Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 661 Protestant Church (Second Change)

Anyone who knows a little about Karma Taj knows that this is a gang of thugs who are always in a state of war, and the logic of a peaceful society does not apply to them at all. But if you look a little deeper, you will understand that this state is not unfounded, nor is it the sequelae of PTSD in soldiers. Even in the most peaceful years, Salomon witnessed the sacrifice of the mystics, and those mystics who had never met fought to the death on the outer dimension battlefield. It is difficult for the mystics who have experienced cruel sacrifices to accept the peaceful thinking of ordinary people, especially the personal disciples of the supreme mage like Salomon, who accept the true inheritance of the mystics. In the eyes of the Kama Taj mystics, the fire of war has never been extinguished, but it has burned more and more intensely with the passage of time-Cassilios is the representative of the radical mystics, and Salomon more or less accepts it. part of his thinking. Among the younger generation of mystics, only Modu and a few are obsessed with cultivating newcomers for Kama Taj, and most of the others are keen on fighting.

His Holiness said nothing about this situation, after all Kama Taj has always been a war machine.

Wanda doesn't like war, it brings endless pain to her and her family. But in the face of the prophecy revealed by Salomon, she has no choice but to join this war again, but she intends to minimize the casualties of ordinary people. "Isn't it the job of us spellcasters to face those monsters?" She frowned, and the sea breeze blowing from the gap in the tape was taking away her heat, "Let professional people deal with professional problems, isn't that what you have always done?" Is it an idea from the past?"

"No, my philosophy has always been that 'human beings can solve all problems', including threats from outer dimensions." Salomon put his hands on Wanda's shoulders and whispered a spell. Wanda suddenly felt that she had fallen into a basin of warm water, and the warm breath enveloped her from bottom to top, as comfortable as soaking in a bathtub. "Kama Taj is an organization that was born when human beings were unable to face threats from outer dimensions. At the beginning of the birth of human beings, the first generation of supreme mages taught humans profound secrets in order to deal with the invasion of demons. This organization has been passed down from generation to generation until the British Isles The Supreme Master raised the holy sword, repelled the invasion of the outer dimension again, expelled the gods of the earth, and established the dominance of human beings in the main material world." He beat the steering wheel hard, and the sharp whistle sound drove away the wild animals that escaped from the forest. "If one day human beings can use technology to solve this problem and eliminate the gods of outer dimensions with unparalleled weapons, then Kama Taj will disappear in the torrent of history, and the dominance of the world will be returned to ordinary people. You, I , All spellcasters will disappear, this is my philosophy, and the Immortal City is built from this idea. So from now on, I will train ordinary people to deal with the terrible magic threat. We can't always help humans to move forward Well, babies will grow up one day, and they'll have to learn to walk on their own."

Wanda fell silent.

Although he hated to admit it, Salomon really convinced her.

The tattered jeep drove all the way, and Wanda sat on the co-pilot and took a rest under a blanket. After an unknown period of time, Salomon woke her up again. Salomon drove off Highway 295, passed a Protestant Anglican church, St. Bartholomew's Episcopal Church, along Gilmandel Road, and arrived at Larrabie Quay Park in Yarmouth. Here was the mouth of the Royal River that the vampire had spoken of. In the vampire's memory, that was the place where James Boone and his vampire family gathered for the last time. After Salomon cast a spell to repeatedly confirm that the confession was true, he burned the vampire to death. Salomon and Wanda drove around here, only found traces left by blood magic, but did not find other vampires. The mystic didn't think that the vampire had deceived him. Under the double torment of physical and mental pain he inflicted, very few people could not hope for death.

"Let's go to the church." Wanda suggested. "We saw the church in Jerusalem Town. Perhaps those vampires are repeating their tricks and want to recruit civilians as food and blood sacrifice materials."

The architectural style of Protestant churches is generally not as gorgeous as that of Catholic churches. Except for Westminster Abbey, there are few Protestant churches in Salomon that are sure to be more gorgeous than the Roman Church. The church established by immigrants bears the name of one of the twelve apostles, which shows the confusion of the Protestant management. Salomon accepted the suggestion and drove back to the humble church—no bell tower, whitewashed like a barn. On one side is the hall and simple preaching room for the believers to pray and sing hymns, and on the other side is the living area for the clergy to rest.

The sound of a jeep engine attracts the attention of the clergy who live here.

The weather was bad, hardly many people came to the church, and there was no community dinner for believers today, which made the priest very strange. When he came out of the church and looked out through the thin rain curtain, he saw a jeep with the door taped and dented body wobbled in from Gilmandel Road, in the circle in front of the church. The shaped flower bed went around in a circle, and finally stopped in front of the priest. Two rather good-looking people got out of the car in the rain, but the door, which was stuck with tape, slammed on the floor without incident. The loud noise made the priest shrink his neck, and the beautiful red-haired woman stuck out her tongue in embarrassment, and jumped out of the car after the tall man.

"Son, what are you doing here?" The priest looked up at the leading man. Through the rain curtain, the priest saw that the man had obsidian-like shining eyes, long smooth black hair scrawled up, and his face was as beautiful as the marble stone carvings of ancient Greek gods. As the man approached, the priest suddenly felt that he needed to hold on to something, because the warm, holy breath from the man almost suffocated him, and there was an almost uncontrollable impulse in his heart, this impulse Urging him to kiss the man's hand.

"We have some questions, Father." The man smiled.

"Welcome, but don't stand here and get caught in the rain. Come with me, I still have some coffee, and if you don't mind, I can have some lasagna." The middle-aged priest babbled, trying to divert his attention, "Then Granny Yaha sent her son over this morning. Her son just got out of jail and wanted me to help him find a job. She assured her son had been reformed and off drugs... I was new to this parish, But I believe I can help."

"Thank you for your help, Father. A cup of coffee is enough, and more sugar, my apprentice needs to warm up. I don't need lasagna, we have eaten it on the way here." Salomon supported the priest's arm Arm, beckoning Wanda to walk in together, "How long have you been in this parish?"

"Only a few months. To be specific, it will start in April, because Father John is too old and his legs and feet are not very good, so he accidentally got into a car accident." The priest brought two dry towels and handed them to Salomon and Wanda, and then turned around to heat up the coffee, "The local police told the headquarters about this, and the headquarters sent me. This incident can be seen in the local newspapers, but the local people have always said that the cause of Father John's death was not A car accident, because it was a terrible scene. You are not local, are you?"

"Neither of us. We are here to handle the case, Father." Salomon gestured to Wanda to take out the ID with his eyes. "Perhaps Father John knows something we need."

Ask for a ticket!

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