Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 653 Apology (Second Change)

This town was rebuilt once after it was abandoned, and then it was abandoned here for unknown reasons. Therefore, Salomon and Wanda can see the different architectural styles of the 18th and 19th centuries mixed together here. . The rotting old inn at the entrance of the town exudes a terrible musty smell, and under the illumination of the magic light ball, rodents jumped out in a panic. The signboard of the inn was blurred, and many tables and chairs that had not been cleaned were covered with mud, and the terrible smell from the ancient tomb rushed straight into the nostrils. The extreme temperature changes in New England have turned this place into a nest of vermin. All the furniture has been warped and deformed, and the well-preserved mirror is lying on the ground, covered with rat droppings. Wanda covered her mouth and nose with a handkerchief. She supported Salomon's arm so that she did not fall on the collapsed ceiling due to the sudden earthquake.

"There's nothing to see here." Salomon helped Wanda leave the inn. This is a forgotten land, and even the oldest old people in the surrounding area can't recall the rumors about it. This is a cursed place, even the naughtiest child will subconsciously stay away from this ominous place, and even the homeless tramp will not want to rest here. The other shops in the town were not much better either. All the buildings were in the Puritan style, and the furniture from the 18th century was worth a fortune. Salomon and Wanda didn't find any traces of theft when they walked in, as if Thieves do not want to patronize here. Almost all the glass is intact, except for the dust covering it, and there are even rare spider webs.

There were no dead bodies, and the whole town was emptied overnight. The residents here are only mice, no insects, no birds, and no one knows what they eat to survive.

The church in the center of the town is the most gloomy building in the town. The white wooden spire of the Puritan style has been eroded gray by the rain. The rusty copper bell was skewed and might fall at any moment, and the hinged windows of the church were rotten and blackened. The rusty hinges couldn't stop the mystic, but the disgusting smell of decay in the church stimulated his nerves all the time. Salomon reminded Wanda to be vigilant, and at the same time cast a spell to provide protection for the two. The rusty hinges creaked surprisingly, like a bell in this extremely quiet town.

Another slight earthquake rained dust from the roof of the church. Compared with the stench in the material world, the church in the eyes of the two spellcasters is even dirtier. The sour smell that only spirit bodies can smell makes people almost unable to open their eyes. Salomon recited the spell, and the brightness of the magic light ball suddenly increased. Like thunder exploding from the ground, the glaring white light illuminated the entire church in an instant, allowing the casters to witness the whole church in the indelible darkness—rows of dusty benches sat silently underneath, oak wood A custom pulpit stands at the other end of the church. Salomon noticed a light-colored square on the wall, as if something had once hung there. He walked up to the imprint and roughly measured the size of the imprint with his fingers.

If he guessed correctly, the painting in the trunk of the car should have come from this place.

Salomon heard Wanda breathing heavily.

"I've seen that pulpit, where James Boone stood." A voice came from behind the handkerchief in horror, so that Salomon had to pat Wanda on the back to reassure her. "I also recognize the sign, the inverted cross. And the weird art," she said, "and that book on the pulpit... that's the one you're looking for, De Vermis Mysteriis. "

The low chant echoed in this cursed church, the chant was full of fear and longing. She heard echoes from the ground, vicious creeps slipping past her feet, gray goo pouring from between the rotting wooden floors. She felt a chill run from her feet to her scalp. She saw a crazy dark-haired man break into the church, sprawled on the pulpit, chanting obscene prayers aloud. Countless ghostly figures that were not humanoid sat on the benches, cheering frantically. Flocks of nightjars flitted past the window, making devilish calls.

Fear falls! The earth rises! The shadowy maniac laughed wildly! The living dead crawled out of the ground! The gray monster covered with abscesses jumped up from the ground!

Another earthquake, far stronger and longer than the previous ones.

In a daze, Wanda saw the upside-down cross falling from the sky.

Then a ray of golden light pierced the dusty glass, the blasphemous prayers were driven out by the soaring chants, and the shadows screamed into smoke. All illusions dissipate like ink dripping into the ocean. There is no need for magic light ball lighting, Salomon, who has unlocked the stigmata, is the light source himself. The sour smell like spoiled milk at the ether level was expelled, and the corners shrouded in darkness were no longer dark and terrifying. Only the musty smell brought by time still lingers here, but because of Salomon's presence, it becomes as warm as a dusty and relit fireplace.

"You have fallen into illusion again, Wanda." Although the mystic mage lowered his volume. But in Wanda's ears, his voice resounded through the church, pulling her out of her chaotic thoughts. The mystic withdrew his worried gaze. Like the marks on the wall, a book once stood on the pulpit. "Maybe we were looking for something that was once placed here, but we don't know where the book is now." He said in a warning tone, "Don't fall into the illusion again, we don't need your inspiration, it's chaotic Cursed. Every vision that seems to work is a crisis of falling into the dark, the risk is always with us, control yourself, or you will fall sooner or later. You should know that if you fall I will make What. Don't make me do something like that, Wanda."

His warning sent Wanda's emotions into turmoil.

Temperance is the first lesson for all spellcasters. Every potential spellcaster is a gifted person, and restraining one's talents is the only way to avoid falling into darkness. Salomon taught Wanda more than once, but the inspiration brought by the magic of chaos made her unable to resist. But that feeling was beautiful, like the breeze blowing across the emerald lake in the morning, like the lingering lust in the aphrodisiac incense, both mentally and physically, the magic power brought her an unparalleled experience when it passed by.

"Don't you really know?" she asked with some dissatisfaction, "Don't you really know what it feels like?"

"I know what it feels like. Temptation, as if everything is at your fingertips, all the joy and dreams are at your fingertips." He seemed to be talking about a dream, not something that happened to him, "It took me many years to get Let go of that feeling slowly."

"But I haven't had many years!" The witch involuntarily raised her voice, "I haven't been exposed to magic for as long as you have learned to read a book! I'm just a beginner!"

The mystic seemed to be choking, he didn't seem to expect the well-behaved apprentice to speak like this.

He was silent for a moment.

"I apologize to you, Wanda. I was too impatient." Although the mystic who opened the stigmata didn't have much expression and his tone was extremely calm, Wanda could still hear the sincerity from it. The light is gradually fading, but this place will not return to darkness. "We will find a way to help you complete this lesson." The mystic regained his humanity. He took the sobbing witch's hand. The unattainable idol disappeared, and the gentle and understanding Salomon stood here.

"Take your time, but don't give up, okay?"

Ask for a ticket!

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