Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 660 This is War (Part 1)

"Who gave Salomon the qualification to decide the attitude towards aliens on behalf of human beings? Didn't he think that this would push possible allies into the hostile camp? Didn't he have a bit of strategic vision to understand that this kind of behavior would be of great help to the aliens?" Has the entire human race gained many enemies?" Stark put down his glass and licked his lips. He hated the blindingly bright LED lights overhead, which never went off at any time, and he guessed it was an independent electrical system. He has nothing to do but stay here and think wildly. "This wine is not bad, is it your collection? Give me some more ice cubes... Think about Asgard, that is our ally, why can't we establish the same as Asgard with alien races What about the relationship? Casilios, you can no longer let Salomon run amok, he needs to be disciplined, otherwise he will sooner or later attract an irresistible enemy for the earth."

"Asgard was not an ally of mankind from the very beginning." Casilios calmly took a sip of the brandy in his glass. He likes Salomon's collection of spirits very much, because he and Salomon have the same taste in spirits, and it is difficult to say that this is not influenced by the fact that he took the young Salomon to visit the doorless bar. He stretched out his finger, and through the tempered glass, two small ice cubes fell into Stark's wine glass, "You should be glad you don't need to pay taxes to Asgard, Tony Stark. I believe Sarah Lomon has already told you this fact, so how can you be so naive and think that the alien race must be so friendly?"

"I know that story, I say it because we have the ability to fight aliens."

"A vanguard of Chitauri pirates nearly wiped out all of you, and that's no victory."

The mocking look on Kalios' face displeased him.

"Where were you at that time?" He asked back.

"Salomon is helping you, and other mystics are solving the mess caused by the opening of the portal, or continuing their own tasks. The portal messed up the inner and outer planes. The mess of extra-dimensional creatures is worse than flies on carrion. Not to mention that the portal also caused the atmosphere to escape, we have to find a way to find druids to solve the problem." Casilios said, "Chitauri pirates are also a thorny problem for interstellar civilization. The Battle of New York It’s just a small reconnaissance force of Chitauri. Human nuclear bombs are indeed useful, but they are not so effective against enemies outside the atmosphere. Humans are not capable of dealing with enemies outside the atmosphere. The enemies I said are also Including Inhumans."

"Are you so sure that the Inhumans are the enemies of mankind?"

"The Inhumans are war slaves genetically modified by aliens, Stark. The Cree tapped the potential of human beings, and then added some of their own genetic research results to create the Inhumans, the aliens left on Earth. The human race is just a small branch of it. I know what you want to say, you people always think that the universe is peaceful, but the tone of this universe is survival, not freedom, and human beings cannot afford to lose any war. Kamatei Ji will do anything for the survival of mankind and for mankind not to become slaves. Salomon has done a good job and is beyond reproach, because he eliminated all possible threats."

"Look at you, you are obsessed with your own responsibilities, and you will do anything to maintain your mission. To you, as long as the purpose is right, the means and actions are not important. You are not killing people, but maintaining human dignity." Destiny, torture and interrogation are for the maintenance of human civilization. It's really noble, with such a broad vision, it naturally ignores the fate of individuals. Don't you know that the entire civilization is made up of individuals?"

"Thank you for your praise" Seemingly Stark's sarcasm was just a breeze, Casilios said calmly, "We know, so we will sacrifice ourselves when necessary to pay for our sins."

"You guys are crazy! I can't understand you martyrs!"

Stark handed over the glass and watched the back of Casilios leaving.

After making sure that there was no one around, he turned around, pretending to continue to rest, and the hand hidden under the blanket kept beating the sensor implanted under the skin. Stark has learned the lesson of the Extremis virus incident and is always ready to be captured. So he added a host of new capabilities to his sensors, including basic radio signals to transmit information without a network.

He tapped out instructions in Morse code slowly, and the recipient was Friday at Stark Industries. After receiving the message on Friday, it was forwarded to the Avengers base. At the same time, Friday also prepared the Stark Group's rockets, ready to launch at any time to the sky carrier of the Immortal City, and sent Tony Stark's stockpile of steel suits.

"How long do you think this information can hold them back?" Casilios asked. Victoria Hand looked up at him, then went back to work on her papers. She already knew about Tony Stark's hidden sensor, she knew it when he was held for inspection. But she kept an eye out at the time and didn't dig out the sensor right away. Sure enough, the sensor came in handy later. This strategy was formulated by Agent Hand and Salomon in a conference call, using the Retribution as a bait to disclose some information to Stark to buy time for the main task.

"One day is enough, the monarch said he would use one day to solve this problem." On the map displayed on the holographic projection desktop, the dark clouds lingering over the coast of Maine are still gathering, and a red sign representing Salomon's location The dot keeps blinking. Casilios and Salomon also communicated, and the main content of their conversations was still the types of monsters summoned by vampires, and the methods used to target monsters in the Karma Taj library. "At that time, he will call the support of the sky carrier and carry out fire strikes." Agent Hand said. The original purpose of Salomon's development of the Immortal City was to reduce the casualties of Karma Taj. He doesn't like to waste the lives of mystics, he thinks that mystics should die on more difficult battlefields. "Now engineers are debugging the weapon system. This is the first time that the sky carrier has opened up all firepower systems."

"Aren't you going to use magic to get rid of them?" Wanda sniffed. Even after cleaning the mouth, the sour smell of vomit still came up from time to time, making the nose sour, which annoyed the witch very much.

"No, the mystic will only provide assistance and deal with vampires. In the face of that huge monster, I want to try the effects of gunpowder and electromagnetic weapons." Salomon drove the broken car with the door taped, slowly Tundi driving on the road. He used magic to build a crystal bridge, and then passed the collapsed road. "I don't like individual heroism, because the feet of individual heroism are full of corpses of collectivism." He said, "There are very few people in the world who can solve problems independently, so I give this battlefield to ordinary human beings, and let them fight against each other." I demonstrate the value of the human race."

"This will make ordinary people die on the battlefield."

"Yes, I know. Mystics die too, can you weigh which is more important?" said the mystic, "I gave them weapons, told them how to solve their problems, and provided them with The necessary conditions have been fulfilled. Their mission and responsibility are the same as that of the mystics, which is to use their own lives to solve the threat to mankind. Don’t discuss this matter with me again, Wanda, this is war!”

Ask for a ticket!

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