disappearances are even more eye-catching.

"Is that book important?"


"How much time do we have?"

"Half a month. The source of the earthquake monitored by the earthquake monitoring station is constantly moving, and Agamotto's crystal ball also proves that the footprints of blood magic are constantly changing. This change is irregular and has nothing to do with the leyline nodes, so we also It is impossible to stop the group of vampires directly. When we arrive, we can only find the remains left by the vampires." Salomon raised his eyebrows, "This is the photo taken by the police. Don't spit here, Wanda , I know it's disgusting. Judging from the tooth marks and the integrity of the corpse, the blood of those vampires is not too strong, either they can't restrain their desire to eat blood, or they have already sacrificed blood slaves, and they have to find Food. As for the local government, don’t count on it, Paul Lepage’s wife is still working in the restaurant! We can only solve the problem by ourselves!”

"How do you plan to solve it?" Wanda remained calm, after all, she had already experienced the big scene of the Ultron incident. But she still doesn't think it's plausible, "I don't think bind spells and banish spells can work on monsters that are hundreds of feet long burrowing around the ground! And... the source of the earthquake seems to be moving towards the sea, saying Maybe that monster will burst out of the water like a whale. Are we going to take a boat to the sea to fight a monster several times bigger than a whale?"

Salomon stood up.

He leaned against the window, the Andros Coggin River in the distance. In the evening before the storm, the gray water foamed and rushed forward in fury, rolling down the low cliffs. There are a few cars parked in the park with only one tree by the river, and the cars are covered with white bird droppings. After the rainstorm, the river will swell, and all the dirt in the world will flow into the ocean with the rain. He didn't intend to enter the sea, but instead he intended to go upstream—a tributary of the river leading to one of their destinations, only after visiting folklorists and historians to figure out certain things The origin of everything the seller says.

"The aircraft carrier in the sky has already set sail. It doesn't make any difference whether it's land or sea." He said in a deep voice, like a muffled thunder that shook his bones, "We just need to find the vampires, seize the "Secret of Worms", and figure out the true nature of those blood-sucking leeches. purpose, and then other problems can be handed over to the macro guns of the sky carrier. We will keep the information open with the strike force, and when Agent Hand eliminates those cultists, we will get fire support."

"What are we going to do?"

"We're FBI agents now, and we're here to solve the recent serial murders. Here's your papers. Don't lose them. They're the only papers that will allow us to fool the local police into examining those bodies. I don't want to prophesy The location of those corpses is too wasteful." Salomon said, "There will always be traces on the corpses. Let's go to the place where the murder happened recently, which is here, Brunswick. As long as we find the corpses, we can pass corpses to predict the next move of those vampires. But before that, we have to go to a place-my information tells me that the first time the book "Secrets of Worms" appeared, it was Jesus on the upper reaches of the Royal River. Salem Town. We have to go there first, it's not that simple. We have another meeting tomorrow morning, hope those scholars can help us figure things out. Get some sleep, Wanda, if you want For ice cream or chocolate, call Wilbur's of Maine Chocolate Confections and The Gelato Fiasco, they deliver."

Ask for a ticket!

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