Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 675 (Second update)

"You have already died once." Nick Fury looked at Steve Rogers and Tony Stark who were crowded in a cell, and habitually threw out a frightening result first. Stark smiled disdainfully, only Rogers stared at Nick Fury's remaining eye. "Agent Hand decided to let you out." The former director of S.H.I.E.L.D. gloated, "I'm glad you didn't lose your life after participating in the magical incident!"

"I knew he wouldn't keep us here for too long," Stark said with a smile. "Everything is good here, except you can't take a shower. The pasta is terrible, but luckily there is some good wine to drink. I'm going to right a wrong, Nick Fury, I almost lost my life! They broke my spine and then fixed it! You know how hard it is to get a spine back?"

"Then you should be glad your spine is still there, Stark. I've seen mystics take off people's heads."

"Tell me, what deal did you make with Salomon?" Steve Rogers slammed his fist on the reinforced glass panel of the cell. He was not as optimistic as Stark, "Whose life did you pay?"

"All the agents you brought need to be checked. I mean, the survivors you protected from the machine gun." Nick Fury's expression didn't change at all. With his hands behind his back, he met Captain Rogers with three eyes, "You can recall a little bit, who was involved in this matter regardless of advice? Captain Rogers, you are the one who caused the agents to suffer from magic pollution, and you who caused them to die , Karma Taj is just playing by the rules. Tony Stark, you are no better, Steve Rogers is involved in this matter to save you! I hope that two Kun The lives of fighter planes and dozens of agents can make you see the reality that your vigilante game has the potential to cause even greater disasters. If Salomon and Victoria Hand did not exercise restraint, you are now in a bad end. Where are you going!"

"I don't think shooting unarmed agents at close range with a heavy machine gun is 'restraint'!" Captain Rogers said angrily.

"Do you know what he did? I mean Salomon Damonette, not the guy who broke my spine, that guy is actually not bad." Stark jumped up from the bench, and instantly and Shi Steve Rogers stood on the same front, "He illegally detained a woman with superpowers, or an ability enhancer. And he also planned to interrogate illegally, in a very cruel way. I also Didn't pursue you for lying, Nick Fury! You didn't tell us Agent Coulson was alive!"

"Jiaying is involved in a very important secret, which is related to the alien invasion. You have no idea how important this matter is, but I can reveal one thing - that alien invasion happened in the Stone Age, and human beings As materials for genetic engineering. This matter involves the genetic safety of tens of millions of people in the world today. Before the matter is fully understood, there is a risk of disease, death, or even being captured by aliens as slaves. .Agent Coulson was resurrected, and his resurrection is also related to the alien invasion. The reason why I concealed this matter, you can guess the reason, although I failed to find Hydra, but I still do a good job Backhand." Nick Fury glanced at him, "If I had to make a choice, I would agree with Salomon's course of action, and I would do it more cruelly than him."

"This is where we are different, Nick Fury. We are the Avengers, not SHIELD." Captain Rogers said, "We will not give up on anyone."

Stark nodded in agreement.

"SHIELD is a shield to maintain order and prevent ordinary people from being exposed to supernatural events. What about you? You are constantly creating disasters and wasting innocent lives! There can be no perfect things in this world, and we cannot save everyone .But if we don't allow even a little sacrifice, then more people will die, that's why S.H.I.E.L.D. and the minimum casualties, because we know some dirty things have to be done!"

Nick Fury's tone was severe. He pointed to Captain Rogers and said, "I didn't expect you to be so naive after going through the war, Rogers! Do you think SHIELD is an organization with a license to kill innocent people? Do you think the sacrifice made by the agents after making that choice is not as good as the sacrifices during the war? In my opinion, you always despise the lives of the agents, and in your opinion, Salomon who hurt the innocent is instead Value them more because he won't let the agent die in a worthless place! If he were here, he might be slow to explain to you the origin of anarchism and the dangers. But I will not say that , I want you to watch here and see how many agents survive in the end! Don't forget who wasted their lives!"

They were silent for a while.

"Where is the Vision?" Stark asked, "I heard that the Vision also came, but it was knocked down!"

"Vision has been very good. That robot has met an opponent, and the magicians have used the safest method to imprison him." Nick Fury replied, "Have you seen the little bug in amber? Vision is that bug now You will be able to leave here in ten minutes, and Vision will be later. The magicians are not worried about Vision, and they will send it to Stark Tower in person."

"Friday has activated the defense system, they can't get in!"

"Trust me, they can do it." Nick Fury said slowly, "Salomon can enter my office at will, and it is not difficult for other mystics to enter and exit your secret room."

Salomon picked up his phone and glanced at it, then continued to sign the document. Agent Hand completes her mission, but a prophecy received by Salomon indicates that the agent's work is not over yet. The madwoman's prophecy, the creeper, [Worm Summoning], and "The Worm's Secret", after connecting all the clues together, they came up with an answer that made Salomon break out in a cold sweat. He once again recalled a warning from a dream a few years ago, the influence of the evil god awakened in the thirty-first century spread throughout the entire timeline.

Stupid vampires are just a mislead.

No matter what the future holds, he must complete the procedures required to take a prisoner away. Officer Carter repeatedly explained her mobile phone number to the crazy woman and asked her to recite it. "If someone hurts you, just find a phone and dial this number, understand?" She seemed very worried about the safety of this crazy woman, "You must remember, okay?"

"You don't have to worry about it, Officer Carter." Salomon sighed, "We also fed her two kilograms."

"With all due respect, you guys don't look like good guys or FBI agents at all."

"It's true that we are not, but we can't say no. Even if the director comes, we can't deny it." Salomon shrugged. "It's inconvenient to explain the specific reasons. I believe Mr. Finch has convinced you."

Bayunita was very pleasantly surprised. She hugged Samun Shaw, a friend whose head only reached her chest. Salomon had to pull Samun Shaw out because the woman didn't look like she wanted to leave his girlfriend's chest. The little stars in this woman's eyes now seem to be overwhelmed by Beunita's new look.

"I think you can stop coming, my dear."

"I think you need to change your hairstyle, Salomon. You look too British and pussy now!" Samun Shaw bluntly pointed out Salomon's problem. The two of them are of similar blood and both have high nose bridges, which also makes them good friends. Samun Shaw is a mutual friend of Salomon and the Witch. He also communicated with Officer Carter. Officer Carter was also relieved when he saw her coming.

Now she finally doesn't have to worry about these two killing people suddenly!

Ask for a ticket!

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