Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 680: The Hedging Method of the Noble Family (Part 1)

Despite much education, the voiced sounds of those Slavic girls in English were still very pronounced. If they were in school now, this would be the mistake that would get them whipped in the ass by the ladies until they burst into tears (although many times they would cry out ahead of time to avoid the spanking). But this is not a school, but the engine room of the assault transport boat, and they have graduated. Here the ladies don't bother to correct their accents because they're about to test what they've learned with the weapons in their hands.

When the doors closed, the cabin went dark, and the harsh LED lights above their heads illuminated their helmets and shoulder armor. The girls chattered through the team's encrypted voice system in the helmet, and from time to time they looked at the Yankee who was also on the assault transport boat.

No one ever wanted to talk to him.

It's not that discipline doesn't allow it, but the big American flag on the Yankee guy helps the girls identify him. The girls would not approach him even if they stood closer together, and all their body language expressed the same emotion. They've studied world history, they've studied politics, they understand exactly why their hometowns are the way they are, and they understand why they are suffering. If the man standing in the corner of the Yankee's cabin had made another choice, perhaps many tragedies would not have happened. Yet they also knew that the idea was utterly vexatious, so they expressed their disgust in the most restrained way possible.

Steve Rogers was silent, he noticed the little movements of the girls.

He didn't say anything, just stood there like a lifeless stone. He was thinking, he wondered if he had failed to stop the Red Skull, would he have been able to curb the arrogance that is now spreading throughout the country at the cost of a few lives, and whether his death before the victory of the war was the right choice for everyone . Korean War, Vietnam War, Panama War, Kuwait War, Gulf War, Afghanistan War, Iraq War, Arab Spring, Egyptian Revolution - his kindness saved a few and then many more innocent lives were lost , this happened again a few days ago. In a sense, he even owes these girls a debt that cannot be repaid, and the place he is going to is the greatest irony of his sacrifices. This kind of black humor makes it difficult for him to maintain an optimistic mood .

He even began to doubt the judgment of Abraham Erskine.

Perhaps a kind person is not qualified for this cruel job, and a person whose reason is greater than emotion is the right choice. Maybe the Avengers kind of management and masked, caped circuses should change. Perhaps he should consider the future of the Avengers, whether to be a vigilante or a tool of the government, whether to be the founder of justice or the executor of the law. Do the Avengers still need to exist? Is the existence of the Avengers a violation of order... He needs to think about many issues. He needs to think about what he once fought for on this battlefield and why the world has become like this. The solution, the way to resist the dark future revealed by the magic of prophecy, is it worth many lives to complete.

This is the last chance Casilios gave him, whether to stand in the future, or to perish with the past.

"Why not invite Tony Stark? He is a billionaire and an inventor." He laughed at himself, "If you want to choose someone to stand with you, Stark is obviously more valuable than me This old guy who can only throw shields."

"I read your comics when I was a kid, although that's not the main reason." Cascilios shrugged, "Tony Stark can't make a change. To be precise, all Tony Stark can do Changes are based on the status quo. Lost money, high-tech industries all over the world, what he can do is limited. I don't know if he will stand with us, after all, Tony Stark has never been a man who can destroy A man of rules, because he is used to eating fodder from the political and financial feeding bowl... You are different, Steve Rogers, you have been through war, you have changed once, I believe you can have the adaptation for the future Ability. The world has to change, the bloodshed is bound to happen, the opposition will never stop, but you know we make choices for the very core of humanity, which is survival."

Rogers thought of the organizations that Casilios told himself to control the entire world, and Hydra was just a link infiltrated into it, international financial organizations, military-industrial complexes, royal families of various countries, Jewish chaebols, and so on. Casilios told Rogers bluntly that Kama Taj has been watching the secular world with cold eyes for many years, and many things in the world cannot escape the surveillance of Kama Taj. As long as the whole world does not change dramatically, Hydra will never be eliminated, and the Avengers will not be able to harm those real vested interests, and the fairness and justice he expects will never come.

That's the real reason Salomon calls The Avengers "the superhero game."

Casilios assured Steve that Salomon's fingers were slowly grasping the throats of those families, and he was attacking the secular forces who were most likely to support him (knowing all) in preparation for the complete eradication of religious power. How Hydra infiltrated that group of powerful families and secret societies, that's how Salomon did it, and it can be said that he is now a member of it. The banquets are not aimless. Many companies work and research for him without knowing it, making great contributions to the Immortal City. The real task of Victoria Hand is not all to kill monsters, assassination and bribery are the real main business of the intelligence department.

The Malik family served as the guides for Salomon to enter the world's powerful circles, and both Gideon Malik and Stephanie Malik taught him everything. It's just that Salomon, who received the education of Iron and Blood, understood one truth from beginning to end, that is, "violence is the common language of the entire galaxy."

Gideon Malik agrees, and steps up his efforts to acquire the military-industrial complex, providing massive financial support for the Immortal City. He has already deeply realized the true meaning of that sentence. When facing death, no matter whether it is money or power, it is empty talk. Gideon Malik is well aware that capital and law can never override kingship, let alone theocracy. What's more, this is an immortal and extremely powerful tyrant. The only way to avoid falling into a miserable situation and at the same time improve the family greatly is to make himself a king. That's why he strongly encouraged Stephanie to have children for Salomon. As long as they become the royal family, the Malik family will gain power that they never had in the past and last for thousands of years. This is something he would laugh out loud in his dreams.

This approach is not new, and the Aesir and Warner Protoss also did the same.

Perhaps the books he sent back then were hints made under Nick Fury's eyes? Reminiscent of Salomon's mysterious smile at that time, Steve Rogers suddenly felt a chill down his spine. He didn't expect that Salomon had already started to lay out the whole world when he was so young. He didn't know what kind of education Salomon had received in Karma Taj, so that he could grow into such a scheming young man.

The steel floor trembled slightly, and the hum of the turbine engine was blocked out by the thick armor plate. The assault dropship took off and the girls secured themselves to the floor just in time as they had been trained to do before checking their gear one last time. They will rescue children who are also trapped in hell on earth, just as the ladies rescued them. Every girl has a great sense of mission in her heart - for them at that time, the ladies who spread their steel wings and descended from the sky were angels. Now the steel wings behind them are about to open. They exercise their bodies, cleanse their souls, and become angels who save others.

The girls prayed in their hearts, skillfully muttering the pre-battle prayers, begging for the sovereign's gaze to fall upon them.

【We are the sword of the king, we are the anger of the king, we are fearless. 】

[Serve with your body, repay with blood. 】

【Death is a mercy bestowed by the sovereign on enemies and heretics. 】

Ask for a ticket!

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