Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 669: The Real Man Behind the Scenes (Second)

Vision flew out of the sinking Quinjet with the last unconscious agent in his arms, his tone full of apology.

"I'm sorry I couldn't save everyone. The agent's neck needs to be immobilized, and I've straightened his cervical spine."

"No, it's not your fault." Captain Rogers looked at the battlefield. The brilliant brilliance drawn by the missiles in the night sky is clearly visible, and the fire chain of the machine guns is like a meteor shower. Realizing that the shallow earthquake and explosion would most likely trigger a tsunami, he asked Vision to take the agents to the undamaged Quinjet. "Sam, take me to the Skycarrier," he said. "I don't know what they're attacking. Maybe it has something to do with the earthquake. Now that they're victorious, I'm going to have a good talk with them."

"Are you sure? They look pissed right now."

Rogers smiled. Sam has a great sense of humor, and it seems that no matter where he is, he can't take away his joy. "I've got to go, Sam," he said. "I want to see what they've done, and get Stark out."

Agent Victoria Hand ordered the gunner to stop firing after depleting three bases of ammunition.

After the order was issued, the logistics personnel, including the staff of the damage control control room, rushed to the weapon room for maintenance, and the same thing happened on the other two sky carriers. Their duties include maintaining the automatic loading devices of the artillery and missile launchers, maintaining the ship's weapons and taking stock of ammunition stocks. The barrels of machine guns and main guns are astonishingly hot, and electromagnetic weapons require special heat dissipation facilities to continue to work. Many of the rules and regulations are modified from existing operating manuals, and damage control and maintenance personnel must be in actual operation. Feedback is given during the process to establish new operating manuals and rules and regulations. But Agent Hand doesn't care about this. What she cares about is the result of the battle, because the result directly shows whether human beings' current technology can cope with future threats.

"Detection drone launched. Sonobuoy launching, sonobuoy activated."

Not surprisingly, such terrible firepower can tear apart monsters, as well as drones that haven't had time to evacuate.

Victoria Hand crushed the joy in her heart, she did not allow it. Before the results are in front of her, she does not allow herself to be complacent and lead to possible failure. Her goal is to tear the monster into pieces, preferably atom by atom, to completely prevent subsequent pollution from happening. Casilios has emphasized the problem of follow-up pollution more than once-many ordinary creatures will inevitably mutate after coming into contact with the biological tissues of monsters that have not lost their activity, just like the accumulation of toxins in the natural food chain. If the problem is not completely solved, Then the mutation will appear in humans sooner or later.

"Sir!" A female agent of the combat reconnaissance department stood up. "A small target is rapidly approaching the Retribution. Radar detection shows that the size of the object is similar to the aircraft approaching the sky carrier before the war."

"Turn off the anti-aircraft artillery and let them come." Agent Hand glanced at the approaching triangle logo on the radar screen, and waved his hand impatiently. She spotted the Avengers' Quinjet jets long before the battle started, but she didn't expect them to be alive." The special operations team assembled on the deck. Commander Tita, please also send a heavy fire team to the Retribution , I need the power of the Sisterhood. Mystics..."

"I'll send a small team of mystics to the deck." Casilios nodded, "We don't know how many Avengers agents are contaminated, and Kama Taj will clean up all the contaminated agents."

"You can take off the blindfold, Wanda."

"It's all over? Where is the monster?" The witch impatiently complied. She was not asking, but confirming. Because her intuition told her that the madness and hunger ahead had disappeared without a trace. When the artillery fire stopped, the entire sea area did not return to darkness. The high-power searchlight set installed on the lower armor of the Sky Carrier illuminates the turbulent sea surface. The pale moonlight shines on the sea surface through the scattered clouds in the distance. Dozens of small red, green and white lights are on the battle area. Move quickly, that's the position light on the assault transport. Like swooping ospreys they skimmed over the steamy sea, dropping blinding flares. Because the way of fighting is completely different from the existing way, many of the tactics of the Immortal City were formulated by Salomon after discussing with those veterans. Only those people would understand what is a useful system and what is red tape. The pilots of those assault transport boats are all elite pilots of SHIELD in the past, and they also have a say in the formulation of tactics. Even though the white steam still shrouded the sea, making it hard to see too much, Wanda could still feel the smell of gunpowder in the hot wind.

"Maybe he's dead, Agent Hand is doing the final check." Salomon turned off the strobe lighthouse, and Wanda felt the heat dissipate behind her, "Wait until she confirms the kill record, this matter Maybe it's over."

"Have we prevented the Great Earthquake and the Sacrifice?"

"The ancient lava belt has been touched, and there will be natural earthquakes in the future. But that's not what we should care about. We have already mitigated this earthquake a lot, otherwise it would not be as simple as just collapsing a few wooden houses." The mystic frowned, his tone hesitant. He felt a familiar smell from the whole thing. Perhaps this matter is related to the awakening of the beholder, but there is too little evidence at hand to draw conclusions at will, let alone put Kama Taj's limited power into wrong actions.

"The sacrifice couldn't have been successful in the first place, someone sent wrong information to James Boone. The evil god he worshiped couldn't have been summoned in the wrong way, and he couldn't have summoned the giant worm, because that required many spellcasters There was no way James Boone's mob could do it, and someone helped him summon the monster." He said, "The biggest evidence is the corpse of a vampire. Creepers are a low-level servant race, and the emergence of creepers requires A necromancy, only one group can do this spell. That is to say, some superior, or a cult of the superior dominates all this. I am too familiar with this kind of behavior, and the layers of misinformation are exhausting. The purpose of any group being used is indirectly contributing to an unexpected result, but I didn't expect his reaction to be so quick..."

"In other words, there are still innocent people who died in the earthquake? We can't stop vampires from killing people, and we can't stop the earthquake completely?"

"Yes, but the earthquake has had far fewer victims than it would have otherwise. I have learned from a very young age that no one person can save everyone, that doing so will only result in greater casualties, and we must choose between One. No one is omnipotent. Even with the good vision of saving everyone, the dark side of magic will take advantage of it, distort a person's mind, and tempt the caster to fall. This is the most desperate place, We can only do our best. Your mission is over, Wanda, you don't need to participate in the next thing." Salomon's words made the witch's face change drastically. He stopped the witch's justification, "It's not that you didn't do well enough, but I think the real target of the other party is you. You have obtained more spiritual vision than before in this mission, and your mental state has become unstable. It is enough for beginners. I suspect that the real purpose of the superior is to make you out of control—to make your potential out of control and let you be controlled by the evil gods from outside the domain. This is not overprotection, it is after eliminating all impossible The conclusions drawn. It is an indisputable procedure that we must guard against this anyway.”

The witch looked very unhappy.

"Come on, leave the matter here to Victoria." Salomon opened the portal, "Let's do something easy, such as capture the village prophetess who ran out of Kama Taj, and then you can learn that Records of a cult that summoned creepers, and enough amulets to hang you."

Ask for a ticket!

get off work! ! !

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