Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 663: Lord of Worms (Second Change)

The slight earthquake was intermittent. According to the information from the other end of the mobile phone and the satellite survey results, the source of the earthquake was not too far from Yarmouth. Salomon didn't want the car door either. After bidding farewell to the priest, he dragged Wanda and rushed towards the source of the earthquake. Before leaving, he told the priest very fast, asking him to organize the residents to take refuge in reinforced concrete buildings that are wide enough and able to withstand earthquakes. Although panicked, the priest immediately agreed to contact the First Universal (Orthodox), First Diocesan Congregational, First Baptist, Sacred Heart Catholic, Royal Baptist, Cousins ​​Island Church, and the local police , Transfer the community believers to the nearest shelter. At the same time, towns such as Baldwin, Freeport, Harpersville, and Scarborough, which were closer to the epicenter, also received official earthquake warnings.

Salomon slammed on the accelerator and raced along Gilman Road towards Cousins ​​Island. The three sky carriers that met not long ago also turned their propellers at this moment, advancing towards Casco Bay on the east coast. Many psychics with little ability living on the east coast of the United States saw blood-red sunlight all over the sky in a trance, a huge black moon blocked the sun, and the scarlet halo was so thick that it was almost dripping with blood. The psychics who didn't know how to resist the darkness went mad in an instant and started killing themselves with whatever tools they had at hand, even without tools, slamming their heads into hard objects around them. Later autopsies revealed that the psychics were dead before committing suicide—their brains had been melted into a paste, as if someone had inserted a spoon into their skulls and stirred them violently. All the cats in the town howled miserably at the same time, and Wanda and Salomon were also affected to varying degrees, but at the moment the witch was sitting in the back seat, wearing a seat belt, closing her eyes and reciting spells . Salomon shook his head, easily getting rid of the crazy pollution.

Casilios and all the mystics staying on the sky carrier all felt the magical impact like the winter solstice.

The quake lasted three to four minutes. Fortunately, the quake did not damage the bridge built in 1955. The southern tip of Cousins ​​Island has an oil-fired power plant capable of generating up to 823 megawatts of electricity. electricity. At this point, the entire town no longer has lights, only sporadic car lights and the light of strong flashlights can pierce the darkness. It is extremely difficult to evacuate and guide the masses in such an environment, but Salomon is not in the mood to think about this problem. He turned on his high beams and kept honking his horn as he drove the Jeep through a deserted musical instrument repair shop, taking three minutes from Talbot Road to the Little John Island Reserve.

Opposite the island is a private golf club and a four-star hotel. There is no bridge between Little John Island and Chebig Island, and the traffic is entirely dependent on the ferry from Cousins ​​Island, which is inefficient and makes people gnash their teeth. Coupled with the fact that the earthquake caused ferry workers to flee their workplaces, Salomon was unable to transport the car to Chebig Island.

Even if the staff are still there, they will not agree to sail, let alone go outside the archipelago, because the wind and waves there are enough to overturn the heaviest ferry boat. The epicenter was located offshore, among dozens of small islands before entering Casco Bay, and it was still moving outward. The last place where the source of the earthquake appeared was the sea area to the east of the Midway Rock Lighthouse. Even if the portal was opened, they couldn't reach that place directly, because they couldn't gain a firm foothold on the sea.

"get off."

"You don't want the car anymore?"

"Stop here, let it be an insult to the oath I made." The mystic led Wanda to the shore. In the next few seconds, Wanda will never forget the spellcasting skills and spell attainments shown by the mystic. She saw Salomon put his feet out on the rolling sea, and the thin ice formed between the water and the soles of his shoes.

Immediately afterwards, the ice continued to expand and thicken, and the power of magic began to shape the sea water. Compared to releasing flames and electric currents, or making heavy objects float, what Salomon is doing at this moment can be called letting magic surrender to his fingertips. When he set his feet on the surface of the sea, the ice boat that could carry five people had already taken shape. A few seconds later, an ice sail with beautiful arabesque patterns grew out of the mast, and the pattern of vines and roses even extended to the hull, making the ship look delicate and light, crystal clear like a work of art. The waves kept pushing towards the shore, but the iceship remained motionless. Even in the increasingly fierce wind and the churning black waves, the ship could sail steadily.

"How many kinds of magic do you know?"

"One thousand four hundred, my apprentice."

Under Salomon's order, Wanda summoned a gust of wind, blowing the ice ship through the portal that cut the sea water, and directly arrived at the destination. This lighthouse is located on a barren ledge in Casco Bay, Maine. There is only one lighthouse with a height of 76 feet on the entire island. The outbuildings such as the dock were blown away in the last storm, leaving only Rotting planks and jetties covered in seabird droppings. Unless necessary, no one would think of this place, and all the necessities of life need to be delivered regularly by people from the small town.

The light of the lighthouse has disappeared, and the closer to the small island and the reef, the more there are.

Wanda didn't know how Salomon planned to avoid the reef, but in such a violent wind and waves, even magic could not completely control the boat. All it takes is an untimely gust of wind to crash her and the mystic's boat against the rocks. Salomon took off his suit jacket, put on his holy relic robe again, and lit a dazzling magic ball of light on the top of the ice and snow sail.

Sea water became his most powerful tool. He did not choose to land at the pier, but cast a spell to control the waves to lift the boat, cross the reefs and high ledges, and throw the boat onto this barren island. The shaking hull caused Wanda to fall into the hard cabin. This kind of spellcasting skills and use of magic can no longer surprise Wanda. The only thing that makes her feel strange is the stench from the island that even strong winds cannot blow away. When she got up and followed the mystic out of the boat and stepped on the bare ledge, she felt like she stepped on something sticky.

The magic ball of light illuminated the soles of her feet, and the sight in front of her almost made her faint—a dozen pale, wrinkled corpses lay on the ground, the corpses were dressed in tattered old clothes, and their wet bodies were covered with There were grayish-white slime and worms, and the rotten smell mixed with the stench of the sea water was disgusting, as if these monsters had all crawled out of the sea water. These are all vampires, and Wanda doesn't know what kind of person can kill so many vampires.

The life and death of the lighthouse keeper is not optimistic.

"James Boone, this is the last blood sacrifice. Disgusting old dog." Salomon politely resisted the urge to spit. He waved his hand, and two visible bubbles enveloped their heads to ward off the stench and poisonous gas. Wanda didn't know how much more magic Salomon could cast, because every spell he cast seemed to be able to solve the current problem. Following the gesture of the mystic, the magic balls of light lit up one after another, and the incomparable mana lit up the dark island. The appearance of the photosphere array annoyed some people who didn't want to see the light. A figure in a black robe stood atop a distant lighthouse, purring angrily.

Wanda whispered the spell, which strengthened her eyesight and allowed her to see the man's face clearly. She immediately regretted her reckless action, because she saw a face that would appear in her nightmares in the future, and it was a cursed face! The aging, wrinkled skin was wet and attached to the face, and the wet eyes were red as if they had inflammation, and they secreted a translucent yellow liquid non-stop. Disgusting canine teeth framed thin black lips.

"How dare you!" The vampire's voice was as slimy as a nightmare, and as cold as a poisonous snake, floating out of its throat like a wisp of poisonous smoke. Even though they were far apart, the vampire's voice pierced through the howling wind and was accurately sent into their ears. No, it's not voice, it's telephony! The vampire's filthy whiskers stretched out invisible!

It whimpered like a dog that had been beaten, and dense blisters rose up on its face.

"How dare you interrupt my sacrifice to the Omniscient God! How dare you do something to me who is so devout!" Perhaps being counterattacked, the vampire gave up and continued to speak in that way. It roared like a mad dog, and the stinky saliva dripped uncontrollably when it opened its mouth to speak. The island began to tremble, "Soon you will witness the omniscient god! The nameless god! His devout servant, the worm from the land beyond space! The devil who devours the planet! The great omniscient god will be in front of his devout servant rejoice, lowly human magician! You shall rejoice in witnessing the miracle of the worm! You shall cry out in ecstasy as your entrails flow! Great Yog-Sotho Si, your servant will give you a sweet soul!"

Ask for a ticket!

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