Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 696: Taking History as a Mirror (Two in One)

When everything was temporarily done, Salomon immediately fell into a state that could be called laziness. He has never enjoyed this kind of lazy feeling many times in his life. He probably just doesn’t want to do anything or say anything, and just wants to lie there and waste time—this is just his wishful thinking. In the eyes of outsiders, he is still Maintaining a high-intensity work state, only a few people know what consumes the monarch so much energy. They witnessed with their own eyes how the monarch, Maya Hansen and Marbus led the biological laboratory to carry out high-intensity research and development work, using time gems and a large number of slaves captured in battle in a very short period of time to continue trial and error, using genetic technology and Mechanical technology has created an assassin transformation surgery that can be called inhumane. Originally, this transformation was one of the long-term tasks of the biological laboratory. The biological druids and genetic scientists had accumulated a large amount of data. However, due to the needs of the actual situation, Salomon could only solve some difficult problems in genetic alchemy by himself. Make up for the last short board for this project.

That is time, the thing that is lacking for all.

Salomon threw down the blood-stained rubber gloves, facing the ugly human body on the operating table that looked like a fish that had been cut open, smelled like burnt meat and had hundreds of suture scars, announcing the completion of the experiment. The rising under the shadowless lamp reminded Praetorian Zero of another thing.

Assassin projects weren't all done on Earth, and Malbus pointed to a location in search of weapons that would maximize the Assassins' ability to kill. It was a planet with obvious signs of artificial transformation. The residents living on that planet once had an extremely brilliant civilization, but now there are only dilapidated star rings and crimson deserts left on that planet, and the wreckage of the spaceship fell to the ground An eternal fire was ignited, and pale shadows wandered among the exquisitely clustered buildings that once soared into the sky. High-intensity radiation penetrated into every gravel, and light gray clouds replaced the original clear air, but Can't resist the light of a dying star. The aliens who used to have a proud civilization have now degenerated into superstitious and ignorant primitive people. They have lost their previous civilization and technology, and all their history has been buried under the iron-rich red sand.

When Salomon arrived on this planet with the Praetorian Guard Zero, those highly civilized aliens had dispersed into countless primitive tribes that were constantly attacking. They wield the high-tech weapons of the old era and wear broken power armor, but they don't know how to repair and manufacture it at all. Witchcraft and ignorance are like lingering clouds, accompanied by artificial auroras all over the planet. The once glorious library became an altar, and they lit a bonfire around the profane symbols made of biological bones, knelt down, danced, spilled blood, and burned everything with a pungent smell to create smoke. As the Immortal City became more powerful, Praetorian Zero saw the Monarch wearing robes less and less, but that day the Monarch still wore the Sacred Relic Robe, which was darker than the iron-rich desert. , like a flame walking on dust.

Rich gold and silver gleamed from his robes, and magical items of immense power hung from his wrists. The afterglow of the stars slowly sinking to the horizon caught up with their footsteps, and three moons of different sizes stared at them like three strange eyes covered with blood vessels. Fluorescent, like a dark ocean of fluorescent creatures.

This is a reverberation of civilization, Praetorian Zero thought to himself looking at the beautiful scenery in front of him.

Salomon patiently explained to him the catastrophe the planet had encountered. "A civil war. These aliens worship dark gods, and even though they have powerful science, they have not been able to get rid of the cancer in civilization, which is religion. Every scientist is a supporter of creationism, which in the It seems extremely unimaginable to us. This is not difficult to understand, because witchcraft has long been integrated into the blood of this civilization, and wizards and scientists have the same important status." He said, "It is not difficult to imagine that when they have powerful After the technology, the darkness provoked them to hate each other. Knowledge was used to wipe out the cities, and the swords were pointed at their own groups. This is the saddest end of a civilization. When the survivors of this planet are ready to rise again, Kamatei Ji blocked this planet with a mirror dimension—dark witchcraft has been integrated into their genetic code, and it can no longer be removed."

"And those moons?"

"The moon..." Salomon raised his head and looked at the finger of the Praetorian Guard Zero, "That is their industrial base, a mining planet formed by aggregating asteroid belts. These satellites are not subject to the control of this planet." Gravitational influence, they have their own engines. Whenever the orbit of these moons is close to the sun, the stellar forge will start to produce specific materials. It is precisely because they have such technology that these aliens can have such a developed civilization."

"That doesn't make sense," Praetorian Zero asked.

"Yes, this is because this technology is not owned by this civilization. Someone gave them this technology during their development."


"The Celestial Group." Salomon shook his head, "They need civilization to prosper, and they are disgusting creatures that feed on it. The traces of the Celestial Group are recorded in the library of Kama Taj, the library of the Immortal City There are also transcripts, you can look at it with authority. We cannot let the people of the earth know about magic and gods, because either kind of existence is a terrible threat to the independence of the human species. Religious worship is as deadly as technological worship, but we only Can choose the one with the least side effects. The Celestial Group will also create protectors for these civilizations to ensure that they can have what the Celestial Group needs."


"You should know I'm not an ordinary person, right?" Salomon said another topic.

"Mortals cannot possess your wisdom and might, my lord."

"The Celestial Group builds the eternal guardian of civilization by aggregating the souls of a race. I created it in the same way. It's just that the eternal race created by the Celestial Group uses tens of thousands of primitive people. The materials used are those incomparably powerful magicians. Apart from the difference in creators, this is the biggest difference between me and the Eternals."

"So where are the Eternals now?"

"If you have read the "Mythology Journey" I recommend to you, you will find that many ancient Greek myths are actually stories fabricated by later generations. In fact, some stories are not completely fabricated, but are used by two groups of people. The same name, the gods of Olympus." Salomon said with a smile, "the Eternal Race and the Olympus Protoss reached an agreement to walk in the name of the gods. My adoptive mother is one of the gods of Olympus. The Goddess of Wisdom, so I know that period of history like the back of my hand, and the "Mythical Journey" is actually a book written by the Goddess of Wisdom for erratic correction by mortal scholars. Of course, as you know, we cannot let Mortals know that gods really exist, even gods who do not represent a certain concept in terms of personality."

Salomon did not answer this question directly.

The edge of the fluorescent ocean is the settlement of the tribe. As the zero and Salomon gradually approached, the tribe also discovered the arrival of the uninvited guest, and they mechanically turned their shiny faces with metal masks around. The enhanced eyesight of Praetorian Zero found that the edge of the mask of the tribe warrior had jagged and jagged scars, and the festered and swollen dark blue skin was covered with distorted wounds, inlaid with glowing gravel, cancerous and deformed. Their bodies, twisted and slender, tumor-ridden, were sickly emaciated. He immediately thought of a disgusting possibility - those masks were most likely put on by those aliens when they were still hot, and it is very possible that in the tradition of these aliens, this kind of endurance Painful acts represent some kind of noble sacrifice. These fighters are generally very short-lived, either dying from infection or radiation.

Even though the comers were not good, these degenerates had no plans to stop peeling off the skins of the captives of the hostile tribes and making sacrifices. They peeled off each other's skin full of symbols and put it on their own armor, chanting the names of unknown gods, waving the mutilated limbs with clumsy prosthetic limbs in the flames of unrefined fuel. The body was thrown into the fire. The burning smell of copper and iron was unbearable. Praetorian Guard Zero smelled the devil's breath. This smell was even stronger than burning bones and strange spices. He couldn't imagine what the center of the sacrifice was. In spite of the high temperature, the smoke above the sacrificial ceremony was full of the stench of fat burning. He fired with disgust, and the exploding bullet tore away a priest who was walking on the city wall, evaporating the broken bones and blood into blood-red steam, but the priest did not make any sound, because there was not much left on him. The flesh and blood were almost evaporated by the flames of witchcraft, and the sound of tearing the body was like tearing a piece of old cloth.

"They are calling the names of the dark gods. If we fail, the condition of human beings will be worse than these hateful creatures." Hearing what the monarch said, Praetorian Zero nodded solemnly. Unlike Experiment No. 0, who wore a fully enclosed force feedback power armor, Salomon did not wear armor, nor did he carry a holy sword, but when facing these enemies from the dark and the ubiquitous high-dose radiation, he did Still maintaining a relaxed expression. Brilliant flame elves flew out of his fingers in groups, rushing over the low wall like a flood, and a huge weapon with unknown purpose was detonated under the siege of the flame elves, and another incident occurred in the tribal camp. An ammunition exploded, and the explosion and shock wave killed almost all the barbarians who used ammunition as currency and decoration. Many fearsome weapons are completely unusable because their delicate parts have not been maintained, and they can only swing at each other like hammers.

"This civilization is hopeless, let us relieve them." Salomon said softly, "I hope they didn't burn precious books as fuel. This kind of thing is very common in endangered civilizations."

However, the offensive process was not as smooth as Janissary Zero had imagined.

As the lord of the tribe, the wizard has very powerful and terrifying witchcraft. This is the first time that the Imperial Guard Zero has seen the monarch swaying magic. The pillars of fire and thunder that fell from the sky swept across the entire residential area, and the radiated desert was like a giant beast crawling on a rock ledge, driven by the monarch to drown the barbarian warriors rushing towards him. The aliens watched in horror at the snow and ice falling from the sky, having never seen rain since their birth. Acid rain has corroded most metals, whether it is a weapon made of composite materials or a blade made of iron, it will rot and rust in the rain.

The battle ended with the monarch choking the fat pig-like tribal wizard by the neck, but at that time the Praetorian Guard Zero had just got up from the ground, still dizzy, and he saw nothing except corpses everywhere. He's responsible for holding back the weapon-wielding primitives and making room for the battle between monarchs and wizards, which will be his role in the future as well. No. 0 could only hear the screams of the tribal wizards when they died, and the burst of flames lit up half of the night sky. With the screams of the wizards, No. 0 of the Imperial Guard shuddered. He felt something roaring behind the curtain of reality, and tried to reach out his fingers to grab the corner of the monarch's clothes, but the monarch just brushed the maliciously formed etheric tendrils back into the nightmare like dust.

The whispers behind the curtain are chilling.

"Is this the enemy Karma Taj has been fighting against?"

"Yes, this is the great enemy of the development of civilization."

Sisterhood Commander Tita was finally relieved now, because the monarch's security forces were joined by those assassins walking in the shadows. Those who redeemed themselves were only half-finished products, and after killing their relatives, they had to go through multiple follow-up surgeries. The real assassins are the first ones to be completely reformed, from those traitors without families, who have undergone the most thorough brainwashing to ensure that they will not betray again. This is a security regulation strongly requested by the No. 0 Experimental Body of the Praetorian Guards. He considered himself incompletely remodeled and unable to wear armor to perform the duties of the Praetorian Guard. Now that there are assassins who are not afraid of death, how much can buy time for the monarch to react. He believed that as long as the monarch reacted, there would be nothing in this world that could threaten him.

"Do you still want to explore the African savannah and hunt lions with spear and bow? I understand that you need some personal hobbies, but you are not suitable for traveling alone now." Praetorian Zero seems to have matured a lot , Height and weight gradually increased with the operation. He has almost completed all the cultural courses assigned by Salomon and is currently studying in the next stage. "I've already arranged a convoy for you. If you're going to a public place, be sure to take them with you. They can eliminate threats for you within thirty seconds."

He handed Salomon a tablet computer, which contained a complex network of human relationships and evidence of asset flows, but the mystic just glanced at the names on it, because he had seen those people and tried to pass various means to take over the property of these people. Seeing that the monarch did not intend to take over the iron-grey electronic equipment produced by the Immortal City itself, the Praetorian Guard Zero sighed quietly, "As far as I know, the methods you used aroused the disgust of those capitalists, Some of them have tracked down some of the leads. Not all of them, but enough to carry out assassinations on your path. Take those assassins, and at least don't let people install anti-tank mines on the road, then it will be a big problem .”

"Mine? Are you going to scratch my ass?"

Tita threw a dissatisfied look at the mystic.

"Please don't make jokes about personal safety, my lord." The Imperial Guard Zero said dryly, "In addition, Dr. Hank Pym sent an invitation to your personal terminal, and he wants to invite you to participate in the A study, this study is about pocket dimensions."

"Let him play by himself, I don't want to do anything now."

After thinking about it, I updated it.

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