Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 671 The Moral Debate Between Rationality and Sensibility (Part 2) (Second Update)

Steve Rogers strongly disagrees with Cascilios' approach.

The atmosphere became tense again, and the girl in the power armor even started to pull the trigger. He knew that if he made a slight move, none of the agents behind him would survive. Salomon's personal armed forces have unreasonable loyalty. They are artificial humans created by Salomon's magic, and each has power far beyond super soldiers. For their master's orders, these girls have always carried out with a firm and fanatical attitude, which also means that they will not hesitate in the execution. The mystics of Karma Taj can still communicate, but those girls don't listen to the suggestions from other people at all.

Even under the threat of gunpoint and blade, Steve Rogers still refused to compromise. He absolutely does not allow the agents behind him to be harmed. He believes that even if the agents are contaminated, they should be detained and treated by the Avengers. The situation thus stalemate. "Enough agents have died today," he said. "A full-fledged special operations team died in vain. It can't happen again."

"You should know the result of your choice?" Casilios asked curiously, "Some of the agents behind you have never been contaminated, and they can survive, because we only want the lives of the polluted. Shi Steve Rogers, why don't you look at your own hypocrisy when you're berating the tyranny of Kama Taj? Don't you think it's hilarious that bad deeds save lives and good deeds squander them?"

Captain Rogers looked back at the agent with hesitation, he blinked tiredly, as if he had the soul he should have at his real age. This exchange of mutual distrust bored him doubly. He has given up part of his original plan, but he must bring Tony Stark back, whether it is the Avengers or the Stark Group needs him. Falcon patted him on the shoulder and nodded, expressing that he didn't mind. The agents who followed them aboard the skycarrier said the same.

We all know that the United States treats veterans as an accumulating negative asset. Although various departments have been established and various policies have been formulated to protect the rights and interests of veterans, the U.S. government always has a way to save money that should be given to veterans, and deduct its own share from the welfare expenditures that should be given to veterans . Every year, veterans go to prison and become death row, accounting for 10% of the total number of death row; more than 1.2 million of the 21 million veterans have no medical insurance, and more than 50,000 veterans are homeless; The average annual suicide rate is 29.5 per 100,000, 50 percent higher than the civilian suicide rate, most of which involve substance abuse. Most of the veterans who can be recruited by the Avengers are elites. Under the review of Agent Maria Hill, there are very few unqualified people. Their physical fitness, mental condition and professionalism are all at the top level. [Generally speaking, these people are likely to receive invitations from Langley (CIA headquarters). Among these veterans, CIA and FBI undercover agents cannot be ruled out. However, in order to reassure the US government, Agent Hill still recruited them. 】

Although many of these veterans are paid for the name of Captain America and the salary of Iron Man, it is undeniable that when they see their superiors, the righteous of God, and the pure heroes so support them At the time, these professional soldiers were all blushing with excitement. They've grown up listening to Captain America stories, and when the hero reveals the qualities of their best childhood fantasies, the need can't help them. If it weren't for the muzzle of the gun to the head, they might have raised their fists to support Steve Rogers. Even so, their expressions still prove that they are willing to die here with Captain Rogers, at least most of them are like this.

"I admit this is hypocrisy." Captain Rogers seemed encouraged. He turned and looked at Cassilios, "But I don't think you'll ever understand, Magician."

"You have one last chance to be examined. If you turn around and walk away, we'll find the corrupted one in their sleep."

"Don't even think about it. We will not give up anyone. This is a soldier. What's more, life is not something that can be quantified."

"I'm fed up with philosophical discussions about this, and I don't mind what you think, the commandments must be enforced." Casilios shrugged, showing a look of indifference. He took two steps back, as if to avoid the blood that was about to splash. He said to the helmeted Sisterhood officer, "Let's go!"

Salomon didn't know what happened on the sky carrier, because his work had temporarily come to an end. He thought Agent Victoria Hand and Stephanie could handle the follow-up. If he needs to be involved in the later troublesome matters, then these subordinates might as well not recruit them. Of course, he didn't completely let the Immortal City operation go. After the attack was over, he also reviewed several documents through his mobile phone, including how to deal with the monster's wreckage.

Prior to this, Immortal City had never had experience in handling large biomass, and the only useful experience was the experience brought by S.H.I.E.L.D. agents when recovering Chitauri wreckage. The biomass of a phagocytic worm is much more dangerous than the less harmful Chitauri debris. Agent Hand's methods were brutal. She plans to use refractory buoys to fence off the area, then dump fuel on the fenced sea, and burn it to clean up the biomass pollution.

The cost of this method is far more convenient and thorough than the environmental protection methods proposed by Su Rui such as dispatching oil pumps, and it is also less likely to be troubled by the US government. In order to convince Salomon, the representatives of the intelligence department and the scientific research department had a quarrel in the conference call, and Salomon could even hear the fist-to-body exchanges between the two—these two were Agent Hand and Shu Rui. The princess's deputy, they failed to board the ship this time, but directed their work at the base. Salomon chose Agent Hand's method without hesitation, and then let the three sky carriers turn on stealth mode and pass through the portal before the U.S. military plane arrived, returning to their respective cruising routes. Now is not the time to start a war with the United States. He doesn't even have the manpower to start a space battleship, and it is impossible to start a war with a superpower.

He hurried back to New York with Wanda not only to catch the prophetess who ran out of the Kama Taj sanctuary barefoot, it was just a trivial matter. The changes in the vampire's corpse have proved to a considerable extent that other cult groups were involved in this incident. The "Mystery of Worms" that James Boone got was full of mistakes and omissions. His main purpose was to come back to check the information and investigate Which of the cults recorded by Kama Taj are majors in [Worm Summoning], and whether those cults have revived. There's even the possibility that the real culprit is pushing a cult to revive and then push James Boone to get that spellbook.

Investigating these materials requires a lot of work, and it is necessary to gather the help of a group of mystics who are profound enough in arcane knowledge, because only mystics with sufficient abilities are qualified to read those dusty books. Before finding the result, he was still worried that the other party would attack Wanda directly. So he deliberately took Wanda into the New York sanctuary, arranged a room for her there, and tried to hang two catties of amulets around her neck, in this way to avoid the occurrence of long-distance curses.

"I just went to eat a tangerine duck! How did I know that crazy woman ran out by herself!"

"Go and bring that prophetess back by yourself. Find the one you lost by yourself. I still have work to do." The mystic turned around and threw Master Xiaowang out. The lower end of his crimson skeletal cloth robe was gray from dusty books it had brushed over. This is the deep library of the Karma Taj New York Temple, a secret place that is not open to low-level deacons. In order to protect every piece of paper here, powerful magic is permanently fixed on every bookshelf that is more than ten floors high. Salomon sneezed—and not just from the dust. The temperature here is enough to freeze ordinary people to death in a few minutes, and the apprentices who want to read the books here can only carry them through the librarian.

"You brought a girl back!"

"Shut up!"

"I'm going to tell the Supreme Sorcerer! The Venerable will tell the Witch!"

Ask for a ticket!

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