Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 684: Kama Taj's Fighting Style (Part 1)

"I hope you have a good time here, Wanda." The mystic said to the plainly dressed apprentice. Generally speaking, this kind of scene is always full of warm and caring atmosphere, but his face is full of mischief, watching the apprentice angrily pull his head out of a book that is as tall as half a person . Wanda sneezed at the fine lint dust raised by turning the pages of the book. She opened her eyes in a panic, worrying about knocking over the ink bottle and soiling these ancient books.

Salomon had long heard that Wanda required herself to receive a full spellcasting general education. Even though someone had warned her that it would be difficult, she did not intend to change her mind, because she had heard from her teacher that it took him Completed the course in a very short time, so she thought it was not difficult-then she tasted the taste of failure-not everyone can read the entire "Monster" in a month like Salomon Even in the magical world where freaks frequently appear, Salomon can be regarded as abnormal.

"I was looking at the entry of "Vampire Monster", and there is no mention of vampire corpses decomposing into worms." Wanda said, "Neither vampires, werewolves, nor ghouls. The column of "Insect Monsters" There's no mention of where the worm-assembled monsters come from, just an official name and weakness, and..."

"...and the rest of the entries are new, the ink is fresh, because that's my entry. Do you think anyone can write all the monsters in this universe at once? Whenever you find something new We will record it when we encounter monsters, and describe the appearance and physical characteristics of monsters as much as possible, and the most important thing is their weaknesses and appearance occasions. This will help future mystics. You don’t need to learn every For a monster, you have to memorize a few categories.” Salomon shrugged, “In contrast, you should understand the general knowledge of addictive drugs in the magical world, including the general knowledge of alchemy. .Although I have never produced addictive drugs on a large scale, in fact, this kind of drug is very common in the magical world, mainly used to enhance the ability of the spirit. You must understand several kinds of addictive drugs that are more common, lest you Eat without knowing."

"There are drugs in the wizarding world?"

"Yes, and a wide variety, mostly made by magicians who can't pay their bills. Death is the best ending for those guys, and they don't worry if Kama Taj will ask for theirs tomorrow My life." Salomon blinked awkwardly, "When I discovered those things, I was in the period of exploring alchemy, so I started to imitate and create. The alchemy-addictive drugs I invented had a remarkable improvement effect , so they are very popular on the black market. Such as syrups that can boost self-confidence, powders that can temporarily become smart, or injections to fight diseases. Although the effects are good, they are all addictive drugs without exception, and due to Unskilled methods lead to extremely harmful drugs, and in the end they can only be fed to demon-eating slugs. Later, those little guys who are extremely drug-resistant caused a disaster... You should be able to see my punishment in the file, because I Trying to use those things to make money in the interdimensional market in exchange for more alchemy materials."

Salomon recalled what kind of troubles the giant slugs formed after the demon-eating slugs ate each other and fused together in the sewers of Vandazaar Fu. The mutant slugs still endowed the soft monster with new abilities. When the colorful slugs poured out of the sewers and began to spray dream-like gas, the administrators realized that the usual pesticides were useless. The real way to solve the problem is not complicated. The administrator summoned a huge amount of salt to fill the sewer. Those pickled mutant slugs later became trade goods, mainly by being soaked in some kind of fat and heated for smoking.

"I thought Karma Taj would not punish his own mystic." Wanda was a little surprised.

"The precepts are inviolable, even for me. It's just that I didn't suffer too much punishment because I was young at the time."

The apprentice blushed, "I thought you were perfect, Master."

"How is it possible! There is no perfect existence in this world, and there will never be!" Salomon couldn't help laughing, "Pursuing a certain extreme means falling into a trap, and it is for this reason that Kama Taj puts Abstinence as the main idea, avoid mystics from pursuing some extreme ideas. Many people believe that only by restraining desires and emotions can they avoid corruption. Worry, because it is difficult for ordinary people to feel extreme emotions, and it is not common for depraved situations."

"At least it's not common now." He added in a low voice.

Wanda's mind is affected by Sithorne, and her emotional fluctuations will be much greater than ordinary people, and it is extremely difficult to control. Salomon discovered this in the previous relationship. Wanda often has strong mood swings due to small things without warning. For ordinary people, this is just causing some troubles in life, but for spellcasters It's an extremely bad thing.

The serene atmosphere of Karma Taj is the most suitable place for Wanda to cultivate, but she is not the mystic of Karma Taj after all, she can only live in the guest room and cannot stay for too long. Therefore, Salomon can only try his best to let Wanda and the apprentice of the mystic master attend the introductory course on temperance.

This is not an emotional management course for urban white-collar workers, but the knowledge of mysticism, which can achieve the peace of the soul by adjusting one's own consciousness and body. After Wanda took the course for the first time, she found that she had already studied some of the courses, but the course taught by Salomon did not mention some parts of taking medicine. Master Modu only mentioned the past Karma Taj There are some radical mystics who use drugs to control their minds, and there is not much involved in it.

To put it simply, it is chemical brainwashing through the combination of drugs and magic. The specific content is hidden in the depths of the library, and then dug out by the well-read Salomon. One of the Immortal City's brainwashing methods was derived from this method, and it was included in the standard procedure as one of the optional methods for the agents.

"Have you participated in martial arts training?" Salomon changed the subject, "It's the daily morning activities in the martial arts training ground."

"That's too difficult!" Wanda wrinkled her face immediately, as if the heavy books in front of her were nothing compared to that incident. "I did it once, stood there all morning, and my muscles were sore all day!"

"To be a magician, you must have a good body. If you can't kill a cow with one punch, how can you be a qualified magician?" Salomon taught Wanda what Modu had taught him before. Wanda looked at her teacher laughing foolishly, completely confused. "You will participate in the morning Tai Chi training tomorrow, and I will pass it on to you." He said, "After studying the entire course, I will continue to teach you martial arts until you can subdue an adult male with your bare hands."

"This is impossible!"

"Believe me, it's possible. Natasha Romanov can do it, and it won't be a problem after you have been strengthened by magic." The mystic nodded, "I started learning martial arts when I was five years old, and it was my first mission. Just use your fists to solve problems. Do you remember those statues next to the training ground, they were the spoils of my first mission. Those statues are actually living people, two mortals, a werewolf and a vampire."

"Are they alive now?"

"Yes, they must bear the sin of treating ordinary people in a small town as blood slaves."

"Tell me about this story." Wanda closed the book and turned around to make herself more comfortable.

Salomon also sat down, "Then let's talk slowly, and then you will find out how important the melee ability is, because we still have a task to do..."

Ask for a ticket!

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