Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 652 The Curse of the Boone Family (Part 1)

The shadow of the nightmare plundered from Wanda's head again. She dreamed of an old man in black robe standing on the altar. The old man's face was pale and withered. Below were a group of inbred demented faces similar to him, with ugly and deformed limbs. Swinging in the unbearable sound of the flute, she dreamed that the baby without eyes and nose lay in the arms of the woman, and the crazy woman pointed to the gloomy sky and cried, babbling blasphemous words in her mouth, she dreamed of a The man stood under the spire, a huge gray monster emerged from the depths of the ground, and half of its mutilated face protruded from the broken floor of the church.

She has seen that face! Not so long ago, right by the altar!

The hot summer cloud made people breathless, the raven screamed and snatched the roof of the car, Wanda struggled to wake up in the passenger seat, her back was covered with sweat. "I fell asleep?" The witch's breathing was short and shallow, as if she hadn't come out of that crazy dream.

"Yes." Salomon nodded, he felt the trembling magical aura of the distorted pentagram. He knew very well that Wanda had an extremely filthy dream, and he took precautions to wake her up from the dream and prevent her from falling into a deeper darkness. Wanda shuddered, and told the mystic about her dream, and nothing was left behind.

"Your inspiration is too strong. Just by touching the corpse, you read something that a normal spellcaster cannot predict." Salomon's face remained unchanged, but he sped up his speed slightly. Aston Martin roared and rushed across the road, "This It's not a good thing, Wanda, get under control. In the wizarding world, talent is curse, and that's true for both of us."

They came into contact with the corpse left by the vampire a few hours ago. After inspection, they used their disguised identities to forcefully send the corpse to the incinerator. This is not Wanda's first contact with death, but it is the most disgusting one. After work, Wanda vomits in a place where no one is around, as if to spit out bile. In addition, she and Salomon jointly cast a spell to predict the murderer, and the exhausted witch with white lips returned to the car and immediately had that dream.

"The Boone family is related to this matter. I dreamed of a Boone presiding over the baptism, named James, because someone called his name." Wanda suppressed her nausea, recalling the gradually foggy dream, "Then Is a man of similar looks to James Boone, hairless and pale, but much younger. Descendants of the passengers of the Mayflower exist at Chapelwhite and Priest's Corner. I recall the Folklorist mentioning , the head of the Protestant breakaway sect was called James Boone, and he is said to have lived to be eighty years old."

“A place of superstitions, a time of superstitions. Belief in witchcraft, belief in the virgin birth, inbreeding and incest by religious authority. Protestantism, it turns out, was not much different from Catholicism, the target of their reformation,” recalls Salomon. The records and obituaries I found in England, as well as the diary written by the mad Charles Boone - in the 18th century, Robert and Philip of the Boone family fell apart. Robert moved to Massachusetts, Philip's family stayed here, and then the tragic disappearance and death have been hanging over the family, from father to son to grandchildren, all died unexpectedly, broken necks, disappearances, murders, suicides. It is said that the reason why the Boone family turned their backs was related to the cult people that Philip Boone had contacted, and it was also related to the fact that the town of Jerusalem was empty overnight. He also thought of the seller who once complained that the house was full of rats, scratching in the walls so that he couldn't sleep well-Charles Boone mentioned this phenomenon, the seller's ancestor, James, descendant of Robert Boone's illegitimate son Also mentioned by Robert Boone. Now it seems that this is most likely not the fantasy of drug addicts, nor the sanitation problems caused by the poor environment in the slums, but the blood debt and curse of the Boone family hundreds of years ago across the Atlantic, returned to Scotland, and descended on Boone. On the last bloodline of the family.

"Maybe Philip Boone is not dead, maybe that old cult man is the vampire we are looking for." Along the way, Salomon and Wanda were digesting the possibility brought about by this terrible hypothesis. James Boone is likely to be the survivor of the Church of Coronzon. This family multiplied and prospered in this land of North America, and at the same time brought the faith among the stars. Salomon had been waiting for evidence of this to be found by the Immortal City's combat squad from Scotland. They didn't stop in any towns except to refuel until they reached their destination. After several hours of driving, the sky was completely dark at this time, and the dark clouds swallowed the last light on the horizon. Even lightning could not penetrate the almost suffocating clouds.

The North American nighthawks began to gather, and an ominous premonition filled every inch of the air.

Before getting out of the car, Salomon glanced at the data board for the last time. The intelligence agencies had already begun to arrest those cultists in Scotland.

"Come on, the storm is coming. Let's go to the place where it all started, the town of Jerusalem and see what it is."

"Don't do this, Tony Stark. This is not something you should meddle in." Agent Hand looked at the billionaire in the holographic projection indifferently. The movement of the sky carrier can't hide Tony Stark's satellite at all. Agent Hand didn't expect that the idiots in Congress would allow this level of satellite launch. No one knows how much Stark Group spent on lobbying the group. Up, just to feed the stupid pigs in the White House and Congress.

"Then you should tell me what Salomon is doing, Agent Hand, what other missions are worth dispatching three sky carriers?" Tony Stark turned his head, Agent Hand couldn't see what he was doing . Immediately afterwards, the face of Steve Rogers appeared on another screen. He and Stark used the same channel, but he did not echo Stark's words. The movement of the Sky Carrier has many people on edge, including the Avengers. "I didn't let Congress know about it, ma'am. The old man kept blocking me from doing it," Stark said. "So, give me a reason not to tell Congress."

"No comment."

"Agent Hand, is this incident related to magic?" Steve Rogers asked suddenly after being silent for a long time.

"No comment."

"I see. How does it compare to the Devil's Son incident? Is there an emergency evacuation?"

"No comment."

"I've had enough! I can infer the movement of the aircraft carrier in the sky from the satellite observation report of the Avengers." Stark shrugged, "Why Maine and Scotland, what happened there?"

"We are not a chivalrous organization, Tony Stark. Our mission is to solve supernatural threats, not the small troubles of SHIELD, and the affairs of any country have nothing to do with us." Agent Hand had a blank expression His facial expression and tone were as severe as a teacher reprimanding a student. She pushed Casilios, who was poking his head away, to prevent the mystics from entering the camera, "Listen, you megalomaniac! Your thoughts are not important, stop exploring the mission of the Immortal City, your meddling can only Cause things to get worse! Karma Taj and the Immortal City have the power to solve problems! This statement applies to everyone, including you, Captain Rogers, take the Avengers away from our goal. If you Interfering with the mission, I will not show mercy!"

Ask for a ticket!

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