Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 670 The Moral Debate Between Rationality and Sensibility (Part 1) (Part 1)

"Captain, someone is trying to break into the Stark Group's flight system."

"Can you keep them out?" Captain Rogers asked worriedly. A sense of foreboding had filled his heart ever since the Retribution skycarrier had sent the landing instructions a few minutes ago. Whether it is the impatience of the flight tower commander or the rapid-fire guns that have been following the Quin-jet fighter, it shows that their attitude is not friendly. He can be sure that the intrusion into the flight system is what the Immortal City did. If Vision hadn't discovered it in time, they would most likely have stolen some of the information.

"I can do it. Need countermeasures?"

"No, absolutely not." The captain shook his head, "The action team should not carry weapons, we must not show any hostility."

"But I don't think they'll be kind to us, Captain," said Falcon. "Maybe they'll lock us up too."

"They don't need to do this. If they want our lives, any magician can do it quietly. I have seen magic curses, and ordinary people are absolutely unable to resist magicians." Captain Rogers looked at the driver Hover the Quin-type fighter in front of the take-off channel on the deck of the sky carrier, and then drive the Quin-type fighter into it slowly. He could vaguely see the original appearance of this sky carrier, but after a large number of modifications in the Immortal City, the carrying capacity of the sky carrier has dropped to the point where it can hardly be called an "aircraft carrier". He has never seen a sky carrier that seals the flight deck with armor and installs rapid-fire guns on the armor plate. This is almost a sky battleship.

"Sounds like a story," Falcon said.

"Let's talk about it next time." As the plane stopped, the rear hatch slowly opened. Captain Rogers picked up his shield and walked in front of the line. Although he can't show hostility, it doesn't mean he won't take precautions. The attitude of the Immortal City was as expected. The leader was a tall, thin, middle-aged man with short gray and white hair. In addition, there was a girl holding a chainsaw sword, wearing black power armor and a helmet. But Captain Rogers still didn't expect that he would face the muzzle of a heavy-fire penetrationer wearing power armor as soon as he got off the plane-he had seen these girls pouring firepower in Sokovia, this is the way to deal with heavy vehicles. firepower. If he had such a team on the battlefield in the past, it might have directly determined the outcome of a small battle.

What they are guarding against is not the ordinary people in the special operations team, nor me and Falcon, but Vision!

Captain Rogers instantly understood the situation. At his request, the special operations team surrendered their weapons, and the Falcon surrendered its wings. But just when he thought this link was over, the girls and mystics in power armor took out the shackles and tried to arrest the agents directly. "What are you doing?" Captain Rogers shouted. "Don't we give enough credit?"

"This has nothing to do with trust. We want to see if their hearts are corrupted by evil, including you." Casilios raised his head and looked at the wet Captain Rogers. "Since you have given us trust, I can tell you You, forty ordinary people who have fallen into madness have been executed on three sky carriers. Their souls have long been crushed, and what is carried in their bodies is not their own will. No one can reverse their worship of evil gods. We cannot Excluding those agents who came with you, but I can promise you that Karma Taj will show them mercy before they commit an unpayable debt to the human race."

"This is not kindness, this is brutality." Vision grabbed Casilios' arm, preventing him from walking towards the agents. The atmosphere suddenly became tense, and the heavy firepower team put their fingers on the trigger in an instant, and the heavy explosive bombs and plasma weapons were ready to go. At the same time, the leading sorority member also activated the low-speed mode of the chainsword, ready to swing the sword forward at any time. "I don't understand." Vision ignored the threats. It said quietly, "Why don't you try to help them?"

"Not everyone has your Mind Stone, robot." Casilios withdrew his hand, but Vision didn't stop him. "Even the Mind Stone is difficult to completely reverse a person's mind, especially when the user is a robot."

"I can't allow you to do this." Vision said dryly. "Human beings need to progress, but it doesn't mean that all the costs are taken for granted. What you do is unreasonable and against the spirit of science. You have never even tried Treatment. You should make effective observations before making a decision, and the worst result is to be sent to a mental hospital instead of brutal execution. If you do this, it is no different from a bloodletting butcher in the Middle Ages, full of barbarism and assumptions.”

"That's it!" The mystic mage smiled. Before the others could react, Casilios suddenly exploded and threw a straight punch at Vision's head. Mirage subconsciously blurred its body, but the shield with orange-red sparks slammed hard on its blurred head, and the original blurred body immediately solidified and was hit firmly. The dull bang was like a heavy hammer hitting everyone's eardrums. Captain Rogers and Falcon watched in amazement as Vision was knocked over on the deck, and then lay there stiffly.

Casilios moved quickly, and he tied Vision up with a binding spell.

"You are right, we are the butchers, the butchers who protect mankind. At all costs, even if we trample on morality, we must ensure the survival of the race. This is the bottom line of Kama Taj, not the bottom line that you who play superhero games can understand "He raised his head and looked at Captain Rogers and Falcon, "You haven't seen the horror of evil god worship, so what qualifications do you have to draw conclusions? But I can give you a reference answer, that is, this earthquake. The source He was a cultist who was so ordinary two hundred years ago, and now he is a murderer of hundreds of innocent people. If he succeeds, we will face hundreds of thousands or even millions of casualties, and he fell The reason for this is just that I heard the name of an evil god. I am indeed not qualified to execute those who have fallen into madness, but I am not qualified to let them live. This is the cruel truth of this world. We must have blood on our hands to protect the innocent. Not to be attacked by cults. Because of this responsibility, the mystic masters have gone on to protect you with their flesh and soul."

Captain Rogers was silent. He really didn't know how to refute such remarks, which was not something he was good at. "I understand this kind of sacrifice." After a while, he said, "But it doesn't mean that what you did was right."

"I never said that this is correct, and I have never been proud of it." Casilios smiled, "Salomon is looking for an alternative to this method, so that the mystics will one day be able to get rid of this method." Kind of bloody. I don't think he's going to succeed, but I'm still rooting for him."

Falcon seemed to react at this moment. His eyes widened, and he could hardly believe what was happening before him. He was so surprised that he ignored the shocking words from Casilios, and also ignored the buzzing chainsword placed in front of Captain Rogers' neck. This kind of thing is also extremely incredible for the veterans recruited by the Avengers. They've seen what these superheroes are capable of, and they've seen the powers of Vision's training. A day ago, they would never have imagined that someone could easily kill Vision.

"Vision is dead?"

"This robot is only temporarily shut down, just like the sleep mode of a mobile phone." Casilios said slowly. In his understanding, this robot is a mobile phone inlaid with a soul gem. He bent his fingers quietly - he tried to detach the mind gem, but he failed unless the robot was directly disassembled. "There is more than one Infinity Stone in the world. As a senior deacon of Karma Taj, I am very familiar with what an Infinity Stone is and how to use it. What's more, it's still a machine, isn't it?" he said , "Don't worry, as long as these agents are not contaminated, they won't lose a hair. Are we going to stand here and continue to have a philosophical debate? Since you want to have a good talk, I will take you to someone who can talk people."

Ask for a ticket! Fishing!

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