Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 682: The Suffering of Prophecy (Part 1)

Even though his spellcasting skills were far superior to those of some high-ranking deacons, Salomon still humbly saluted to the mystic mage who was several times his age to show his respect. Mage Hamil not only watched him grow up, but was also an integral part of the Karma Taj organization. Salomon must show respect to this old mystic mage, no matter in terms of merit or seniority. He intends to re-predict the prophecy provided by the crazy woman who claims to be the Eye of Calamity, which requires extremely powerful prophecy skills.

Master Hamil is the best prophecy interpreter besides the venerable and Salomon himself, so he asked Master Hamil for assistance. It's not that he doesn't want to seek the help of the Supreme Master, but the magic power of the Supreme Master must be reserved for critical moments. Those ascetic monks who live on the Kama Taj Snow Mountain spend their entire lives dedicating their lives at a certain critical moment to bear the great magic for the Supreme Master the price. Just the last time His Holiness wrapped the earth with the mirror dimension, most of those acolytes were already dead. Now that they have managed to replenish the staff, Salomon has no right to waste their sacrifices.

The faint sunlight was reflected by the thick snow, and it stumbled over the window lattice. The cold but fresh air poured into the newly opened window, sweeping away the tiny burning particles that had been floating in the air all year round. The decoration of the room is simple, but in the eyes of people with supernatural vision, every inch of space here is filled with golden lines, and these lines form an unimaginably complex high-dimensional mapping geometry. Salomon stayed here more than once to study through the night, and the incense used to enhance spiritual strength was lit thousands of times here, and the dark brown wooden floor moaning under his feet was soaked with water that even the cold wind could not blow away. Drowsy and pungent aroma.

With his eyes closed, he could draw the structure of all the magic circles in the room, as clear as if the golden threads had burnt permanent scorched marks on the retina. This is the special room of Kama Taj, used to strengthen the mystic's occult connection with the astral world, and it is a good place for contemplation and meditation. This is also the place where you must stay when reading dangerous magic books and scrolls. Those magic circles can not only protect the user's spiritual power, but when things inevitably go in a bad direction, those magics can also be used to avoid betrayal The last resort - but this is a well-known secret, so those mystics who rebelled in history rarely come here, the last function is only used on weak-willed people, but people like Kama Taj are not Not often.

Master Hamel is willing to help.

Not only because of Master Wang's request, but also because he trusted Salomon's wisdom.

Salomon always believed that James Boone's gang of vampires were not behind the scenes. He wrote a very complete and detailed mission report, fully explaining the clues and doubts he found, including the spells that vampires could not cast at all. . He even mapped out fragments of the basic spell that summoned the Creepers on the report, so much so that the report had to be sealed by Vishanti and only a few people were able to read it.

Master Hamill is one of them.

"You already have someone you suspect?" the old mage asked. He sat upright on the futon, staring at the cauldron of the universe in front of him, watching the star-like fragments of information slowly float out and then flash away. It is the product of the past, future and present, and it requires concentration to interpret it. "I've read your report. You pointed your suspicion at the beholder, but the evidence is not strong enough."

"So I want to find evidence." Salomon was a little anxious, with a bitter taste in his mouth. Because the first paragraph of the madwoman's prophecy is about the macrophage worm. Although the earthquake on the east coast has stopped now, no one knows how many monsters were summoned by those vampires, or the lackeys behind the scenes. It is even more impossible for him to go to the edge of the galaxy to ask her Mother Earth how many parasites she has on her body .

"It could be the Green Flame Cult, it could be the Beholder, it could even be the Prokaryotic Messenger. The source of the details is scattered, and I doubt it's part of some dire plan from a future timeline, the only thing that's certain It's a terrible monster from the cancer universe. What's worse, we don't know anything about it, and we need to spy on the Akasha records for clues."

"His Holiness is satisfied with your subordinates. It is not that no one has tried to form the secular power of Karma Taj in the past, but most of them failed, or simply lost control, such as some secret knights and witch hunters. You are the only one in history Mystic, who has developed the power of the world, it seems that your control methods are much stronger than those before. His Holiness is really satisfied. After all, a cannon can do many things and save a lot of unnecessary mana .”

Mage Hamil mouthed His Holiness's reaction to the report, the wrinkles on his face making his expression more serious.

"I don't think that crazy woman's prophecy is not accurate enough. You don't need to worry about it." He said, "The Diamond Sutra says: You can't get the past, the present, and the future. I hope you Don't worry too much about it, we've faced threats worse than this one, and the Human Principle continues to this day, as does Kama Taj. But if you insist, let's get started."

This is an extremely painful journey. The information scattered on the timeline gathers and disperses. Salomon and Master Hamil have to read thousands of fleeting information every second, some as far as tens of millions of years Later, some are as old as before the birth of the universe. Even with the madwoman's prophecy as a benchmark, this huge workload cannot be reduced. Even if a few words are found, they must bear the pollution of malice. Even working in the burning hell is much easier and more enjoyable than this job, even with Salomon's physique, he still feels a headache.

"I've already let them out." Salomon looked tired.

"I know." Natasha sighed slowly, "I didn't expect a magician to study this kind of magic. Why didn't I use it before I took a bath? I thought you were tired long ago, and now I have to do it again Take a shower, I want you to help me dry my hair!" She blinked her wet eyes, her cheeks were flushed, and the air she exhaled was terribly hot due to the rise in body temperature. The air is filled with the smell of special magic. If you experience it from the soul level, it is a slightly sour rose soap smell.

"I suspect that you have used body enhancement technology. Your strength is much greater than that of ordinary people. How many secrets do you have, Salomon, do you want to hide something from a poor woman who has a real relationship with you?"

"You're so rude, Natasha! We're still together, and you're asking for information!"

"It's official business now. And I just said a lot of dirty words a few minutes ago, both in English and Russian, and it's hard for you to ask me to be polite!" She looked down at the head of the mystic who was sitting on the sofa, Sa Lomon could feel her breath hitting his hair. She's always complaining about wanting a different sofa, but she hasn't been to IKEA until now. "When you were just an adult, I wondered how long it would take me to bring you to my bed. I didn't expect it would take so long. Adding your two girlfriends, who am I?"

"I didn't expect women to care about this kind of issue."

"Quickly answer!"

Salomon's expression looked like he had eaten a whole plate of Hawaiian food, the kind of bad dish that a chef tried to imitate after eating an airplane meal, and he didn't want to eat a second time.

"the second."

"You didn't lie? Then why... oh! So it's not a math problem, but a family problem?"

"It's none of your business. I've done what I set out to do, so what about yours?"

She squatted down and blinked, "Then this is thanks."

Ask for a ticket!

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