Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 666: Rogers' Resolution (Part 1)

"The gray-white dragon rises from the sea, and the flames spewed by the whale in the sky cannot hurt it! One hundred and twenty-eight years, the ancient lava, the ocean became slime, and the person with the pentagram ring stood above the black waves and white smoke .Daughter of Chaos, infinite mad love, red eyes seeing her heart dripping with black venom!" Mad psychic muttering to herself in the NYPD, biting her fingers, handcuffed palms Full of saliva and bloody teeth marks.

Officer Carter hurriedly called the medical staff to give the crazy guy a shot of tranquilizers so she wouldn't hurt herself. She'd seen a lot of junkies, but it wasn't often this crazy. "She should not be taking drugs. There is no needle hole, there is not much mucus in the nasal mucosa, and the pupil reaction is normal." After taking a look, the doctor continued to bandage the police officer's wound. The earthquake caused power outages and riots. In order to maintain order and prevent those who took to the streets to rob people from entering the rich area, the New York Police Department had to work overtime, and so did the doctors. The doctor was kicked over from the emergency room by the hospital, "If you want to see Officer Fusco rolling all over the floor, you can give the painkiller to that crazy woman, and it should make her quiet for a while."

"Forget it, Officer Fusco's ass has been shot for the second time." Officer Carter waved his hand, "Then what happened to her?"

"How do I know!" The doctor shrugged impatiently. "Maybe it's agoraphobia, maybe it's autism, or some other mental illness unique to white women. I don't know. I'm just a person on duty in the emergency room." Surgeon! I wouldn't have been assigned here if it wasn't for the nasty Strange! I could write you a prescription, but I think an extra pair of handcuffs would do the trick. I'll Will bandage her, but now I have work to do."

"Okay, listen to you. You didn't prescribe randomly, did you?" Officer Carter could only agree with the doctor's approach. She kicks off a punk trying to get in trouble with a crazy woman. "I'm going to handcuff you to my seat, do you hear me?" she said to the mad woman. "I'm so mad that I'm talking to a madman..."

"I am the Eye of Calamity! Great Lord of Magic, I beg you to destroy these handcuffs! Set me free!"

"The only one who unlocks the handcuffs is the key in my hand. If you understand what I'm saying, just nod!"

"The great seventh throne grants us bloody massacres, terrifying magic, esoteric prophecies, and hot coffee!"

"Hot coffee? I understand. It seems that you are not that crazy." Officer Carter pulled the woman up resentfully, "As long as you stay in my seat obediently, I will pour you a cup. But there is no freedom, because now It’s not safe outside. When order is restored I’ll send you to a shelter, or find your family and send you back. Do you have family? Do you remember where yours lives? Have you been abused?”

"The kind dead person whose life is broken, I listen to you." The crazy woman suddenly lowered her tone, her voice was almost drowned out by the noisy voices in the police station. She said in Officer Carter's barely audible voice, "This is the turning point of fate, the moment of fate for the planet. I will be quiet. I am waiting for the future emperor to bring judgment. I am waiting for the daughter of Chaos to fall into madness. Sublime The ideal and the crazy love are fighting each other..."

"How much sugar and milk?"

"I dreamed of death and worms. The dirty black blood was all over the ledge, and the scarlet sun was shining all over the beach." The mad woman sat obediently on the chair and watched Officer Carter handcuff her to the handrails. She raised her voice again, as if the previous calm was just an illusion, "A thousand spells, the beautiful thirty-seventh messenger. Tell me, how many servings of sugar and milk should I add today?"

Officer Carter raised his sore neck, looked at the bright white light tubes on the ceiling of the police station, and let out a long breath.

"Call Aegis One, Falcon One has arrived at Monhegan Island, Over."

"Aegis One received, located directly behind you, maintain an altitude of 5,000 feet, Over."

Several modified Quin-jet fighters flew to the target location with their bellies clinging to the heavy clouds. The planes carried S.H.I.E.L.D. agents recruited by the Avengers and members of the Avengers. Their flight trajectories were calculated by artificial intelligence and hidden in the Airbus route. The stealth device designed by Stark can also make them disappear briefly without reflecting any band signals. Their purpose is simple - to save Tony Stark, and by the way, solve the increasingly serious earthquake that spreads across the entire East Coast. Numerous evidences have proved that the mystic is related to the earthquake. As the earthquake became more and more serious, the Avengers who were still in the base could not sit still. Especially Steve Rogers, who intends to tackle a problem that could be a huge disaster for the East Coast. Although he is the initiator of the mission, Captain Rogers is full of worries about this mission. Even though they have a vision of wearing an infinite gemstone on their foreheads, Captain Rogers still lacks confidence in the face of weird and unpredictable magic.

The mission was opposed by many members, primarily Natasha Romanoff, Clint, and Maria Hill, former S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. They thought Salomon would keep his promise to put Tony Stark back when things were over. Especially Maria Hill, she thinks there is no need for the current Avengers to be hostile to Salomon. Not only because she wants to leave the magic to professionals, but also because Salomon showed his strength in the Sokovia incident. She believes that the current Avengers' hostile attitude towards Salomon will destroy the forces that all S.H.I.E.L.D.

This last point was of greatest concern to Agent Hill. The Sokovia incident has already given the Avengers a bad reputation. It is said that the White House has already planned to attack the Avengers, and now there is only one opportunity for public opinion. If the Avengers fail to resolve the matter, there is an opportunity for both houses and the White House to do so.

"But you have also seen the current situation, Agent Hill, this is not a reason to stop me. This operation has nothing to do with what Salomon did, and has nothing to do with morality, law, or even human relations." Captain Rogers Said, "The earthquake is escalating. We don't know when he will solve the problem-anyone with a discerning eye can see that they are related. Wherever Salomon goes, the epicenter is there. I think he knows what caused the earthquake. And he is tracking that thing. The information given by geologists tells us that there is an ancient lava belt on the east coast. If Salomon can't solve the problem, then the east coast will usher in a big earthquake. I can't let it go The choice to save so many lives and not do it."

"Then are you planning to plunge directly into Salomon's sky carrier?" Agent Hill frowned, "This will be regarded as a hostile act."

"Of course not, we will rescue Tony Stark through negotiations first."

"Then what?"

"Then ask them to give the answer. When and how to solve the problem can avoid a big earthquake." Captain Rogers said, "Although I also want to leave professional matters to professional people, we don't know if they can solve the problem." Do it, and they refuse to communicate, so we have to do it. We can't turn a blind eye to life, Agent Hill, we're not S.H.I.E.L.D., we're the Avengers."

Ask for a ticket!

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