Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 657 Role-playing on a rainy night (second update)

Salomon was driving the car on the quiet country road. The dark woods stretched out his slender and winding limbs towards the car window. The wheels rolled over the fallen leaves all over the ground, and the dense and fine sounds kept ringing. The dark sky followed their footsteps, the storm came as expected, the raindrops knocked on the roof of the car, and the clammy air spread from the bottom of their feet. The mystic had to turn on the headlights of the rented black jeep and slow down to avoid hitting wild animals fleeing in all directions due to the heavy rain. The air was oppressive, and the lights penetrating the icy rain and the dense white pine forest growing on the low hills flickered on and off. In this almost dark night, only distant thunder occasionally illuminated the sky.

He and Wanda drove all the way to the latest epicenter they had investigated, and the information from Kama Taj also proved that the forces of darkness were gathering. Salomon also changed cars on the way - in order to better disguise as mortal bait, except for the amulet and his silver key hanging around Wanda's neck, and the ring that cannot be removed, they did not carry any magical items on their bodies . Those high-level magic items were not so easy to see through, and the only amulet that might show flaws was stuffed by Wanda into her underwear, making her face flushed.

From the outside, no one could tell that she was also wearing an amulet.

Perhaps sensing the destruction of the town of Jerusalem, the cannibalism that was supposed to continue came to an abrupt end.

Salomon, who left the town of Jerusalem, did not return empty-handed. The trunk of the jeep contained something wrapped in a tarpaulin. Salomon found it in the basement of the completely burnt church - before that, even Wanda's vision hadn't discovered that the church had a basement, which also survived the fire. The dried soil killed the dense worms in the basement, and the expanding hot air drove away the stench, which also allowed Salomon and Wanda to endure the bad environment and go into the basement to find out.

"Those vampires..." Wanda frowned, "Can we find them at the epicenter?"

"We have left clues." Salomon's tone was also uncertain. Driving on such a rainy night is very dangerous. In addition, the closer you are to the source of the earthquake, the worse the weather will be. The sudden drop in temperature is very likely to cause the road to freeze, and it is very likely to cause the vehicle to skid. He carefully controlled the car, ready to hit the brakes at any time - even if there was a car accident, he and Wanda would not be hurt, but this car was rented, and he had to return it intact. There is no other reason, even if it is a mortal contract, as long as he agrees, he will abide by it.

"If they learn to use modern equipment, they should be able to find us."

There are others who can find us, Salomon thought.

Cassilios held Tony Stark hostage to keep the Avengers out of the operation. However, Salomon does not know how long this can be delayed. His spies kept him constantly informed of what was going on inside the Avengers: Steve Rogers and Clint decided to proceed with caution, Maria Hill and Vision decided they needed to get this done quickly, and S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau, no, the Avengers must not give in to the terrorists, especially if the Avengers are capable of solving the problem. Natasha Romanov and Pietro did not express any opinions, because they each have their own thoughts - Pietro's relatives are now working with Salomon, and Natasha Romanoff is reporting to Salomon again situation, trying to prevent a large-scale conflict between the Avengers and the Immortal City. For Natasha, who has seen the surface strength of the Immortal City with her own eyes, the Avengers have no chance of winning at all, not to mention the magical support of the Immortal City with mysterious magic, she does not want her big family to be completely destroyed.

Only Salomon can stop the conflict, but he is now busy solving the magical crisis.

A few hours later, the temperature was getting lower and lower, the roof of the vehicle was constantly being hit by the torrential rain, and the sound became louder and louder. Even Wanda was affected by the depressing atmosphere. Only Salomon remained relaxed and happy, and began to explain to Wanda the description of the forest in Maine by the famous nineteenth-century writer Henry David Thoreau, which also made Wanda gradually forget the eerie surroundings. "'Virgin fields and gardens of the gods,' is Henry David Thoreau's description," said the mystic. "Forest" shows the natural interest."

Suddenly, a group of black bats flapped their wings and rushed out from the white pine forest, hitting the window glass hard. The violent earthquake shook the car body, and the concrete pavement bulged and then collapsed. The mountain groaned, and the gravel on the cliff fell one after another, hitting the car together with the rain. Salomon slammed on the brakes and slammed the steering wheel, almost out of control of the vehicle. Wanda was strangled by the seat belt and was almost out of breath.

"What happened?" Wanda asked in a panic.

"We were sniped." The mystic stopped the car on the side of the road. He quickly turned on the reading lights, checked the condition of the vehicle quickly, and then looked out through the wipers and the blurred rain curtain, "They noticed us."

"How to do?"

"Try to be flustered, Wanda." Salomon had a happy expression on his face, but soon he tried to look panicked, which almost made Wanda laugh and made her forget the attack they had just encountered. "Don't forget the psychological profiling and the traces of abuse on the corpse." Salomon warned, "Vampires like to torture and kill mortals. Only the prey who are panicked enough can have the fun of hunting. We are the prey now, let us show that the prey should be attitude."

Finally, they managed to calm down their expressions. Wanda held Salomon's hand tightly, blushed, and let out a perfunctory cat-like squeal. However, after a while, except for the thunder on the clouds, the edge of the forest was still very quiet. It wasn't until Salomon reminded her that the witch reluctantly let go. The mystic pulled out his pistol like a mortal and got out of the car. With a deliberately cautious step, he pointed his pistol at the forest. At the same time, Wanda quietly made extremely complicated gestures under the car door, ready to provide support at any time.

They act like dumb cops from a horror movie trying to deal with every threat with a pistol.

When Salomon walked towards the rear of the car, two black shadows rushed up from the edge of the cliff.

The vampire with wrinkled old skin had no hair on its head, and it made a low, viscous guttural sound when it threw itself on Salomon, who was facing away from it. The vampire smiled and pounced on the lamb to be slaughtered, but the lamb became a wolf in the blink of an eye. It caught the mortal turning back suddenly, the panic gone from his rain-stained face—he saw it, and smiled at it. The scarlet magic power condensed into a heavy hammer, and smashed out the vampire who rushed forward together with the car door. The mystic pinched the throat of the vampire who was attacking him, sparks condensed in his palm, and the disgusting burnt stench accompanied by the vampire's roar broke the silence.

"You always think that human beings are prey. You really haven't made any progress at all. Don't you know how to use guns?" Salomon saw at a glance that the blood of this vampire was not high, and his strength was only slightly higher than that of ordinary people. The act of steaming his hair with magic made the vampire, who was in pain, almost collapse. It had never met a mortal who could defeat it alone. The thin, stooped undead was like a child in the hands of a two-meter-tall man.

This is the first time a vampire feels fear.

"Now, you need to tell me where your master is."

Ask for a ticket!

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