Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 683: Sweet Memories (Second)

Romanov pushed away the plate and burped indecently with contentment. She threw off the fluffy slippers, narrowed her eyes and whispered to Salomon who was sitting beside her. Immediately afterwards, she lay on his lap very naturally, and then closed her eyes comfortably. She felt the newly grown, elastic grass playfully stuck into her hair, she smelled the fragrance of grass and earth, and the warm sunlight penetrated through the gaps between the leaves, forming vague shadows on the eyelids, as if in the In the grassland by the quiet creek in the afternoon, I lay my pillow on the soft green grass and fall asleep with the slight warm wind blowing my eyelashes.

She couldn't help smiling. After getting permission, she carefully opened her eyes.

Instead of a haphazardly decorated gloomy apartment and drab sofas, what greets the eye is a sparkling stream. She saw her bicycle on its side, the dark green leaves of the black walnut tree rustling overhead. She looked down and saw that she was wearing shorts and had a Band-Aid on her knee. "Is this your memory?" the mystic said softly. Romanov had never found his voice so pleasant, even when he brought her joy, the deep roar that he felt when he put his palm on his chest was not as good as the gentle words with sunshine at this moment. Wherever she looked, Salomon could see, for she opened her mind to him without reserve for his spells.

However, to her annoyance, Salomon still kept his heart shut. In his words, doing so will only drive her crazy, because there is something in his heart that ordinary people cannot understand, which is the price of magic. Natasha believed this excuse for the time being.

"From what I know of botany and zoology, this is probably Ohio..."

"Don't be like this, Salomon, don't spoil the scenery." Romanov said softly. She felt that her cheeks were hot from the sun, and her skin was covered with tiny beads of sweat, "It's hard for girls to like you like this."

"I don't think I need to, after all you're here with me, aren't you?"

"Wow! You're a quick learner, little boy." She couldn't help laughing, unaware that her voice was getting thinner and younger. She tried to move, raised her arms above her head, and lay relaxed on the grass. There was silence between them. Romanov quietly admired the scenery. Although she couldn't see Salomon, she knew that he was beside her, and she could touch him with her fingers. After a while, she spoke again, "Thank you, not only because it's the first time I've eaten such a delicious pasta with meatballs, but also because of this magic. Thank you, really. I want to add a condition."

"Huh?" Salomon raised his voice and questioned.

Fearing that the mystic master would refuse, she hurriedly said, "Compared to high-end restaurants or cafeterias with people coming and going, I prefer sitting on the sofa and eating while watching TV. So I want to add one more condition. Salomon, you Can you cook for me every time you come? My cooking skills are not as good as yours. "

"I will try my best to grant your wishes, Natasha." His voice sounded in her ears, making her ears itchy. She closed her eyes, raised her upper body and groped for another kiss. She smelled aftershave, mint toothpaste, and Navy cigarettes, and she could easily identify the brand of aftershave and mint toothpaste because she had picked them herself. After Salomon left last time, she couldn't wait to buy a lot of daily necessities, and then selected the most suitable ones for the mystic, even cigarettes. Overnight the apartment was so full of life that she didn't even want Salomon to clean the pans in the sink.

"What's your answer?" She raised one eyebrow with strong confidence.


"My good boy," she said with a smile, "let's have a good rest."

Agent Natasha Romanoff returned to work in good spirits.

There was a smile on her face, and even Agent Hill was a little surprised. Since Steve Rogers and Tony Stark returned to the Avengers' new base, the two locked their doors and had a big fight. No one knows why they quarreled, only that the quarrel was very intense. Captain Rogers directly accused Tony Stark of just wanting to fulfill his heroic dream, and Stark mocked Rogers as a cowardly old guy not to be outdone. The two fought bare-handed, and finally reached a tentative settlement using whiskey with the help of Falcon. Agents with partial knowledge could only speculate that the altercation had something to do with their disappearances, since many of the elite ops teams that traveled with them never returned. Many people speculated about what happened, and almost everyone on the base was affected by their emotions, except for Natasha Romanoff.

"What happened?" Agent Hill stepped forward and asked.

The white aisle is full of the simplicity of modern architectural style, but at the same time, it also makes people walking on the upper aisle feel that the light from the top of their heads is like a sharp sword dangling in front of their eyes, which may blind their eyes at any time. Agent Hill had already called the decoration team to remove the chandelier, but this budget approval was stuck with Tony Stark's financial staff, because now Stark hardly works, not even with Pepper Potts to communicate.

This made Nick Fury very worried. He didn't expect Stark to make the situation worse after being sent back.


"You know what I'm asking, Natasha." Agent Hill followed her to the locker room. Holding the tablet, she asked angrily, "I'm asking what else Salomon revealed. I'm not asking you as an agent, but as a friend. Do you want to see the Avengers?" Is the alliance falling apart?"

"They're going through a change of mind, Maria." Agent Romanov put on his uniform and prepared to start a day of training. "They'll be fine. Arguments always end, and they're just dealing with the past." Reflect. Don’t tell me that the Stark Group has nothing to do with the Rockefeller family, the Hilton family, and the Epstein scandal, you know everything.”

"It's us." Agent Hill nodded, "That part of the information is open to you, but you have never read it. S.H.I.E.L.D. has never interfered with the activities of those rich people and politicians, even if it is illegal, it has nothing to do with us. S.H.I.E.L.D. doesn't have the energy to deal with the little things."

"I know," Agent Romanov replied. "I'm no longer a spy, Maria, not anymore."

"What did he promise you?" Hilt blinked, and then she suddenly realized. Agent Romanov rarely sees Agent Hill showing this expression, maybe it's not suitable for her to open her mouth too much, because it makes her look a little funny. "You don't need to say it, I can probably guess it. If it's true, I can only bless you, Natasha."

"It's not as simple as you think, Maria, this matter is very difficult technically." Although Agent Romanov said so, he still kept smiling, "It's just possible, but I think it's enough now alright."

"Is he planning to come here?" Agent Hill changed the subject, "After all, this is what he caused."

"He still has things to do. It is said that he recently received a very terrible prophecy, and he is now leading people to verify it."

"Victoria Hand?" Agent Hill narrowed his eyes. Compared to other agents, she knows everything that happened on the sky carrier, and Nick Fury will not hide this information from her. "She has no mercy when dealing with those agents. I don't know how Salomon recruited her, she is so suitable for carrying out those grim tasks, it is almost like a job specially prepared for her. Salomon mentioned Is it a prophecy about something?"

"No." Natasha shook her head, "I only know that it involves magic."

"Then I'm going to be ready for thousands of sacrifices, just like a few days ago."

Ask for a ticket!

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