Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 662: Mass Foundation (Part 1)

Cumberland County is the county with the largest population in Maine, and the number of people in Yarmouth is neither too large nor too small in Cumberland, with more than 8,000 people. The town's most famous scenery is the four waterfalls of the Royal River and the nearly 60 mills built between 1674 and 1931. The middle-aged priest tirelessly told Salomon and Wanda about the upcoming Yarmouth Clam Festival and the grand occasion of the last festival. Based on the results of the previous festival, it is estimated that the Yarmouth Clam Festival will attract more than 120,000 people, which is about 14 times the local population. While looking through the diary of the former priest, the middle-aged priest also recommended that Salomon stay to try the local delicious fried clams, and strongly requested the two to donate to the local international non-political service organization Lions Club for the protection of eyesight. , hearing and speech preservation, diabetes awareness, youth outreach social work, international relations, environmental issues, and many other programs.

The business scope of Protestantism is not limited to preaching, and matters related to community development are also within the scope of priests' management organization. "It's Clam Day in two days, and believers are worried about the weather. The weather station's phone is about to explode because they predict a summer storm is forming on the coast. You know, weather experts say this is impossible. It happened, but it just happened." The priest looked sad, "Many of the chairs that the faithful had placed in the past few weeks to mark their Friday night parade places were blown away by the storm. But only God can Decide on Friday's weather. If you don't mind, I can send you two car accessories with steamer clams, and you can think of this as a bribe to the government department."

"The storm will pass," Wanda said. "I would say so if it wasn't for the car accessories."

As soon as the words fell, she met the stern gaze of the mystic mage, and she immediately realized that she had said the wrong thing. If the priest asked, Wanda would have no idea how to lie. Fortunately, the priest just took this as words of comfort.

"Thank you, kind lady." The priest took out Father John's notebook. It was a brown hardcover notebook with an old style, and it might be older than the user. Although the priest was still a little wary of the impulse he felt when he saw this man in a strange suit (English suits, American suits seldom have a waist and no drape), but the gentle Wanda, the sudden Both impulsiveness and rigorous documents made his doubts dissipate like dewdrops under the scorching sun. He smiled and said, "The diocese didn't take back these personal items, and I don't have the habit of reading other people's diaries, because the things of the believers are recorded in another notebook, and I can help them very well. I don't know why you Those things are needed, but I hope it helps."

"We don't know if it will work yet." Salomon took the diary unceremoniously, and quickly turned to the last few diary entries written by Father John before his accident. Wanda sat there with a cup of coffee in her hand, chatting with the priest without saying a word. It didn't take long before the sound of flipping papers and middle-aged men and young women's conversations remained in the room. The priest quietly poured Salomon a cup of coffee, regardless of whether he drank it or not. Before the mystic could raise his head from his diary to say thanks, the priest sat back and continued the conversation with Wanda.

The witch obliquely asked about the local security situation, but the violent crime rate in Yarmouth was much lower than 77% of cities in the United States. The worst case was the Condon family case in 1981.

"When that happened, the youngest Anglican church in Yarmouth had not yet been established!" The priest was very proud of the safety of the parish. As if he was afraid that Wanda would not believe it, the priest said on the spot that he could call the police station or the local Royal Baptist Church and the Central Parish Church to inquire about the criminal record of the parish. He said proudly, "Most of the people here are respectable people of status, cultured, polite, and religious."

"The priest is right. Grandma Yala's son is the most unpromising son here. The old priest's diary proves this. The people who live here are all decent people. What happened to Father John is indeed an accident." Mystic Handed the diary back to the priest, "If you don't mind, can you please make a few phone calls? We have some questions to ask your believers. I can't tell you my purpose, this is a secret that is forbidden to disclose. Don't Worry, they're not involved in anything unseemly, I just want more information."

"I want more information!" Victoria Hand said resolutely, every word she said carried the breath of death, "I don't care what method you use, as long as Jiaying's life is not cut off, she must confide the information. The monarch only allowed her to survive temporarily, but did not say that she would survive completely... Forget it, physical pain may not work on her. I approve you to use neurological drugs, and the dosage is up to you... Stephanie, I need You send additional Hydra interrogators. I think one S.H.I.E.L.D. interrogator may not be enough for Jiaying. I know you are busy, but please organize the logistics department to count the ammunition depot. I have sent the ammunition gap to You, please send a transport plane to send it over. The sky carrier has not replenished its ammunition after the last Sokovia war. We still have a battle to fight later. I believe the monarch has told you about it. Yes , we are collecting the communication records of the residents of Yarmouth Town. Yes, I used artificial intelligence..."

Stephanie hung up the phone.

In front of her, a mechanical alchemy body was releasing an electric current in the nutrient solution. The artificial intelligence of the Immortal City was firmly confined in this body, and at the same time continuously screened Yarmouth Town's call records, photos posted on social platforms, GPS footprints and other information. Compared with the information that needs to be processed in the Ultron incident, it is not difficult to screen the information. Stephanie quickly sent a list to Salomon.

"Hi Granny Yara, I was wondering what the strangers you saw in Larrabee Park looked like when you came to church on the 3rd of July...Hello, I wondered what you were passing through Yarmouth before the storm Where did the stranger I saw on the steamer at Portsport...Hi, I was wondering if you had been to Muddy Rudder's a week ago..."

The priest patiently called the believers to inquire about the situation, while Salomon and Wanda sorted out the list of inquiries that still needed to be made. This is the biggest shortcoming of social security in the United States, that is, there are no cameras in remote areas, and the only cameras did not capture any useful information. With cameras all over the streets, Salomon promises he can catch a vampire in no time.

No reasoning, no detectives, no prophecies. But now he can only come up with the method of visiting the masses, looking for the monster that should be located on Cousin Island. The town is not big, strangers will be very conspicuous, the priest quickly gave the result - three days someone saw a group of people wearing black robes in the former Larrabi Park; a week ago, a stranger appeared in Highway 1 to Brickyard Valley, probably a junkie; someone at the Hooters and Elms talked about a group of people chartering a boat to Casco Bay.

Suddenly, a slight earthquake shook everyone present.

Originally, the priest had long been accustomed to the frequent earthquakes of this intensity in recent days, but he did not expect that the earthquake lasted so long, and the shaking became more and more intense. When the earthquake stopped, believers who had not called before also frantically called the church. As one of the community leaders, the priest calmly told the congregation what to do. The material he referred to was the safety manual given by Salomon—the largest earthquake on the east coast was the 7.3-magnitude earthquake that occurred in Charleston, South Carolina in 1886. As a result, many East Coast residents have no idea how to protect themselves when an earthquake strikes. Especially in a rural place like Yarmouth, the education level of believers is generally not too high. Most of them are blue-collar workers, and they don't know anything other than their own lives.

"Salomon frowned. He was very worried about the occurrence of earthquakes within the plate. The cause of the Charleston earthquake was the ancient geological fault deep in the North American plate. Now the vampire summoned is shaking this fault and re-inducing the earthquake.

"Tell me the location of the epicenter." He took out his mobile phone and made a call, "I believe it must not be far away!"

Ask for a ticket!

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