Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 681 Refusing to Guess (Second Change)

Nick Fury does not need to worry that Salomon will stand up and disclose his identity as the Messiah to use religious power to gain the support of Jewish plutocrats. Many of the tasks performed by Salomon's intelligence department were not perfect. The former director of S.H.I.E.L.D. also logically deduced Salomon's real purpose after finding some clues, which led to Nick Fury. Hu was fooled, while using his unknown under-the-box methods to wipe the ass of the intelligence department of the Immortal City, erasing traces on the intelligence level. "He threatened me that if I didn't give in, he would disclose his identity as the Messiah and go to Jesus Salem to use magic as a miracle!" Nick Fury slapped the table angrily. He slapped his palms red and couldn't vent his anger, "I was tricked by such a clumsy trick! What did that little bastard say, did you get his answer?"

"Aren't you worried that he will go back on his word?"

"Although Salomon's methods are cruel, I believe in his promise. Who else can I trust? I believe in Salomon because he is the same kind of person as me, and his methods are more shrewd. He is not standing in the clear On the surface, he has infiltrated those people. Countless foundations and international organizations have his plans. He has also joined some secret societies. Even I can't figure out how he got on line with those consortium families. , Why is the power developing so rapidly.” Nick Fury sighed, “I never underestimate Salomon’s determination and viciousness, those people must never have imagined that someone would betray their class and wealth. The concern is what's in front of me. Although I only have one eye left, I can see better than ever. Salomon will definitely not kill them, otherwise they would have died. What I want to know is what When will they be brought back?"

"Soon." Agent Natasha Romanov looked very capable in an exquisite black office suit.

She sat behind her desk, with her legs raised on the table, with a happy expression, as if her hoarse throat did not cause her any trouble or discomfort. "It is said that they are now fighting against Albanian human trafficking organizations in Eastern Europe. Following that clue, they should arrive in France tomorrow, and in a few days, the aircraft carrier Retribution will arrive in Washington." She said cheerfully, "Maybe time It will be earlier because I sent him that information."

"I thought the job of a spy was to obtain information, not send it out. Your behavior made it difficult for me to predict the next trajectory of the Retribution. I also lost the coordinates of the other two sky carriers, and the satellites could not search for them at all. This has brought great difficulty to intelligence work." Nick Fury stared at Agent Romanov with one eye, and he tried to calm his anger, and said in a dry tone, "I thought you were carrying out There will be no personal emotions involved in the task."

"No, but I'm not a spy anymore, don't you remember?" Agent Romanov raised his eyebrows, "Only spies need to exchange their bodies for information. Salomon and I are mutually beneficial, and the pleasure is also mutual. , at least he admitted it."

She recalled the joy Salomon had brought her.

Salomon looked in through the frosted glass of the bathroom, and the white light reflected a vague flesh-colored figure, as well as the gentle sound of water. "Steve Rogers was thinking, and I threw him an extremely complex and grand proposition. This question had been foreshadowed since the first time I met him, but I didn't expect such a good opportunity to do it again. Dig that out and still make such an impression."

"Rodgers is not yet adapted to the modern environment, he will never be able to answer the propositions you throw!" Natasha Romanov opened the frosted glass door of the bathroom. She lifted her chin and came out with a hot, misty white vapor. She wrapped her long, wet orange hair with a white towel, but was otherwise bare. She leaned over in front of the vanity mirror, and the water dripped down her back to her buttocks, drawing a crystal clear wet mark, and finally dripped between her legs. Salomon licked his dry lips, and withdrew his eyes following the water droplets.

His actions made Agent Romanov laugh.

"Don't dare to face our extramarital relationship, little boy?"

"Get down to business, Natasha."

"Okay, back to Steve. As far as I know, the education he received was the standard happy education, which was the only kind of class that children from poor families in America could only attend at that time. Not everyone can receive the same education as you , the cost is too high. You need nearly 1,000 dollars for a uniform. Even the middle class in the United States can hardly afford your tuition and living expenses. Generally, you need to apply for student loans. Higher education is full of money and power The taste of Tony Stark's undergraduate tuition is much higher than that of Oxford's undergraduate, plus the compensation after the mischief..."

"Hurry up and put on your clothes. If you catch a cold, I will cast another spell." Salomon lowered his head and only looked at his phone, as if he was not at all interested in the figure of Agent Natasha Romanov.

"Don't you like it? You didn't behave like this just now." Agent Romanov raised her eyebrows, and she looked at the mystic in the mirror, "I remember you once said that you like women with abdominal muscles. Don't you know that people who tell lies get longer noses?"

"I was still a minor at that time. I said this to prevent you from committing a felony. It was a white lie." Salomon finally raised his head. He stretched out his finger and gestured in front of his eyes, and then said in Russian, "I assure you with years of painting experience, Natalia Romanova, your figure is perfect even on canvas. Personal preference It does not represent my aesthetic ability, I will draw you a picture, the kind without clothes."

"When did you learn to speak Russian?"

"When I was about ten years old, the land of Siberia was full of magic that I had to learn and understand."

"Damn it, I've never heard of such a thing." The female agent cursed secretly. She tried to use another topic to turn defense into offense, "You have learned Russian politeness, and you will say hello when you are performing natural conception, even if the object is not pregnant. I am not completely against you Cloning, on the contrary, your behavior shows that you insist on even being keen on tradition. I think I can analyze many unknown situations from your behavior, do you want me to guess?"

"No need to guess, I can tell you." The mystic narrowed his eyes, "I was created, so the genes of ordinary human women are difficult to combine with my genes. Even if I repair your uterus, you will not be able to conceive. But I think it's better to say hello in advance for this kind of thing. If you don't like it, I don't have to say it. "

"I don't mind, good boy. As long as you stop watching those stupid jokes on 4chan, just remove the hickey and fingerprints on my neck. I'm an agent, and I don't want people to see my behavior pattern." Romano Agent Koff straightened up from the mirror. She looked a little annoyed, and used this intense emotion to cover up the shock that Salomon's bombshell had brought her, "If I knew you were rough, I wouldn't have let you do it! Don't you and you Is your witch girlfriend always like this? Hurry up and fix this, we have to talk about Tony Stark!"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Where's Stark?" Nick Fury's voice brought her back to reality, but the fire in her heart kept urging her to meet the mystic again.

"He'll be back with Steve Rogers," Agent Romanoff said, trying to stay calm. "To avoid trouble, the mystic will send everyone to the top of Stark Industries. Lomon gave me assurances. He told me that unnecessary casualties did not happen."

"Didn't you notice his strange grammar? As far as I know, every magician is an expert in linguistics. What do you think his subtext is?"

"I refuse to speculate, sir, I don't think their lives are threatened." Agent Romanov said, "Salomon's purpose is to stop the spread of magic pollution. I have never seen him go to collect lives. It's like putting the cart before the horse."

Ask for a ticket!

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