Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 673 Midlife Crisis (Second Change)

Suspicion filled Officer Carter's heart. If it weren't for the fact that the identities of the two people in front of her were not sure, she would have almost arrested these two guys who didn't look like agents at all by pretending to be public officials. While following Salomon's question, she talked about the worthless crazy words that the crazy woman said, while urging Officer Fusco to take his eyes away from the woman and speed up the identity verification. At the same time, Officer Carter also I was recalling whether I had missed some kind of hint behavior given by the crazy woman that could show that "I was hurt". Salomon was well aware of Officer Carter's tricks, and so was Beunita. She had a smirk on her face, ready to see how Salomon would get away.

Since Salomon returned home, he and Beunita have been stuck together, and Joan of Arc can't drive him away even with a gun. And Salomon also proposed a three-person date, saying that he had already booked restaurants and dresses and needed Dinah's help to drive. If Joan of Arc doesn't go, then she can only eat Hawaiian pizza at home, so the white-haired witch reluctantly agreed to Salomon's request. It's just that there were some minor problems with Bayonetta's dress, so the black-haired witch wore a suit and used this dress instead of the evening dress she was supposed to wear. No one thought that Beunita in men's clothing could exude such a heroic spirit while still being charming. Salomon was no longer the only one who attracted women's attention while walking on the road.

Before the date, they also have to do one thing along the way, and try to finish it before the police get off work. Only in this way can they rush to the reserved restaurant for dinner in time. The slight earthquake did not affect commercial activities in New York. The panic was just a subconscious defensive behavior of people on the east coast who had never experienced an earthquake. The riots are more American. Even if the National Guard has entered the city, there is nothing to make a fuss about. . This kind of thing is not worth the closure of the restaurant at all-Bayoneta thinks that Salomon's lie will soon be exposed, and if he can't figure out a way out, then the appointment is doomed to fail . The witch believed that Salomon would definitely not let this happen, so she was very curious about what method Salomon would use to solve this problem.

However, the FBI certificate that Salomon presented is real, just like the certificate that S.H.I.E.L.D. agents and CIA agents presented when they pretended to be FBI agents. Even his fabricated identification can be found in the database. He did not use artificial intelligence as a hacker, but used the backdoor program that S.H.I.E.L.D. installed on the FBI's internal server. This was one of the bargaining chips exchanged between Nick Fury and Salomon, allowing agents of the Immortal City to use intelligence from various countries. The identity of the departmental agent covered his whereabouts. This is why Salomon agreed with Nick Fury to extend the time for the Skrulls to withdraw from the earth. The value of this chip is much more useful than those secret bases of S.H.I.E.L.D.

As Officer Carter repeated what the crazy woman said one by one, Salomon's face became more and more ugly.

"We need an interrogation room, Officer Carter, right here." Salomon took a deep breath of the air full of coffee and smoke, and glanced at Bayonetta beside him, "We need to interrogate her ,Now."

"She's crazy! Are you going to let a lunatic be interrogated?" Officer Carter couldn't bear it anymore, "I didn't know that the FBI can violate human rights at will!"

"Officer Carter, I believe that our mutual friend, Mr. Finch, can prove my character. Now, I need to ask some information from that woman. I can assure you that the woman's human rights will not be violated...I can't tell you Explain more and don't force me to use administrative measures. This matter involves hundreds of lives and I am in a hurry. I am not doing anything shameful. Even if an armed strike is called, I must conduct an interrogation , Do you understand? Then the scene will not be so good." Salomon kept a straight face, and his tone quickly changed from request to tough, and then to threat. In a trance, Officer Carter thought he was standing under the steps of the throne, lowering his head and listening to the people above.

The good-natured cop agrees to vacate an interrogation room, but she'll be on the sidelines the whole time. "If you do anything other than the interrogation system to that poor woman, I will stop the interrogation immediately." Officer Carter stood up, pointed at the mystic and the witch with a very serious attitude and said, "I don't care if you are in the Federation What position is in the Bureau of Investigation, but this is the NYPD. Even if you call the special operations team, before they arrive, the police here can kick your ass one by one! Do you understand?"

"It seems that if you don't use magic, you can't even convince a mortal woman? If it weren't for the big sister, I like you, I'm afraid you will be single for the rest of your life, my little fool!" Beunita hugged her arms, she admired The courage and stubbornness of this woman made her laugh at Salomon. She raised her eyebrows and initiated a magic communication to Salomon, "Is this important?"

"Her Majesty thinks it is very important, and that female prophet predicted the Daughter of Chaos." Although Salomon did not speak, he had already conveyed his thoughts to the witch through spells, "I believe that mad woman must have some information to think about." To communicate, and it's important."

"Daughter of Chaos? That precious female apprentice of yours? Are you still planning to continue dating?" Beunita's chuckle sounded in Salomon's mind, "If you say no, Joan might be angry Gotta smash the roof of the car and jump out! Dance in the street and shoot indiscriminately!"

"I don't think Joan's anger is that exaggerated, she is not a child." Salomon smiled helplessly, "I will try my best, dear. I will try my best."

"I have given them as much forgiveness as possible." Faced with Natasha Romanov's accusation and request on the other end of the phone, Agent Victoria Hand said dryly, "I am only eligible after confirming that they have not been polluted. Let them go. But I want you to know one thing, Agent Romanov, the Immortal City is not the Avengers, a vigilante organization that can break the rules and regulations at will. Every rule of the Immortal City - or rather, Karma Every rule of Taj has paid blood and life, and a soft heart can only lead to the death of more innocent people. I believe you can understand this truth, even if you join the Avengers, it does not mean that you will forget S.H.I.E.L.D. or What the Red House taught you. Steve Rogers refused to enforce this rule and refused to be inspected by the Karma Taj mystics, so they had to pay the price. We will not spare any potential cultists who are corrupted, even if Pay the price with your life."

Agent Romanov was almost suffocated by these harsh words.

"What would you guys do if Steve Rogers was tainted with corruption?"

"Fortunately, he didn't." Victoria Hand seemed relieved, "I don't want to see the legend of 70 years ago die by my hands. He is an upright person, but if he encounters corruption and pollution, then His body is no longer his soul. If you ask me what I will do, I can only tell you that I will do it according to the rules and regulations."

"Can you tell me how many people can survive?"

"I don't want to lie to you, Natasha." Faced with the request from her former friend and colleague, Victoria Hand sighed, and her tone changed from the original toughness to gentleness, "Even if there is no crazy agent on the sky carrier Brainwashing procedures have also begun, and those who went crazy on the spot have also been executed. Although technology is improving all the time, not everyone can survive the brainwashing stage. You have to be mentally prepared, I am afraid the result will not be very good, and no one wants to see it To this situation, but this is the consequence of Steve Rogers forcing his participation in this matter. If we let a corrupt agent go, then it will cause more damage in the future."

"I see," said Natasha Romanov vaguely. She hung up the phone and shook her head towards Nick Fury and Maria Hill who were standing aside. "Agent Hand is insistent," she said. "I'm afraid it's an order from Salomon."

Ask for a ticket! get off work!

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