Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 651: Thanksgiving and the Mayflower (Second)

"I thought we had wiped out the Church of Coronzon in Scotland, what happened to the Church of Coronzon in the United States that popped up now?" Casilios' short gray-white hair was combed obediently on his head. The middle-aged man made a handsome grimace. Now Cascilios pays more attention to the present than to the past. Alcohol has taken away many things, and the nightmare of his dead wife has rarely bothered him. "If His Holiness called me back just to arrest a few heretics, it proves that this matter is not that simple." He stood on the bridge of the Sky Carrier, staring at the busy man beside him on the podium. The woman of the staff, "Now it seems... ma'am, your existence can only prove that His Holiness is far-sighted."

Agent Hand silently withdrew Cascilios' kissed hand, not amused by Cascilios' bad sense of humor. Behind her, a huge flaming bird rests on a huge eagle-winged throne, and a lazy lion sleeps on the steps, which makes her feel like she is in a zoo, not a war machine command post.

The thought made her very irritable.

"The monarch asked the intelligence department and the sisterhood to assist Karma Taj to destroy those cultists. This is the first cooperation between Karma Taj and the Immortal City." Agent Hand pushed his glasses, and his inhumane style did not Because of the different tasks and any changes in the disgusting flattery. Even though Cascilios is handsome, it is not enough to impress her, a professional agent. She looked suspiciously at the mystics sitting around the round table, those who were meditating and reading about the caster's thoughts of distrust aroused in her heart. "Although you are all colleagues of the monarch, I don't want anyone to hold back when performing tasks."

"Most of the mystics who came this time were war-experienced. There may be one or two novices, but this kind of less dangerous mission is most suitable for them. Do you know the experience of Salomon performing missions when he was a child? Facts have proved that even No matter how powerful a mystic is, it takes time to grow, even Salomon. We need to cultivate new people, only in this way will Kama Taj exist forever." Casilios looked around. He knew that there were two more war machines like this, Salomon. Although he didn't know when he developed such an astonishing power, Casilios was sincerely relieved. This kind of pride was exactly the same as when Salomon was admitted to Oxford. He didn't want to think about Salomon's purpose. He only knew that Salomon now had unparalleled power in the secular society.

"As for Salomon recently... Although many old guys don't like his style of acting, he is still the best mystic in Karma Taj's history." Casilios was like a father praising his son. Everyone praised Salomon's achievements in front of everyone. If Salomon were here, he would probably hide his face in embarrassment and run away.

"I can tell you, Casilios." Agent Hand sighed, "I can't and won't ignore the threat of aliens and devote myself to the mission of hunting cultists. This is impossible. Yes. I don’t know why the monarch attaches so much importance to this task, and I don’t know why he left the combat troops to do what. But the power of the Immortal City is limited, and now I can only ask you to cooperate with us to solve this problem quickly and vacate the European branch power to solve problems that have not been fully solved before.”

"I promise, the mystics I lead will only help with magic. After all, S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra are the professionals when it comes to killing people, as long as you leave enough confessions for Kama Taj That's fine, we need to know how they came to the United States. This mission is also Kama Taj's mission, if Salomon does not act with you, it proves that he is doing something you are not suitable to know." Casilios Looking at those busy mortals, "Our purpose is to protect them, not to let them die. If they know something they shouldn't know, then death is inevitable. This is not a fool, not a concealment, but kindness .”

"I have prepared the brainwashing procedure, the standard procedure required by the monarch." Agent Hand said, "All combatants will undergo brainwashing and forget the memory of this period of time."

"Then we can only hope that this method will work." Casilios shook his head, his eyes full of doubts. Cleaning memories is not foolproof, and the brain remains a mystery to humans. Neither technological means nor magical means can completely erase the traces of memory. He was a little worried about Salomon's benevolence. If the brainwashing method fails, it means that Salomon must make up his mind to carry out a major cleansing. This will be a major blow to the Immortal City, which has not been established for a long time.

Salomon examines his ring.

The folklorist was clearly far less professional than the last historian I met. He kept mentioning the legends that the Puritans encountered after they landed in New England, and ignored the photos of artworks that Salomon took out. The mystic has no idea why such a person can still become a professor. At present, it seems that Bowdoin College's teaching staff in this area needs to be strengthened. When the visiting time was over, Salomon left a check and left Bowdoin College with Wanda without stopping—the folklorist still mentioned some key points that Salomon was interested in, such as the Puritan immigrants brought Fear and superstition have always been entrenched in this land, providing soil for various cults to grow.

The historian answered Salomon's questions and marked on an old map given by the mystic that most of the documented churches were built in Maine after the Puritan settlers landed in New England. Some churches have survived to this day, while others have long been destroyed. As Maine, where 45% of the population believes in Protestantism, the historian recounted with great interest how Protestants communicated with the Wabanaki tribes.

"Strictly speaking, the Protestants who landed in Plymouth were not Calvinist Protestants, but Separatist Protestants." The history professor made his conclusion after confirming that neither Salomon nor Wanda was a Christian. "If you've studied Malthus and the fundamentals of ecology, you'll understand that it's not normal for Indians to help settlers. Indians aren't united, and there's massacres between them even in the face of outsiders. Also It is for this reason that the population of the Wampanoag, whose population has plummeted, came into contact with the immigrants."

"Pocahontas," Wanda said, "I remember the raccoon!"

"Ma'am, you have a good memory. It's just that it happened in Virginia, not Maine, and Pocahontas died earlier. History is glorified, and the story of Pocahontas is not. It’s as beautiful as what Disney wrote.” The historian smiled, “In the eyes of the immigrants, barbaric, uncivilized pagans were not human at all. The Wampanoag did defeat the The Narragansett people, the Puritan women brought out wine from European collections that night, as well as sausages and crops from local assets. The tribe of Massasode also brought a lot of prey to celebrate their friendship together, This is how Thanksgiving came about. But fifty years later, King Philip, the leader of the rebellion who led the Indians against the colonists—the second son of the former Wampanoag chief—was killed in battle and his head was hung on the flagpole. For twenty-five years, the Wampanoags have been slaves since then."

"What does that have to do with my question?"

"It's somewhat related." The historian glanced at Salomon. "The owner of the Jerusalem town church you're looking for is one of the 120 passengers on the Mayflower."

Ask for a ticket!

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