Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 664: The Ignorant Undead (Part 1)

The wind was howling, and the white edges of the black waves beat against the rocks, and even petrels retreated into their caves at this time to wait for the storm to die down. The dull thunder extends all the way up from the bottom of the sea, and the fault zone formed in ancient times is still moving, causing slight earthquakes throughout the entire east coast. Salomon was silent. The vampire's declaration did not exceed his expectations. After all, the Church of Coronzon is a cult organization that serves Yog-Sothoth. He will not forget the horror of the evil god just because the All-In-One once provided help. is his duty. But to his surprise, the poverty of vampire knowledge in this area exceeded his imagination-the worm was not a servant of the All-One, and offering sacrifices to Yog-Sothoth could not be chosen in stormy weather. If the vampires had followed the instructions in the book, the town of Yarmouth might have been sacrificed long ago. He was grateful for the vampire's stupidity.

"I feel sorry for your stupidity, vampire." Salomon walked towards the lighthouse, explaining to Wanda the mistake that the vampire made in the sacrifice ceremony. When he got to the bottom of the lighthouse, Salomon raised his head impatiently and yelled at the vampire above his head, "The farce is over. Hand over that book, and I can make your death easier. If you If you summoned any monsters, call them out quickly, I haven't eaten dinner yet!"

"I know you, mortal! It's too late for you to stop me!" The vampire once named James Boone didn't hear the ridicule of the mystic at all. He yelled wildly, "You may have killed my servant with the muskets of this era, but you will never kill me! Come on! Witness the horror of the worm with your own eyes!"

Salomon shrugged helplessly.

Wanda can be sure that this is an idiot whose brain has been eroded by the evil god's magic. If she accepts magic unscrupulously, then this crazy guy is what she will look like in the future - her teacher has reminded her countless times about this, but only the most intuitive contact can make her understand the horror of being eroded by magic. The mystic told her more than once about the final fate of those witches whose brains were messed up, and they all conceived a farmer's child in the barn. Salomon nodded, the witch raised her hand, and a burst of red energy hit the vampire like a war hammer.

People in Yarmouth regained their composure after the quake stopped.

While power has not yet been restored, many homes have diesel generators and pubs, restaurants and churches have been turned on again. This is a devout town with a population of more than 8,000 people and eight century-old churches, whether Protestantism, Catholicism or Orthodox Church have a place here. Organized by multiple clergymen, people intend to go to the church first, not to the school or the police station.

"The lighthouse is on! It's red!" Grandma Yala's son shouted, pointing to the sea. At first they thought the guy was on drugs again, until they turned their heads and realized it wasn't a junkie's fantasy—the light that went out at the Midway Rock lighthouse really came back on again. The color of the light constantly changed from red to golden, and then, the dazzling thunder jumped down from the clouds, and the faint sound of continuous explosions was blown away in the violent wind. Everything proved that this was not a natural phenomenon, and the priest hurriedly called the crowd to hide in the church, as if the roof made of wood could withstand a thunderstorm.

The earthquake started again.

Although the vampire's brain is not good enough, his filthy blood magic makes Wanda a little difficult to resist. Just fighting against the filthy flames summoned by the vampire and the invisible power enough to crush rocks makes the witch exhausted. After the vampires took to the skies, the situation was even worse. Witches have learned this aspect of black magic. She knew that if she was to use black magic to fly, she would have to use an ointment with many horrible ingredients, one of which was the fat of young unbaptized boys. Just thinking about it made the witches feel sick. All the horrors they saw along the way proved the crimes committed by the monster in front of them.

The earthquake knocked the witch to the ground, and the lightning she summoned failed to hit the vampire.

She scrambled up from rough rocks covered in slippery water and dead seaweed, her long red hair sticking to her face, and a warm current trickled down her stinging knees. When she finally pushed back her long hair, she found a blue barrier blocking her. The deflected blood magic completely corroded the rocks around her into gushing bubbles, and the pungent smoke was instantly blown away by the sea breeze. If the spell hit her, she risked being turned into a puddle of slime. Salomon has broken into the lighthouse to find what he wants, but his magic is still protecting the witch.

Gritting her teeth, Wanda stood up against the rock, unaware of the pain in her palm, because her anger had drowned out the nerve signals of pain.

Damn, damn inferior creatures!

She scratched her long hair back indiscriminately, instantly adjusted her disordered breathing and stabilized her heartbeat.

Wanda patted the seaweed on the women's suit with an angry face, pointed at the vampire and said a dirty spell that Salomon didn't allow her to use before. The curse that the vampire was about to utter was immediately choked back by the growing flesh in his mouth. The black magic that has never been seen surprised James Boone-whether it has gained immortality or not, whether it has studied the "Mystery of Worms" or not, it has shown true ignorance in the face of systematic magical education . It doesn't know how to reverse the magic effect at all, and it doesn't know how to use the magic power of the vampire itself. It can only stick its dirty fingers into its mouth and tear the flesh and blood full of stinky saliva. Wanda has been preparing for a long time. A flash of bright flame knocked him out of the air.

This is the monster that Karma Taj has always kept out of human society, and this is only the weakest category among them. Even such a weak monster can commit such a terrible crime, and it will take her great efforts to defeat it. Wanda looked at the disgusting monster lying on the ground covered in burns and whimpering in front of her, and her heart was filled with sorrow. Pink flesh gushed out of the poor monster's mouth, drowning out the sharp canines like a new, misshapen tongue—perhaps it was for this reason that the teacher wanted to push humans to face the threat of outer dimensions alone Bar? However, vampires are already natural enemies for human beings, so what should human beings do when facing those even more terrifying demons?

James Boone stopped whimpering and stared at the wandering witch with hatred.

"I have brought you to judge." The witch said, "I will not let you die easily, at least I will tear you in two."

The vampire let out an inarticulate grunt.

Suddenly, it disappeared from the ground, and a sharp claw stretched out to the back of Wanda's neck—if James Boone's pale hands still looked human, then the claw had completely lost its spirit at this moment. The skeletal structure that a long animal should have. Only the burns all over the arm and the tattered steps sticking to the wound can reveal the identity of the claw's owner.

The appearance of the vampire at the moment was repulsive. Its chin was long, its protruding tongue was chewed by itself, and crimson blood cascaded from the gap between its sharp teeth. The joints were deformed, the thin limbs swelled and bulged, and the back grew until the tattered black robe was broken. Just when the dirty claws were about to touch the witch's tender skin, Wanda quickly turned around and inserted the silver stake into the vampire's claws.

"You should watch more modern TV dramas." The voice of the witch carried the malice that a vampire had never experienced before, and the rain slid across her face, and even she herself didn't know how evil her expression was at the moment arrogant. "The teacher is right. Enemies who suddenly disappear will always appear behind them. This is simply the law of the universe. Don't you know how bad your breath is?"

James Boone backed away, growling.

Not only because of the great pain caused by the silver stake in the claw, but also because it smelled darker magic from this girl with magic eyes. More evil than blood magic, more chaotic than worms. Its bestial instincts reminded it that it was likely to die before the eyes of this predator.

Ask for a ticket!

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