Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 676: The Same Type (Part 1)

Gritting his teeth, Steve Rogers watched the Avengers agents being escorted past the cell one by one. The number of these agents is far less than the number carried by the two Quin-jet fighters Shield 1 and Falcon 1, not even half of them, and most of them are wounded and have only received simple treatment so far. The pilot of Shield One went mad and drove the plane into the sea, killing at least half of the agents. After the remaining survivors boarded the Falcon 1, they encountered machine gun fire from the Sisterhood's heavy fire team. Although he protected some people with shields, some agents were destroyed together with the Literary Silver 1 Quinjet fighter. Under a large-caliber bullet that will explode. Falcon was also slightly injured, and he was among the escorted team.

Casilios didn't lie. Some agents did survive, but died on the tarmac because of his stubbornness. Captain Rogers could see the hatred towards the mystic in the eyes of those agents. This emotion seemed to be gradually spreading, and even Stark became a little angry-he kept making strange noises, whistling, waving at the escort team, or Swearing, yelling, telling them how barbaric and atrocious the behavior was, trying to get the team's attention.

But for the mystics who escorted them, neither the agent's hatred nor Stark's anger was meaningless. They were not childish apprentices, but mystics who had actually killed monsters. During the previous period, these agents were closely guarded by them - their mouths were blocked, their limbs were immobilized by metal, and they could not even move their fingers. The purpose of doing this is to prevent the corrupted among them from casting spells and drawing dirty runes at the cost of their own lives, and pulling the horrible existence into the real universe. This is Kama Taj's experience gained from trying, failing, learning, and summarizing for more than a thousand years. It is the price of blood and knowledge. Mardur's son Damon accepted this kind of care. In a few minutes, the agents will undergo mental examinations. The deacon-level mystics led by Casilios were responsible for this task. These people have rich experience in resisting corruption. Although they are not as elite as the veterans on the outer dimension battlefield, they are also the backbone of Kama Taj. strength.

"You didn't let Dr. Banner come with you!" Stark's complaint did not attract Captain Rogers' attention. He also knew that Captain Rogers didn't want to listen to him now, but he still said it to himself, as if he What is needed is not a communication partner but a trash can. "I know Dr. Banner doesn't want to see anyone after what happened in South Africa. After all, he is still on the wanted list. But if you find him, I think it will be a lot easier, and I won't be as stinky as I am now. ...Why don't you rescue me through social means? I admit that I was impulsive, but I didn't expect things to get so bad..." Stark sighed, "What are you going to do now?"

"I can't do anything." Steve Rogers clenched his fists, his eyes were confused, "I don't know who is right and who is wrong, and I don't know who to be angry with now. Nick Fury said it, Sa Lomon has saved at least tens of millions of innocent lives, although they don’t know who saved them. If I stick to my opinion and leave professional things to professional people instead of insisting on bringing them Come here, these agents will not die."

"This matter is your fault, and my fault is that I ran over to try to find Salomon before this matter was over, but this does not mean that he is not at fault." Stark thought for a while, slowly "He still illegally detained, illegally interrogated and even murdered a woman after all. Even if that woman killed a senior agent, he has no right to do so. Am I right?"

"Do you still think that Salomon will abide by our laws? He abides by the precepts of the magical organization Karma Taj, and his moral judgments, all good and evil deeds rely on those precepts." Steve · Rogers stated the results of the psychoanalysis that Natasha Romanoff told him, "When it comes to magical matters, he will not consider issues from a personal perspective. Stark, at that time his selfish desires seemed to have completely disappeared. I Can't imagine anyone like that, he's worse than Nick Fury."

"Perhaps you can be more optimistic. After all, as long as there are no contaminated agents, they will not die. Maybe there will be none, it's just the magicians making a fuss." Stark said perfunctorily. He tried to comfort Rogers, but unfortunately, not everyone can accept this kind of rhetoric, not even himself.

"Some of the people I see now may never see them again. They will die at the hands of strangers, but they did nothing!" Captain Rogers stared at the team that disappeared on the other side of the passage, "I will never Remember this moment! Salomon's behavior has changed so much, at first the most outrageous things he did were just some innocuous little curses, but now he can sacrifice other people's lives without batting an eye .”

Tony Stark blinked, "What do you mean? Don't you..."

Nick Fury, who is eavesdropping on the conversation, is expressionless, but anyone can see what emotion his expression expresses.

"It seems that many people have misunderstood Salomon. I think the little curse is the method Salomon uses when he can't really do it because of the commandments." Nick Fury told Victoria who was sitting behind the desk. Hand said, "Although Salomon deleted the part about him before Agent Romanov released the information on S.H.I.E.L.D., I still remember the result of the first official contact between S.H.I.E.L.D. Only the captain of the special operations team survived, and now he can only lie in bed and drink juice."

"Before I drop you off the skycarrier, what else do you have to say?" Agent Hand continued working on the file without looking up. She knew that Nick Fury was very cunning, and he would never target him indiscriminately.

"It was my fault for letting Hydra infiltrate S.H.I.E.L.D., V. But I'm also glad you got a job here, Salomon and I are the same kind of people, I don't think you will have any discomfort in that organization .”

"Don't call me a nickname, Fury." Victoria Hand sneered twice, "You're trying to find clues about that organization from me, didn't Agent Romanov leave you a little breadcrumb?"

"The current Romanov agent is not a spy, but a soldier. I don't think it is necessary to trouble her because of this matter."

"In other words, Agent Romanov is no longer working for you." Agent Hand showed a rare smile, "I think the best way to face the King of Agents is to keep silent, because I don't think I have the ability to deceive you. You. It’s just that there’s a better option now that never existed before.”

"I'll go by myself." Nick Fury raised his hands in surrender and left from the chair.

"And one more thing."


"Please restrain Agent Coulson's behavior." Agent Hand said, "He has now become a vigilante instead of an agent. The efficiency of mission execution is too low, and unnecessary casualties have been caused. What he did is just It is to take care of the feelings of our own team members, which has seriously violated the principles of agents."

"I feel sorry for Gonzalez's sacrifice, but now that Agent Coulson is the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., I have no authority to order him."

"Come on, Nick Fury. I can't eliminate Coulson's team within the time limit set by the monarch, but if they don't change, I will use my own method to solve this problem."

Ask for a ticket!

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