Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 686: The Means of Top Agents (Part 1)

"You are an excellent spy, Agent Romanov, whether you admit it or not." Maria Hill quietly breathed a sigh of relief, but she was not relaxed because of the information she had obtained. Natasha Romanov was keenly aware of her subtext, facing the words of praise or slander, she pulled out the earphones expressionlessly and threw them into the shooting range. The little thing bounced a few times on the alloy floor, like a stone on the water surface when it was floated, from one end to the other. Even though Natasha was somewhat dissatisfied with Agent Hill's attitude, she had to praise her methods.

An hour earlier, Stark and Captain Rogers had another argument, which seemed to be about Stark's youthful mistakes. Not an arms sale, but a political and commercial mistake. When Stark admits something, Captain Rogers bluntly calls him a coward. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the gap between the two is big enough to fit a Hulk. While they were arguing, Dr. Banner wisely ducked into a research room on the other side of the base, not intending to open the door no matter who came. Agent Hill directed Falcon to lock the room where the two of them were arguing, and physically destroyed the room's electronic door lock.

There was no toilet in that room, but there was a lot of mineral water. When the quarrel started to germinate, she deliberately led them into that room. She thought it was the fastest way to resolve the dispute. And that's exactly what happened - the agents at the base saw a steel suit smash through the bulletproof glass and crash into it, and Stark quickly escaped wearing that armor, with Captain Rogers hanging on his lap. They jumped out at such a fast speed as if their butts were on fire. If it weren't for the loud sound of smashing glass, the agents could only see their afterimages. It makes them look like they're on good terms, and only Agent Hill and Falcon and a few others know the truth.

"Super soldier serum is indeed very powerful, but that doesn't make people's bladder bigger, does it?" Agent Hill stood in front of Falcon, who was suppressing a smile, and patted the tablet into his arms. She put her hands on her hips, let out a long breath, and seemed to relax a lot, "Go to work now, those two naive little boys have already wasted a lot of time."

"You still plan to let me deal with that terrible guy?" Sam glanced at the tablet, and then his eyes widened, looking very surprised.

"Different from last time, this time I just told him that we will provide him with assistance." Agent Hill said dryly, "If we were there last time, the residents of the coastal cities could evacuate earlier to avoid casualties. Don't pry into that mystic's mind, just ask him what he needs, and we'll get him ready. As long as he doesn't cause collateral damage. I don't believe he's going for a walk."

For Wanda, this was indeed a walk, but it was far from the walk that ordinary people describe.

In any case, normal people don't wander around the woods with a shovel on their shoulders, let alone a dead body. Prophecy, divination, dreams, Salomon has never looked for the witch's body. After many years, he set foot on the land of Corinth Town again, and he didn't feel too much emotion. "This is where I buried the werewolf corpses." He pointed the shovel at a clearing in the forest. Under the illumination of the magic ball of light, the bushes showed a disgusting green color, and Wanda smelled the smell of black magic—this was an indescribable feeling, like sticky grease all over the body, which made people extremely... discomfort. He pointed the shovel at two other open spaces, "There are vampires over there, and there are ghouls transformed after blood sucking out of control. The source is the family doctor of that family."

Wanda squatted down, gently brushed aside the weeds, and pressed her fingers into the soft ground. All of a sudden, the origin of the werewolves in Corinth Town and what the family doctor saw and heard unscrupulously crashed into her brain, repeatedly impacting her consciousness, chaotic information unfolded in fragments before her eyes, a thrill Pain pierced from the back of his head straight to his eyes. She saw the beautiful witch's dislike for Barsabas, saw werewolves and ghouls hunting hippies in the forest, and saw the horror and subsequent death of those monsters after a certain figure appeared. This lingering malice saturates the land, the curse spreads from soil to soil, her consciousness stretches ever deeper, diving down through the thick black goo. Her intuition told her that there was something in the deepest part of this black sea that attracted her. Wanda didn't know what she saw, and when she remembered where she was again, she was already in Salomon's arms.

"You passed out."

"I saw..." She frowned trying to remember, but Salomon just put her down.

The mystic waved his hand. "There is no need to force yourself, Wanda." He said, "For ordinary people, this is an ordinary clearing in the forest. Their brains that have not yet activated their sixth sense cannot detect the clues and whispers here. For spellcasters For me, reading the memories that linger here is very dangerous. You have not received complete training, and casual exposure to some dark secrets is very likely to lead to corruption. Opening your mind at will means danger, don't do it next time."

"I see." Wanda nodded thoughtfully, "Then how do we find the witch's body?"

"Walk around at will," said the mystic. "There is no witch's remains in the vampire's old house. I checked it carefully after finishing the mission. Therefore, I set my target in this forest. After all, here are werewolves and vampires." And the hunting grounds of ghouls, people have been missing here for many years, and the local police have not found all the remains of the victims even after breaking away from the control of vampires. Another possible area is the fishing ground, and the small town of Corinth lives on fishing. The witch's body may be thrown into the bay after being pottered. Come, let us walk in the forest by moonlight, and then row a boat on the dark sea."

"Well, my romantic mentor." The young witch said with a smile. The moonlight was so bright that even if Salomon extinguished the magic light ball, she could still see her feet clearly through the pale moonlight cast on the ground through the gaps in the leaves. "Are you going to ask someone else to help? I didn't mean to eavesdrop on your conversation, it's just too close. But I think it's really difficult for the two of us to do this task, after all, we are still wearing such expensive clothes .”

"No." Salomon took Wanda's hand and walked to the edge of the forest clearing on the soft humus of fallen leaves. Neither the phone call from Natasha Romanov nor the dry-humored inquiry from the Falcon affected his plan for the walk. He knew his cell phone signal was being tracked, but he didn't mind. "Clothing is just a trivial matter, Wanda. Don't pay too much attention to worldly money, you should understand that it means nothing to us spellcasters. No matter how much worldly money you want, I will give it to you if you don't want to affect the normal operation of the organization." You." What he said made Wanda's cheeks flush, but he didn't realize what effect he had just said on the witch. In contrast, he is more concerned about Wanda's mental state after reading those memories.

"If we find any clues, then let the Avengers come on stage. Since Agent Hill is so enthusiastic, I don't mind giving them some less dangerous and troublesome jobs." Salomon vowed Said, "After all, the portal and the summoning of the sky carrier cost money and time. Stephanie is about to tear me apart because of the logistics of replenishing the ammunition of the macro cannon!"

Ask for a ticket!

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