Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 697 The Witch's Rage (Part 1)

"Dr. Hank Pym's letter... is a very old-fashioned fellow, and writes by hand. He claims that this matter has nothing to do with the dispute between him and his students, and he is not asking for help from you, It's about academics - we haven't said anything yet. He also said... the old guy claims he'll shoot you in the head if you think he's coming to you for help. According to the intel Department investigation, Hank Pym may choose a 0.45-inch Colt pistol bullet, and M1911A1 pistol, the muzzle kinetic energy is about 468 joules. Although I don't think it can be ruled out that the modern strong charge of 821 joules, but regardless There is no threat to your skull under any circumstances. In order to prevent the assassins from chopping up a precious scholar, I think you should send someone to communicate with Dr. Pym for a while, so as not to miss important information."

"I'm afraid other people's skulls are not as hard as mine." The mystic shrugged, "but I'm not interested in looking for him."

"Then over the phone. Dr. Pym's application is just a trivial matter, and what we have to deal with next is the issue about Whitehall." The Imperial Guard Zero took a breath, and the silver armor outside the crimson robe was covered with exquisite Patterns, under the armor are sophisticated mechanical structures and electronic components. This is the armor from the Brotherhood of the Holy Shield. After being improved by the scientific research department, the life support system of these armors can help him overcome the pain after the genetic modification operation, and release medicine for a long time to promote subsequent growth and development. The growing pains were terrible, and he felt like his leg bones were poking out of the soles of his feet at any moment.

He felt the armor slowly taking away his heat.

The temperature in the underground city is very low. This artificially excavated and reinforced cave is far away from sunlight, and the heat radiated from the huge silver lion furnace is far from warming the office area. As the seasons change, the trend of lowering the temperature becomes more and more obvious, but after reaching a certain temperature, it will no longer drop, and the temperature in the ground will be much higher than that on the ground. Even so, the heating from the core power plant and the water department is still essential. They need to precisely control the temperature and cooperate with the engineering department to maintain the rock dome of the Immortal City at all times. After all, no one wants to let the rocks collapse or let the groundwater fill this place. place.

"We have eliminated all ordinary employees who had direct or indirect contact with Whitehall." The Praetorian Guard No. 0 subject recalled the situation when he checked the office this morning, and after repeatedly confirming that he did not miss anything, Then he said, "The assassins have assassinated a Wakanda scientist, and they also have some contact with Whitehall. Whitehall indirectly contacted him and asked the scientist to build a body for him with knowledge as a bargaining chip. The assassin left no trace, the Wakanda autopsy report proved that the scientist was overworked and died of a myocardial infarction. As for some high-level people like Stephanie... I think Stephanie's doubts can be ruled out, she proved herself with actions Loyalty. The sorority self-examination has also ended, and no one has anything to do with Whitehall. I think Whitehall's brain is too dangerous. Even if the knowledge in it is valuable, it should be sealed and banned from anyone but you. touch."

"What about the situation within the Sisterhood?"

"You should know how exclusive the Sisterhood is, my lord." Janissary Zero sighed, "Without your order, I don't think I'd be able to walk through the gates of the Sisterhood headquarters. As far as I know, it seems Ms. Tita's sensitive nerves have been stimulated, she promulgated the "Chastity" decree on the sorority, girls who formally join the sorority cannot quit and find a spouse for life, do you think this is a bit too absolute?"

"I trust the man-made people as much as I trust you. Let Tita decide this matter for herself. Don't try to send assassins and spies to infiltrate it. She will submit a report to me anyway. But you can notify The intelligence community conducts background checks on sorority service members, which I believe is a necessary step. Remember, to assist in the investigation. I will give you an order, not a verbal order, lest those cranky girls shoot you. "

Zero smiled confidently. The genetic modification operation went smoothly, and after countless secret transformations and genetic alchemy, his body is gradually accepting the power far beyond ordinary people. Coupled with the acceleration of the time gem and the silver key, he has already begun to familiarize himself with and use this power. I'm afraid he will be able to put on that power armor soon.

"They will not have the chance, my lord."

Hank Pym's little plan was logically ignored by Salomon. Whatever he wanted to do, Salomon didn't care. He will then go to Merton College to exchange for the alchemy simulacra that pretended to be him going to class. He was going to Jane Foster's studio to prepare his dissertation, and finally prepare to become a graduate student in the mathematics department or physics department. Of course, these are small things, and he can still let himself enjoy the wonderful life of feeding the cat, lying on the sofa with his girlfriend and watching a boring talk show, and having dinner with two witches.

"Poor boy." Bayonetta stroked Salomon's smooth long hair, and then hugged the dazed boy into her arms, rubbing against it like an oversized teddy bear. Satisfied, she beckoned Joan to sit on the other side of the sofa, and at the same time gently took the game controller from Salomon's hand. The PS3 game console on the TV cabinet not far away has not been turned on for a long time, and the brand new PS4 game console is put aside-this game console is a gift bought by Beunita, but the mystic has no time to enjoy the game. Bayonetta witnessed how busy he was during a month, sometimes working and studying 24 hours a day. And he refused to open the stigmata in his daily life, on the grounds that the stigmata would make him lose the joy of being a human being, and his tone seemed to be that being busy was an experience that mortals wanted to have.

So he fell asleep after playing for a while. Or rather, the part of him that was human allowed him to fall asleep.

It turns out that even the most beautiful people drool in their sleep. Without opening her mouth, Bayonetta's thoughts were passed on to Joan without reservation. Joan kept silent with a cold face, but she still lifted Salomon's arm like Beunita did, and squeezed herself into the arms of the mystic. The maid lightly turned off the light in the living room, and then brought a blanket from the side to cover them.

"How about it, isn't it great?" The light and shadow of the standby screen on the TV shone on the face of the black-haired witch, and the joy of mischief almost overflowed her sparkling eyes. Joan closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep, refusing to answer Bayonetta's question. Bayunita beckoned to the maid and took Salomon's itinerary from her - Salomon had to go to Karma Taj headquarters to report tomorrow morning, and then went to a haunted house in London to investigate the outer dimension pollution incident, The event level is not high, and there is a high probability that they will not encounter too difficult battles. In addition, there are cults that exist in the South American rainforest that need to be wiped out, and the situation of the Feathered Serpent worship organization needs to be found out. Those were all official affairs before, the official affairs of the Immortal City, the reports of the Siberia Engineering Team and the London Holy Trinity Investigation Team need to be reviewed, the intelligence department’s assassination plan, the progress of the biological laboratory experiment, the regular quota of sky carrier cruise supplies, and the global base And Special Forces Squad Operations.

And that's just a day's work.

Beunita handed back the itinerary after turning a few pages, she couldn't read it anymore. Anger quietly ignited. She directed Dinah to delete all tomorrow's schedule, and logged into Salomon's personal mailbox to send a leave email to the professor. Then she ordered the maid to bring the black leather handcuffs from the bedroom.

She wasn't going to let Salomon go to work tomorrow, she wanted her big boy to get a good night's sleep tomorrow.

Guess who wants to sleep?

That's right, it's me!

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