Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 679: Freedom and Sacrifice (Second Change)

"You are useless. It is a battlefield of blood and flesh. It is not a place where cowards who only rely on high technology to bully primitive people can persist. Without armor, you will not be able to display any combat ability." Casilios nodded He didn't reply, his tone was full of contempt. His previous record in Stark has doubled, but the most he has gone to Afghanistan to fight the Taliban and bully those extremist organizations that don't even have an air force. This kind of asymmetrical combat made Casilios full of contempt. Although Stark repeatedly explained to him that this was what the future war would look like, the mystic still chose to turn a deaf ear. In his view, it is a lack of courage not to dare to engage in hand-to-hand combat with the enemy. "Be prepared, someone will bring your shield in a while." Casilios looked at the silent Steve Rogers, "When you play the childishness unique to superheroes, the real innocent The victims are still suffering! At least those girls are cleaner than the American soldiers who went to the battlefield in Afghanistan, aren’t they?”

"Hey! I just need a shower!" Tony Stark muttered disapprovingly.

The sound of steel colliding gradually overwhelmed the vibration of the reactor cooling pipes and overshadowed Stark's complaints. The tidy, heavy footsteps belonged to the Sisterhood as their steel heels collided with the grated floor as they marched onto the tarmac in silent file, each armed with their own weaponry. Strike teams are armed with wings of steel, chainswords, and bolt pistols, and force field technology from Asgard allows some of the more skilled swordsmen of the Sisterhood to wield even more dangerous power swords. The heavy fire team is equipped with heavy bolters and heavy flamethrowers, and the ammunition and fuel needed for combat are also mounted on the back of the energy backpack.

The offensive force is more than that. In addition to the assault transport ship on this aircraft carrier, two tanks will drop from the sky together with them. The three sky carriers will cooperate with the sisterhood's battle plan and launch attacks at different locations at the same time. Eliminate nascent human trafficking groups - this is the only stable way for Sisterhood and the Immortal City to acquire nascent population. While this approach has become increasingly unstable as they continue to strike, the Sisterhood's leadership believes that their Lord will point them to a new path. This is indeed the case. Compared with girls who have experienced inhuman ordeals, he intends to collect battlefield orphans for training and further enhance the professionalism of the sisterhood.

The institutional question of the sorority has been at the center of discussions between Tita and Stephanie.

In the envisioned future and the current reality, the number of sororities is increasing, and even now there are sorority members who specialize in clerical duties. While those civil servants can still use bolters and chainswords, they are not professional combatants after all, only engaged in medical and clerical tasks. These people must be separated from the existing military organization in terms of positions and functions, and form a special civilian department to help the monarch strengthen his control over the entire administrative system.

Tita intends to build a complete frame first and then slowly stuff people into it.

Civilian personnel only need to be divided according to their positions, while combat departments are divided according to their tactical preference and weapon preferences. This not only facilitates command, but also facilitates management. It is enough to manage only a few branch commanders. It’s just that Tita encountered unprecedented difficulties when choosing a name and designing heraldry—the emblems of the Sisterhood are all derived from the emblems of the Ambera Witch Clan, to be precise, Beunita and Joan of Arc. Come, roses and lilies. Following this line of thinking, Tita spent all her rest time without thinking about how to design the coats of arms of the sisterhood divisions divided according to their functions. Now she can only regret why she didn't patiently study heraldry in the first place. Speak to Stephanie and get an expert in designing heraldry to help. Tita was sure that the monarch had shaped himself into a perfect shape when he created himself, and she didn't want the monarch to know that she couldn't even design a coat of arms.

Therefore, when she carried out this long-term mission, the style and pattern of the armor were the same as before.

"Sisters!" She stood on the tarmac. Under her steel high-heeled shoes were the scorched marks left by the wreckage of the Quinjet fighter jet and the black blood that had seeped into the concrete and could not be cleaned thoroughly. Shield in hand, Steve Rogers stood in the shadow of the lights as she addressed the sorority members of the Retribution, "I don't need to say much to you, you can all understand how important this mission is, and some sisters are just because of it. rescued."

Tita drew out the long sword at her waist and showed the girls the weapon that Salomon had forged. Most of the girls only saw the sword twice, once at the official oath and once at the prayers when they became reservists themselves. Many girls still have vivid memories of the situation at that time. They will never forget the smell of disinfectant and shower gel on their bodies after being brought out of hell, and they will never forget the glory in their hearts after wearing the power armor and that they are about to pour it on the enemy. The anger on the body.

"We are the messengers of the Majesty's will, his sword and hammer! Today, the weapons we wield in our hands will be filled with his wrath!"

Steve Rogers frowned.

“I thought we had ended wars forever, at least the soldiers I fought with at the time thought so,” he said. “We were definitely not trying to put girls under 20 on the battlefield.”

"This was also said during the First World War. The concept of 'the war to end all wars' and 'the war to end the old age' has been mentioned more than once." Casilios shook his head disdainfully, "Mortals are always trampling on human nature for petty gains. I remember Salomon telling you more than once about the reasons for getting into this situation here - I don't blame him, he just doesn't understand that not everyone has the ability to To understand the wisdom of everything in the world, not everyone is as rational as him."

"You let him start killing at the age of twelve!" Rogers finally seized the opportunity to accuse Salomon of being the most directly responsible person for what he looks like today. In his view, Casillas needs to bear a large part of the responsibility.

"This is his mission and responsibility. Salomon is extremely noble in terms of bloodlines and legal lineage. He is the future Lord of the Earth, and his status determines that the Venerable cannot educate him in an overly gentle way. When he has that ability, he must take responsibility - rights and obligations, you can't imagine how heavy the lessons of Salomon's childhood, whether it is science, magic or art, he needs to learn. He has no toys , no playmates, only endless learning and training, but he never complained. Those who want to wear the crown must bear its weight, and it is this kind of education that gives Salomon the psychological quality to face the future, you Do you think a street youth wearing earphones, wearing a trendy sweater and smoking a big man can take on this responsibility? Compared with that kind of person, don’t you trust a wise man with a long sword and a scroll more? ?"

"You see people as tools."

"Yes, it's true, even Salomon sees himself as a tool." Casilios said softly, "Maybe Stark still doesn't understand why we hate him so much, but I believe you can. You are tainting this sacrifice with the manipulated freedom and human rights, and tainting the free will that the Supreme Mage fought for human beings. I am just showing you the truth of the world, and you can hardly bear this sacrifice.”

"Then why don't you directly rule the human race? Why isn't the mission of the demons so cruel?" Rogers said, "I never thought the world would become like this..."

"Because that's not our job. Someone will do it, but this person must not belong to you." Casilios smiled, "The mission of the devil is completely different from the last mission, I will not explain it to you The difference. I said I would give you one last chance, and if this mission doesn't change your mind, I invite you and the agents to take revenge on me, right here."

Ask for a ticket! After get off work, I fell into bed and fell asleep, woo woo woo!

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