Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 672 Dressing Style and Identity Verification (Part 1)

He exhaled, the dry and icy air quickly cooled the heat, and the water vapor condensed into hoarfrost on his eyelashes, like black branches wrapped in white ice in winter. His fingers tightly gripped the wooden escalator of the bookshelf, his knuckles were blue from the cold, and it seemed that even the blood vessels were frozen. His eyes, as pure as obsidian, were fixed on his colleagues at the bottom of the escalator, with a dissatisfied expression on his face.

"I'm very busy, and I have a lot of information to read." When he opened his mouth to speak, the white mist enveloped his eyes again.

"That's a prophet, Salomon! Although she was confused by the magic, her soul accepted the magic without any hindrance." Master Xiao Wang pursed his mouth, his voice echoed in the empty deep library Triggered tiny resonances of frozen dust. In this cold place, only a few sticks of burning incense can bring negligible heat. "Her words and deeds represent the will of some magical entity, that's why we call her 'prophet'. I know it's hard to ignore her crappy spells, but the magic she demonstrates does work, that's all It is worth our vigilance."

"That's why His Holiness let her go, to see what that crazy woman wants to do?"

"Didn't you already guess it? I just used the time to eat something, which is called a reasonable use of time. Who knew she would run straight into the police station!" Master Xiao Wang said roundly. There was no trace of apology on his face, as if the fact that the police took that crazy woman away was not as important as the freshly baked tangerine duck and roast goose. He smiled and said, "In order to get her back, I need your worldly power. Please, I just forgot to bring you a copy. As for holding grudges?"

Salomon muttered words such as "betrayal" and "eating alone", while stretching his numb limbs from the cold, he slowly descended the escalator. "You owe me once." The tall mystic said with a smile, "I want you to take Wanda to a restaurant to eat, and I also need some warm food. I hope that when I come back, my share Still hot."

"This spell will at least make me develop two pimples! But—" Master Xiao Wang didn't object. He looked around subconsciously, then lowered his voice. "—You actually brought back the Daughter of Chaos," he said, "I thought you would guide her outside!"

"That was before. Now I think someone is after Wanda..."

"You called her by her name, and it was very natural!" Master Xiao Wang changed his previous hippie smile and put on a serious mask. "You developed feelings for her, or the other way around?" he said. "Your union with the Witch has sparked opposition from many who don't want to see the Daughter of Chaos gain that privilege again. The Witch and the Daughter of Chaos." It's equally dangerous, do you still have the consciousness to kill her when necessary?"

"You're questioning me, brother!" Salomon glared at him. He knew who Master Xiao Wang was speaking on behalf of.

The mystic family has always been an important part of Kama Taj, especially in the position of senior deacon, the family of mystics passed down from generation to generation occupies the majority. The old fellows of the mystic family know that as long as the venerable does not want to die, the magic power of Emperor Weishan can extend the life of the venerable until the heat death of the universe, so the mystic family has never tried to usurp the position of the supreme mage, only those who joined Only the mystics of Karma Taj would do such stupid things. But even so, the Mystic family still has the right to speak on certain issues, and His Holiness will respect the long-term dedication of the Mystic family.

"Is this questioning my determination, or my magic? Witches have not been granted any privileges, the precepts they abide by are the same as before, and they have never asked for any power!"

"Don't say such angry words, Salomon." Master Xiao Wang shook his head, "You know this is a reasonable concern, and they are more willing for you to find your partner within the family of mystics. You are a direct disciple of His Holiness , the witch has become one of us, this is a fact. In some people's eyes, this means privilege."

"I'm not angry. I just didn't expect that someone is still spying on the potential of my bloodline. After all, we are not a school inherited through bloodlines." Salomon expressed calmly, "His Holiness allows healthy competition within Karma Taj , but it seems to me that some people now take this as a sign of His Holiness letting go. I don't understand why anyone would think that Kama Taj would be lenient on traitors. Check out the sources here, many of them are executions of corruption According to the records of the mystics, does anyone think that His Holiness will show mercy to mystics who have betrayal ideas? His Holiness will not, and neither will I."

"Very good!" Master Xiao Wang said with a smile, "I have finished the message I want to convey, should I go to fetch the prophetess now?"

When Salomon felt the police station, New York's zero-dollar purchase activity had ended, and the New York police officers who had finished their day's work finally breathed a sigh of relief. Officer Carter entrusted others to pick up her son home, and she voluntarily stayed and worked overtime. That's what other officers in charge do, but Officer Carter has more trouble -- she contacts her old friend, Mr. Finch, and uses facial recognition to find out the identity of the crazy woman. But all the information has expired. She only knows that this woman was sent to a mental hospital when she was a child. Later, many patients died because of a fire in the hospital. This woman was registered as dead in a daze. Officer Carter inquired about mental institutions that had the capacity to take patients, but was told they couldn't take patients without valid identification. This made Officer Carter a headache, and she had to volunteer to work overtime until she found a place for this crazy woman.

"Excuse me, are you Officer Carter?"

"Yes, may I help you?" Officer Carter raised his eyes from the file and was startled.

There was a man and a woman standing in front of her desk. They were both tall and wearing black suits, but their styles were completely different. What they have in common is that they all have extremely charming looks, and almost everyone in the police station is looking at them. The man has beautiful long black curly hair, wears a three-piece British suit, the collar pin and cuffs are shiny, and there is no wrinkle on the clothes, looking very solemn. The woman has short, heroic hair and sharp glasses. She didn't wear a tie, and the white shirt didn't button up to the neckline, but opened all the way to the abdomen, half concealing the beautiful curve. There are delicate chains hanging on the white chest, and triangular blue gemstone earrings hanging on the earlobes, which perfectly combines elegance and rough style. The demeanor of the two men revealed intimacy.

They look like models walking off the covers of fashion magazines! Sergeant Carter thought.

With a gentle expression, the man handed his ID to Officer Carter. Officer Carter noticed the light reflected by the man's ornate ring. Years of experience in handling cases allowed her to quickly deduce the value of the three gemstone rings. She estimated that one ring could buy an apartment in Manhattan. "I'm Salomon Damonette, FBI agent, and this is my partner, Bayonetta," he said with a smile, as if oblivious to the fact that government agents couldn't afford such gemstone rings. "We're here to take someone away."

"As long as you have the procedures." A premonition rose in Officer Carter's heart.

"Yes, I have." The man took out the transfer order. Officer Carter checked it carefully with suspicion, and sure enough, the photo above was that crazy woman. This aggravated Officer Carter's suspicion. While pretending to check the documents, she quietly sent an email asking to verify the identities of the two. "We want to take her away, and we also need all the camera footage that captured her." Salomon continued to maintain a charming smile, "It is said that you have been taking care of her. Have you heard what she said? Made a note?"

Ask for a ticket! Fishing!

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