Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 685 Walking After Dinner (Second Change)

Salomon didn't tell Wanda much about Karma Taj's dark inside story.

No matter how great the mission of Kama Taj and how many titles on the crown, it is fundamentally a ruthless killing organization, and the mission of every mystic is to kill the enemy of mankind at all costs. This was a bit difficult for Wanda to accept, so Salomon didn't intend to tell her about Karma Taj's dungeon. Today the Immortal City takes the pragmatic side of Karma Taj to the extreme, and there is a tendency to go even further.

He told Wanda about his first mission, which was to eliminate the young and almost true-ancestral first-generation vampires in the town of Corinth, eliminate the hidden werewolves in the town, and degenerate ghouls scattered in the forests of the town to hunt and kill homeless people. . Wanda listened very carefully. She didn't know why the Supreme Sorcerer would let Salomon start his mission at such a young age. She also didn't know that without the Karma Taj mystic, the ordinary people in the small town of Corinth would end up in the end. What kind of ending will be ushered in.

"This is the easiest task I've ever encountered." Wanda and Salomon held a cup of hot tea and sat facing each other by the window. The copper stove in the center of the room was emitting fragrant and elegant smoke. When the slow story ends, there is still an orange-red afterglow on the snow-capped mountains, and everything under the snow-capped peaks is submerged in darkness. The magnificent and beautiful scenery and the slightly biting cold wind kept Wanda from being affected by this dark story, even when she heard the story of witches and vampires, she didn't have too many emotional fluctuations. Only she noticed one word.

"You recovered that spellbook in the end, didn't you?"

"No, I found nothing." Salomon said meaningfully. He asked the invisible servant to pour hot water into the teacup, and took a sip despite the scalding. "I took all the old books away for inspection, and it turned out that what I wanted was not in the town of Corinth," he said, "but all the evidence showed that the book appeared in the town of Corinth, because it can put people The spell to become a vampire is only found in that book. I have thought about many possibilities. The first possibility is that it is a scroll mixed into an ordinary book, and that book has long since left Corinth Town. The second possibility is that the witch was instructed by someone behind her, and the book was confiscated after the witch failed. But I believe, no matter which possibility, one day that thing will appear in front of me sooner or later."

"Why do you tell this story, don't you..."

"Yes," Salomon was quite satisfied with the apprentice's intelligence, "I suspect that what happened in Jerusalem Town is related to what happened in Corinth Town, after all, the distance between the two towns is not too far, even Salem Not too far away. New England, more precisely Maine and Massachusetts, as England's initial colonization site, many magicians in Britain and even Europe came there. Coincidentally, the magic book The book binder is Morgan Le Fay of Britain, and there are still followers of Morgan Le Fay active in the universe. So I think that these two things are actually related, and they are even inseparable from Morgan Le Fay ——Although I have never found traces of that witch's spellcasting, I can still smell the stench of black magic no matter how long it takes. Looking back now, I did miss many clues."

"You said we were going on a mission?"

"It's not so much a mission as an outing." Salomon said, "The vampire described to me that the witch cast a spell on herself in pursuit of immortality, turning herself into ceramics and glass. If this is the case, the witch's Bodies are not supposed to decompose, and I keep forgetting to look for them."

"Do you think there are clues in the witch's body?"

"Not necessarily." The mystic shook his head, "It may also be useless. I plan to compare the black magic emitted by the witch's corpse, the black magic in Jerusalem Town, and the black magic that appeared in Salem. Find clues. This won't be too difficult a task, because I have already found the location of the witch's body, through the prophecy."

"Then what are you waiting for, let's start now!" Wanda's eyes lit up, she really didn't want to stand on the training ground all day.

Salomon smiled. He had already seen through Wanda's little thoughts, but he didn't care. "Go and change, Apprentice," he said. "I'll take you to dinner first, and then treat this mission as a night walk. I've got a tight dress and high heels for you."

"Is this for me?"

"Of course, this is yours." Salomon nodded, and stuffed the clothes and shoes that appeared out of thin air to Wanda, "It's just that you have to participate in training tomorrow morning regardless of whether you find the witch's corpse or not."

"Did he say what the mission would be?" Agent Hill asked tirelessly. She looked a little anxious, because Steve Rogers and Tony Stark couldn't perform their missions under such circumstances, and she needed to pay compensation and funeral expenses for those sacrificed agents, and put that sum into To people the agents really care about. She doesn't want to be sued by the Avengers for underpaying agents' wages and compensation, that would be too embarrassing.

"You're so nervous, Maria!" Natasha Romanov didn't take off her headphones. The long red hair is braided into a neat braid behind the head so as not to interfere with movement. She aimed the crosshairs at the target and fired again, familiar with the unique feel of this gun—this silver-white Beretta 92F was a gift from Salomon, with some magic. In order to test whether magic affects the shooting feel, Agent Romanov has fired nearly 100 rounds of bullets with this gun. This morning's shooting training is over soon, and she wants to try the assassination weapon presented by Salomon next—she didn't know that after she had a substantial relationship with Salomon, the man she watched growing up would actually So generous.

"A post-dinner walk at best."

"For him, it's just a walk after dinner. For ordinary people, it's a disaster." Agent Hill used precise and merciless words when evaluating the mystic. She likens Salomon to a buzzing lawnmower that intends to mow all lawns alike as it passes. "Just like mowing the lawn, the smell always takes several days to dissipate after the work is over." Agent Hill rolled his eyes, "They only care about whether ordinary people see magic, and they don't care about their knowledge of buildings, What kind of harm is done to people."

"Sounds like an agent."

"Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., not Avengers," Maria Hill said. "We don't do that now, don't you remember?"

Natasha took a deep breath of the smoky air. She didn't like the smell, but the smell of gunpowder smoke lingered, even soaking her hands. She couldn't help recalling the small candle that Salomon gave her not long ago. The small candles have many colors and changeable shapes. When they burn, they will emit thin and fragrant smoke, which makes people feel happy.

She recalled what happened after the candle was lit.

"You missed the mark, Romanov."

"I'll call him and ask him!" She said without turning her head, "but don't use what I said to refute me!"

"As you wish." Agent Hill raised his eyebrows and turned to leave.

Ask for a ticket!

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