Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 658 Interrogation (Part 1)

"Although you have just learned about the course "Monster Identification", and what I'm going to say is actually a bit out of line, but since we have met, let's explain it with real objects." The mystic smiled and spoke softly. If it wasn't for the thunder and rain, the howling wind and the vaguely warm yellow light, he would be more like a responsible teacher now than a butcher with blood on his hands. Wanda watched in horror as the mystic used a silver-plated steel stake engraved with runes to nail the vampire to the car door that unfortunately died. Surprisingly, he used only physical power, as if he didn't need magic. Can take care of that vampire.

In the face of these monsters that eat people, Salomon always inadvertently showed frightening cruelty.

This is also common to all Karma Taj mystics. After all, Kama Taj is an organization born for war, ready to pour magic on the enemies of mankind at any time. Violence is the first language of Kama Taj, and even a kind-hearted Supreme Mage can instantly incarnate The most vicious thugs. Salomon was trained according to this template. He received the most complete Karma Taj education, and he would not back down even in the face of Visandi. Kama Taj is for humanity, not Trinity Visandra.

The vampire really startled her when she just jumped out, but the anger that came from nowhere instantly ignited her soul, as if the existence of the inferior creature in front of her offended her. In a fit of rage, her ready-to-use force field spell lost its aim, and the car door and the vampire flew out together. The companion of the teaching materials in front of me, that is, the unlucky ghost who attacked Wanda, was lying on the other side of the car door not long ago, dying in a very abstract way—dirty and blackened internal organs were squeezed out of the flat body in a mess, like The leathery, wrinkled, pale skin was covered with wounds pierced by yellow-black bone stubble. Even from a vampire's point of view, this kind of death is very miserable, just like rolling through a crusher.

Salomon didn't dare to let her look more, it took him a while to wash the car door in the rain.

In any case, the car has to be returned.

"The first vampires in the world were monsters born from the filthiest magic in the world. Although vampires later differentiated into different clans, and their appearance and abilities changed, vampires and the creatures born from the filthy magic power always existed together. On the pedigree, including other variants of the vampire series." Salomon pried open the survivor's mouth with a knife so that Wanda could see the two dirty canine teeth. The rain did not stop, but the magic of the mystic master blocked the wind and rain outside the three-meter-diameter hemisphere, making it easier to teach on the spot. The mystic retracted the dagger, "Some vampires only drink blood, and some vampires also need human flesh. Werewolves, vampires, and ghouls all originate from the same power. No matter how they change in appearance, their weaknesses are always the same. Similarly, these monsters There is an indescribable desire for the bloodline before transformation, this desire combines hatred for the living, thirst for blood, and deep-seated jealousy for pure souls."

Looking at the ugly monster that kept howling in front of her, Wanda, who regained her sanity, seemed to have turned into a weak woman again. At least the horror she showed fully fits this image, after all, not many people in the world have seen the vivisection of a vampire with their own eyes. The dry internal organs indicated that this vampire hadn't eaten for a long time. If its status was high enough, this kind of thing would never happen. There was no fat under the leathery skin, even the main blood vessels had turned into shriveled dark strips of flesh, and the long-silent black heart was filled with stinking pus and blood. The vampire's limbs impaled by silver stakes were smoking, and fetid pustules bulged around the wounds.

"Don't worry, this monster's regeneration is very powerful."

Vampires are indeed undead, but that doesn't mean they're completely immune to pain. What's more, there are not many vampires in the world who have the opportunity to see their internal organs and muscles being decomposed in a slow manner. Satisfaction, even an immortal monster will inevitably have a psychological shadow when seeing this scene. The same is true for Wanda, she has never seen such a disgusting scene. Salomon thoughtfully stopped what he was doing, and waited for Wanda to get up from his vomit, and actively provided his special smelling salts and mouthwash bought in the supermarket. He was so proud of his skill that even the Karma Taj Dungeon Keeper who taught him the craft couldn't have done it better.

The mystic pointed to the trunk of the jeep with his dagger.

Wanda recalled the scene they found in the secret room in the basement of the church in Jerusalem Township, and suddenly retched again. Wrapped in tarpaulins in the trunk were a dozen blackened skulls, which Salomon picked up with his own hands from the flesh that had turned into mud and the maggot pupae that buried his ankles, and then painted them with dull black Magically resurrected foul-smelling rotting flesh. Even in the air full of burnt smell and flying carbon ash, he still tirelessly pointed out to Wanda the cause of death of those corpses—without exception, they were all murders. It was a blood sacrifice based on blood relationship. Even Wanda, who was just getting started, knew how terrifying power such a blood sacrifice could bring. This also shows that the signs discovered by Karma Taj are not a whim of vampires.

"I thought about this when we found those unnamed corpses under the church. Remember the information we got about the town of Jesus Salem? The whole town is inbred freaks, so those deformed bones are extremely It may come from the Boone family. Regardless of whether this vampire is one of those freaks or not, whether it is carrion resurrected with black magic or not, it will also have a great temptation for the vampires of the Boone bloodline, and the temptation deep in the soul will guide them They will all come to us, like broadcasting a broadcast on the spiritual level that only they can hear." Salomon skillfully stabbed the tip of the knife into the wound, gently separating the skin and muscles, "See what it looks like, Wang Da? This is one of the paths chosen by many corrupt spellcasters, if you become like this, I will kill you without hesitation."

"Listen, Wanda, this is what my teacher taught me, and I teach you now: Be vigilant, magic always has a price. Keep hope, and never fall into the darkness of magic, even if it comes from You yourself. You may not understand the meaning of this sentence now, but you will definitely understand in the future, this is a choice that every spellcaster must face."

Wanda Maximoff heard a real threat from her teacher, which was more serious than the previous reprimand in church. But this time she had nothing to complain about. Wanda nodded her head hard, she didn't want to be like this.

After getting a positive answer from the apprentice, Salomon smiled.

His fist smashed the vampire's fangs like a warhammer, interrupting its moan.

"You wretched creature, you have suffered enough to make you honest. Tell me, where is your master? What is its purpose? What do you know? Tell me all you know, and I will give it to you The most wanted death!"

Ask for a ticket!

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