Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 668 Plane Crash (Part 1)

The three sky aircraft carriers fired at the same time, and the hot shells even drew a bright trail in the thick clouds, revealing the starlight hidden behind the dark clouds. Violent explosions lit up the sea before the deafening blast of gunfire reached the lighthouse. A huge amount of seawater was evaporated into a dense white mist, and then vaporized into water vapor by the instantly expanding flame. The orange-red fire shot straight into the sky, engulfing the huge gray-white worm. Agent Victoria Hand immediately gave the order to put all the firepower into the misty water vapor while the main gun was cooling down, machine guns, rockets, including the latest plasma cannon, with the intention of smashing the monster into the smallest atoms. At the same time, the assault transport boat in the hangar also took off with a full load of ammunition, launching the missiles and artillery shells it carried into the sea area.

The storm clouds were shattered by an explosion that resounded across the sea, and a circular clear starry sky cast moonlight on the sea. Gunpowder took the place of thunder, and the turbulent waves shrunk because of the huge amount of evaporated sea water. Even the town of Yarmouth could clearly see the light illuminating the sky here. The powerful firepower made the agents on the bridge forget the previous horror and the cowardly people who were executed. They stood up, cheered, embraced, and celebrated the mighty power of human wisdom for defeating those monsters that were difficult to understand with human thinking and could easily defeat reason. Even the mystics of Kama Taj were delighted with this victory.

Wanda covered her ears tightly and curled up against the successive explosions. Although her physical eyes and spiritual eyes were blocked by blindfolds embroidered with golden runes, her senses were still feeding back to her the two entangled destructive auras ahead and the remaining madness that wailed silently. If she lifted the blindfold, she would see how close the explosion was to her. Hot white steam enveloped almost the entire Midway Rock, and the brightness of the explosion even overwhelmed the most dazzling light of the lighthouse. Most of the flames and high-temperature steam produced by the explosion were blocked by the barrier by Salomon, and her teacher stood in front of her, waving his arms in a rare way, emotionally. This is the first time that humans have swung the hammer of modern warfare technology against monsters in outer dimensions. It is hard for the mystics not to feel emotional, because it means that humans are not weak lambs when facing enemies in outer dimensions. One day, this heavy hammer will be swung against aliens, demons, demons, angels, and even gods who intend to exterminate human beings! Salomon thought happily.

Even the Celestial Group, which uses humans as genetic experimental animals, will face the fangs of humans in the future!

People living in the coastal areas of Yarmouth, Falmouth, Cumberland and Freeport had no idea what was happening. All they know is that the earthquake destroyed their homes, that the power supply was intermittent, and that the storm left many people homeless. When the quake stopped, Casco Bay was ablaze blindingly. The dark environment and the loud rumbling noise from afar exacerbated their panic, and many people cried out in panic. Some people regard today as the end of the world, or another alien invasion, and began to take to the streets with guns to rob, and the hotline of the local police station was crowded with calls from the public. The locals were surprised to find that when they wanted to log on to social platforms to share what happened here, they couldn't get on the Internet anyway. Even if you use your mobile phone to take pictures of distant war scenes, it will cause your mobile phone to lose all functions.

Someone is covering it up!

Americans who are familiar with conspiracy theories immediately thought of this. Even if the local police repeatedly claimed that they had not received a notice from their superiors, the public would look at their announcement with suspicion, and rumors spread all over the place. However, their thoughts and the casualties of this earthquake are negligible in the face of the leaders of the whole thing-in the 1886 earthquake, the scope of the earthquake almost covered the entire East Coast. North to Boston, Massachusetts, northwest to Chicago, Illinois, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, west to New Orleans, Louisiana, south to Cuba, and east to Bermuda. If the macrophage worm is not lured out in advance, it will touch the ancient lava belt sooner or later, triggering a magnitude 7.3 earthquake in Charleston in 1886. The current situation where only wooden houses and a small number of concrete buildings have collapsed is the result of controlling the disaster to a minimum.

Steve Rogers desperately tore off the seatbelts of the agents who were still alive, trying to save them before the seawater flooded into the Quinjet fighter jets, but the undercurrent in the sea was several meters high and the waves would float slowly on the surface of the sea Shen's Quinjet flipped over, throwing him from the gangway section into the cab. Icy sea water was pouring in from the cab. He didn't know what caused all of this—when the Quinjet fighter jet was traveling according to the established route, the agent flying the plane suddenly started dancing and yelling incomprehensible words frantically. Before he and the other agents sitting in the rear could stop the pilot, the Quinjet accelerated into the sea. Forces are reciprocal, Steve Rogers knew that, and now the plane is lucky enough not to be ripped apart.

The driver was killed instantly, his skull smashed against the dashboard by the force of the impact. There are also the bodies of agents floating around the pilot, most of whom were twisted by the force or drowned in a coma. If he hadn't subconsciously used a shield to protect his side, he would most likely have crashed to death on the dashboard. Captain Rogers turned over in the water, he pushed the pilot's head away, and fumbled on the dashboard from memory - the Quinjet turned over, Captain Rogers pulled the driver's seat, the sea water poured over his head came in. He let go, and tried to pull the life-saving device and the unconscious but still alive agent out through the rear hatch and swim all the way to the surface of the sea.

"Captain Rogers!" Half of Vision's body leaned into the plane that was entering the water, its shape was like an illusory ghost. Although he had known about Vision's ability for a long time, Captain Rogers was still taken aback. There was sea water outside the plane, Captain Rogers didn't know how deep the Quinjet fighter sank. "Do you need help?"


"Captain, I'm glad you're alive!" Falcon stood on the bow of the lifeboat, watching Vision lift the Shield-1 Quinjet from the water. Another Quinjet hovered over him. Captain Rogers jumped out of the rear hatch, and a new lifeboat slowly inflated.

"Is it Reservoir Dogs?"

"Glad to see you, Sam! But I'm not in the mood to joke now, many people died." Captain Rogers helped the sober agent climb into the lifeboat, "Do you know what happened?"

"Isn't this obvious? This is war, and I see artillery!" Falcon pointed to the dense firepower network in the distance, and Captain Rogers also looked there. After World War II, modern warfare technology almost gave up positional warfare and turned to research beyond visual range strike. And the battlefields that still use the tactics of the past have never had too much heavy firepower, so there are rarely such dense firepower on the modern battlefield. When Captain Rogers saw the cannon trajectory like a bright necklace in the night sky, he thought he had gone back in time. He was watching an anti-aircraft fire output, and the smoke, sea steam, and hot metal smell hit his face.

"But that doesn't explain everything!" he yelled at the Falcon. "The pilot of the Shield One crashed the plane into the sea!"

"The situation we encountered is almost the same, Captain." Vision put down the Quinjet fighter and began to assist Captain Rogers in the transfer work, "When approaching the target location, I noticed a wave full of chaos, hatred and hunger. Spreading. That field is so powerful that it can affect ordinary humans. I found that my gem can offset part of the energy, and I also controlled the flight system to stay away from that horrible thing, but it was not enough..."

"Vision protected us all!" Falcon yelled. "Other than a few agents' necks and ribs that may need medical treatment, there were no major casualties."

Ask for a ticket!

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