Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 665 The Witch's Mind and the Decisive Battle (Second Change)

The spell that Salomon had cast on her had disappeared, and the rain was driven by the strong wind without any hindrance, which almost made her unable to open her eyes. Wanda wiped off the rain from her face and tried to stand firm against the continuous earthquakes and slippery ground. She knew that she must not show weakness, because the monster with leather skin and black claws on both hands would grab her. Kill her at every opportunity.

She barely stood, the pain in her knees made her almost unable to straighten her legs, and the wound on her palm made it difficult for her to make precise and complex spell-casting gestures. After James Boone transformed his form and changed the battle from spell duel to hand-to-hand combat, magic became her only reliance against vampires' almost invisible attacks. The small pistol she used for self-defense was useless at all, and she also He didn't think that the dagger at his waist could solve the problem. The only silver stake that could pierce the vampire's skin was now stuck in the vampire's claw. She can't catch the vampire's movements with her eyes, and can only fight and dodge through her senses beyond ordinary people.

All magical potential is manifested as a special physiological phenomenon. Even the mad witches in the villages in the past only went crazy after seeing something they shouldn't see. These physiological phenomena are characterized by superior intelligence, precise intuition, etc. This is the connection between consciousness, soul and body, and Wanda has learned the basics of this aspect.

She closed her eyes and sank her consciousness into the silver plane.

The wind of ether swept across her face, she smelled the vampire's fear, she could hear the vampire's thoughts, the undefended mind was chaotic, a thousand evil thoughts were disgusting, and even a person who had accepted the initial The caster in training twitches and speaks madly. The dark whispers that had been haunting her suddenly intensified, and the foul truth almost filled her brain. The witch quickly used the methods learned in the past to stabilize her mind, and continued to dive with difficulty with her soul. The stinky magic of the undead was as conspicuous as a whale stranded on the beach, rotten and bloated, and Wanda found it very easily.

She made a simple gesture, and after a heartbeat, scarlet energy wrapped around the dagger at her waist. She was an excellent student, and she firmly remembered Salomon's answer to the question of flexibility in spellcasting combat. 25 fighter jets, and thus came to a conclusion: as long as the strength is strong enough, bricks can fly into the sky - a simple trick plus enough magic energy can also become a terrible weapon to kill the enemy, this short knife is Her MiG-25 fighter. There was no need to take it with her own hands, the short knife flew out like a bow and arrow under her control. First cut the throat, and then drove the wobbly silver stake into it again. When the vampire was still immersed in the pain caused by the silver products, the sharp knife was savagely gouged into its skull like a nail. The huge thrust pulled James Boone to the other side of the island, and at the same time lifted his skull, revealing his disgusting and rotten brain.

The vampire roared and stood up again, the injuries that were enough to kill ordinary people were just a little difficult for it to recover. It pulled out the smoking silver stake in its hand, drew out the dagger inlaid between its eyes, and filled its torn mouth with rainwater. At the juncture of life and death, almost exhausted courage pushed it to attack again.

The witch took a deep breath, made another spell-casting gesture, and then stood there motionless, like an ordinary person who stood stiffly in place when he saw a speeding car when crossing the road. The vampire was so fast, she lost its movement, but it wasn't helpless under pressure. She is facing death, but she is not an urban girl of the same age, who will scream at the sight of cockroaches and mice. As early as Sokovia's childhood, she had tasted the bitterness of death, and more than once. She went deep into the vampire's mind, and in an instant, she unearthed the conspiracy buried deep in his black heart - blackened stone bricks and weeds covered with blood, houses crushed by heavy winter snow, victims one by one The terrified face of the victim was covered with blood. Dirty spellbooks are full of distorted words, endless gray-white worms and slime are summoned, the storm disperses, towers and night sky, the death of blood relatives! The eerie silence crushed her eardrums inwards, beating her temples frantically!

This is a sacrifice, but the host of the ceremony is not a vampire! Both she and Salomon are pawns to promote the sacrifice! She must warn her teacher! Before that, she had to solve the problem at hand-she didn't know if she failed, would she still have the chance to tell the vampire's secret to her teacher, but the strong self-confidence that came from deep in her heart and her love for vampire The contempt of her, let her stand on the only path between the vampire and the lighthouse, to buy time for the mystic. She tried her best to stay awake and continued to dive into the mind of the undead.

The vampire stretched out its claws.

It felt the witch's soft and warm neck, felt the hot blood flowing under the thin skin. With just a little effort, it snapped her neck like a flower stalk. James Boone's ugly mouth was twisted happily, imagining that he had heard the crisp sound of bones twisting. He's sure he'll hear it, because he's got the little witch by the neck! He feels it!

Chaos energy spewed out from the gaps between the stones, making a sharp explosion sound, and the restraint suit formed by the energy was like a big hand tightly grasping the stopped undead. If the witches were here, they would definitely find that this was the unique magic of summoning instruments of torture that belonged to the witches, and Wanda had never learned it. The vampire was sure that he had captured the witch's head, but it was not the case. James Boone looked into the witch's eyes in horror, and his claws were still a full finger away from her. It doesn't understand why it thinks it has succeeded, it doesn't understand why it doesn't take a step forward?

Wanda opened her eyes, looked at the panicked James Boone with a smile, and regarded the sharp claws in front of her eyes as air.

"I've got you!" Black Claw was disintegrated by the energy of chaos, and the courage that James Boone had finally mustered disappeared. A predatory smile appeared on the witch's face, and that smile broke the vampire's mind. "Have you never seen a phantom? Poor little leech?"

She beckoned, and the silver stake covered with black and dirty blood jumped out of the crack of the rock as if it had received an order, and plunged straight into the blackened brain. The foul-smelling steam rose from the rain curtain, and the instruments of torture were slowly retracted, torturing the vampire's ribs bit by bit, bringing it unimaginable pain. She pulled out the silver stake repeatedly, then inserted it at a different angle, and almost frozen black blood gushed from the vampire's huge eyes. She admired the cries of the vampires, and the joy she longed for deep in her heart was satisfied by the inferior creatures crying and dying in front of her eyes. The witch's soul savors the sweetness of the painful death of her enemies, but she herself is unaware of it.

The quakes stopped, as if the vampire's death had been a signal.

"How does it feel?"

"It's wonderful." The witch blurted out, as if her tongue was no longer under her control. The sudden premonition of danger caused the pores on her back to explode instantly, and she turned around immediately, her eyes widening in horror. But then this fear disappeared, and something that had occupied her mind quietly retracted the tentacles that covered her mind as if encountering a natural enemy, and returned Wanda's mind to her. The witch let go of the vampire and dropped it on the ground, along with the tainted silver stake.

"Teacher, listen to me... this matter is not over yet!"

"I know it's not this vampire who is behind the scenes." The mystic curled his lips, and actively avoided that topic, because it was not an important matter that had to be resolved now. He showed the witch what he had taken, which he had taken from the lighthouse keeper's table. The hapless bastard's neck was covered with tiny wounds, the lighthouse keeper was the only food here, and there were plenty of vampires who wanted food. "What he got was a fragment of Edward Kelly's translation. It's no wonder he also made mistakes in the sacrifice ceremony. James Boone has no ability to summon worms, and there is no such spell in the book. Someone is helping him."


"Are you okay? Are you injured?" The mystic took out a bottle of potion, "Remember to pull the cloth on the wound first, otherwise it will grow together after healing."

"I'm fine! Really!" Wanda quickly waved her hand, and used the tip of her shoe to push the silver stake out of the vampire's head. She struggled to stand upright, trying to shake off the effects of the scrape and the craving for the crimson liquid. She turned around and quietly stuck out her tongue to lick the rainwater, trying not to let the mystic see this embarrassing scene. At some point, Salomon pushed the rain away, and even Wanda's long hair and clothes were quietly dried.

"What are we going to do next? How can we find the mastermind behind the scenes?"

"If I'm not wrong, that guy won't jump out at this time." He looked at Wanda and said meaningfully, "And I think that guy's goal has been achieved, and the sacrifice is just an additional It's just a project."

Ask for a ticket!

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