Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 677: Beyond the Curriculum (Second)

The sudden appearance of Salomon startled Wanda, and the shrimp dumplings she picked up with chopsticks fell because of the sudden opening of the portal. She saw Salomon pull through the portal a dazed woman who was missing a shoe. Wanda could smell the magical smell of this woman from a distance, and a series of phantoms flashed before her eyes—the haze, the moon, and the crow. Wanda, who had received basic magic education, was able to deduce the identity of the magical entity. The magical aura on this woman did not interfere with her, because she was sitting and eating among a pile of extremely powerful magic props, and a snake with two heads and yellow and black stripes crawled over to find it from time to time. As she spoke, the pale phantoms of the three women wandered among the bookshelves. After experiencing the initial shock, she also began to get used to those bizarre things.

"Where is the king?" Salomon asked.

"He's... why did you change into a new suit." Wanda had already replaced the women's suit that Salomon had bought for her, and she should wear Kama Taj's gender-neutral short gown. This kind of clothes made Wanda very relaxed. Women's suits and high heels were a kind of torture for her, a country girl in Eastern Europe who was just getting used to urban life.

"I'm going on a date, I'm in a hurry. Remember to give this to the king. Her prophecy is very important, remember to ask the king to go to Mage Hamil for interpretation and divination. You must never read those prophecies, understand?" Speech is extremely fast. He folded a piece of paper full of words and handed it to Wanda, then pointed to the crazy woman next to him, "It will be your neighbor for a while and live in the room next to you."

"What conspiracy is she involved in?" Wanda was taken aback, even the fact that Salomon said that she was going on a date was forgotten by her. She thought that this woman, like her, had been calculated by some dark magic creatures.

"There is no conspiracy at all, she just... ran to the road and cast a spell on a stone, trying to make the stone come back to life." Salomon rolled his eyes, "She can no longer tell the difference between the living and the dead."

The crazy woman was smiling at her, but her eyes didn't know where to look. Wanda suddenly felt sorry for this woman. She could sense that this woman was in the same situation as hers. She was chosen by a magical entity and infused with power, so she became a spellcaster. It's just that she was more lucky, so she didn't get confused by those magic. "I am Lady Calamity, and I am a servant of magic." The woman suddenly spoke, as if to verify Salomon's statement. She said gently, "Do you know that the souls of dead things are no different from human beings?"

"Look, that's the case. She's starting to get sick again. Mental illnesses are hardly helping her because it's not a disease of the body, it's a disease of the soul." said the mystic. "Her room has an anti-magic field , to prevent her from casting spells indiscriminately. Don't go in casually."

"Is this the crazy woman you mentioned who was imprisoned in the police station?" Wanda was a little curious, "Does Kama Taj often take in magicians? Or does Kama Taj help those who have difficulties in the magic world?" people?"

"That's not true, it's just because she is so crazy that she has almost no ability to take care of herself, and we can't find a place willing to take her in. In order to prevent her from making a big mess, we can only temporarily place her here. Fortunately, she The danger is not high, otherwise she can only go to the dungeon at the headquarters." Salomon blinked, as if he didn't hear Wanda's subtext, "When she gets better, she can find a job in Karma Taj Go to work, or just be an environmentalist and speak at the United Nations. But right now she's on a mission to provide prophecy, and that's important."

"It seems so." Wanda said regretfully.

After explaining the matter, Salomon took the crazy woman to her room on his own. Wanda looked down at the paper in her hand, then stuffed it into her pocket. Although an inexplicable curiosity is scratching her heart, she will definitely abide by what Salomon said.

"That's what Salomon said?" Master Xiao Wang took the paper from Wanda and put aside the refreshments he had just bought. He opened it a little and saw something on the paper. "I will go to Master Hamil, who is my father." He nodded and said solemnly, "It seems that Salomon wants to use the cauldron of the universe to obtain accurate prophecy fragments, so he plans to use this A vague prophecy as a spell-casting material. To use the Cosmic Cauldron requires a certain level of magical attainment, or you will be lost in the endless possibilities and deep knowledge of the universe, so the permission of the Supreme Sorcerer must be obtained."

"When can I see the Supreme Master, Wang?" Wanda has already clarified Karma Taj's power structure through the mouth of the little Wang Master. She knows that only the Supreme Master can control Salomon. "Salomon said that I am very important, and the Supreme Mage might want to see me." She hiccupped, "But I have been eating for almost a day, and the Supreme Mage has not summoned me yet."

"Her Majesty has his own plan, and no one can interfere." Master Xiao Wang glanced at Wanda, thinking about the true intention of the Chaos Daughter. Other mystics will feel that Salomon has completed his mission and has full control over the Daughter of Chaos, and Kama Taj can use her condition to detect Sithorn. However, Master Wang felt that Wanda's feelings for Salomon were too strong, which was obviously beyond the normal range. Feelings are the most elusive thing, he is very worried that Salomon will play with fire and set himself on fire, and turn against the Daughter of Chaos, which is not a good thing for everyone.

"Salomon intends to let you get in touch with the magical world." He thought of a topic that could be used to divert Wanda's attention, "He said that you only lived in a small city before, and you have never been exposed to the outside world. Although Karma Taj can't teach you too many spells, but we still teach you and let you know the various schools of the magic world, I believe Salomon never mentioned this course."

"Really? He told me that I am now concentrating on learning magic and don't need to know those things for the time being." Wanda was taken aback. "Did he really say that? The teacher doesn't want me to learn anything other than the course."

"Uh... yes." Master Xiao Wang was a little embarrassed, he felt as if he had slightly sabotaged Salomon's plan. As a last resort, he tried his best to round up the topic. "Salomon is a very gentle person. He is just worried that you have to learn too much, which will lead to negligence in your studies. He mentioned to me that you recently studied the "Monster Recognition" course, and your grades are very good. I believe Facing such an excellent student like you, he will definitely approve of your initiative to acquire knowledge within the scope of permission. Come with me, let’s go to the headquarters of Karma Taj, where there are many basic magic books handed in by schools of magic for you to Reference. If the Supreme Sorcerer summons you, then you don't need to go through the portal again."

"Is it settled?"

"Yes." Salomon sat on the seat and sighed long, as if expressing his relaxed mood. After so many days of work, he barely had a good meal. "This restaurant was recommended by Athena," he said. "I've never been here before." The waiter poured him a glass of wine in time, "Even the wine was recommended by Athena."

"I've been here."

"Me too."

Facing the witch's answer, Salomon was a little confused. Joan chuckled lightly, obviously, she was quite happy to see Salomon's stupid appearance.

"When you were on a business trip, your adoptive mother often brought us here to eat and drink." Bayonetta turned the table knife, "This is to make up for your neglect of us, little boy."

Ask for a ticket! Start two chapters of daily life!

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