The weather in England has always been terrible, and Wanda has long known about it. But even now, she still cursed secretly for the trouble the bad weather had caused her. The grass under the soles of her well-chosen boots had begun to seep from the rain, and the heels were soaked with black dirt particles, and even her umbrella could not stop the water on Hall Road from causing her trouble. Heather grew wildly, and diminutive gargoyle statues sat comically on either side of the low, mossy fence. Pietro shrugged - he was wearing sneakers, and although the soles were soaked, it didn't affect his performance. He even stomped hard a few times on purpose, making the soles of his shoes creak.

"Hey, do you need me to hold you and run over?" Pietro spread his hands, "I promise no one will see, Agent Hill has told me to try to avoid being seen to use super powers, because we don't Any formalities. Are you still angry, sister?"

"Yes, I'm still angry, Pietro." Wanda rolled her eyes angrily. The hot coffee she drank not long ago couldn't bring her warmth, a gust of cold wind blew by, and goose bumps suddenly appeared on the skin under the dark red leather jacket. She couldn't be sure that this matter had nothing to do with the target she was about to go to. Generally speaking, the temperature would drop in places where ghosts haunted. The problem is that the temperature in the British countryside keeps dropping when it rains, and the weather that not so long ago required light summer clothing has turned into late autumn near winter.

"This is a joint operation, let us have some spirit of cooperation!" Pietro said helplessly. After a long period of training, he was finally allowed to participate in the operation, but Agent Hill did not arrange him into the force against Hydra, but directed him to Essex, England A seemingly ridiculous task. Agent Hill believes that this is a joint operation between the Immortal City and the Avengers, which is important anyway. Pietro agreed with a sleepy look, but he didn't expect that the person who came to New York to meet him was actually Wanda.

"Hi, Pietro!" Wanda happily greeted her relatives whom she had not seen for a long time. Compared with Wanda's happiness, her brother seems a little unhappy. She tried to amuse her elder brother, "Why, is it so scary when I say I want to cook for you once?"

"I heard about him in the Avengers, Wanda. You don't have to work for him, what he's been doing lately... I mean, he did help us a lot, and taught us to read and exercise, but It doesn't affect your life." Pietro looked serious, stirring the coffee in front of him. If it was in the past, he and Wanda's economic level would definitely not be able to spend in New York cafes, and even the courage to step here might disappear because of the prices on the menu. This is New York, and this is Manhattan, a place where the poor get poorer and the rich get richer. Even doing nothing for a day will cost a lot.

If they were still the original Eastern European country brother and sister, it would not even cost to sit here.

Pietro has not forgotten who saved them, but this does not mean that he will unconditionally agree with Salomon's behavior. When he spoke about the discussion about Salomon within the Avengers, Wanda's expression turned cold, and the happiness of meeting relatives disappeared in an instant. She angrily mentioned the earthquake on the east coast as a rebuttal—it was an incident she experienced firsthand, and she deeply understood that the incidents solved by the so-called Avengers were nothing short of trivial, and the only incident that could endanger the safety of the world was Something they made themselves. In contrast, what the Immortal City and Karma Taj did was to save more lives, even at the expense of themselves. "He wants you to study, and he has even arranged a bright future for you. Even if you don't have superpowers, you can live well." Wanda said in a deep voice, "Do you want to stay in that place all your life?" In the base, do you want to fulfill your superhero dream?"

"Don't be immersed in hatred, sister." Pietro frowned and said, "Stark assured me that he didn't sell the weapons to the opposition. And even if it was him, shouldn't we hate the one who left behind?" The bomber?"

"I'm not as naive as you think. You always regard me as someone who can be reprimanded, as if I can't dress and eat by myself." Wanda snorted coldly, "Salomon told me a long time ago Who should we really hate, Stark is just a part of it. Twelve minutes does not mean that you are more mature than me, Pietro, I have my own judgment."

"Including killing innocents?"

"Although I have not yet fully understood the philosophy of Karma Taj, I know that sacrificing the few to save the many is just an appearance, and the real core philosophy is 'do anything for the survival of mankind'. This is what I do now matters, rather than being a knife in the hands of the US government to attack dissidents."

"The Avengers is an independent organization!"

"That's not necessarily true." Wanda shook her head. "No one will allow the Avengers to escape control for too long. You can't guess how many undercover intelligence agencies there are in that base. As long as they want to do it, Stark will definitely Can't find out. Agent Hill has always known about it, but she didn't say anything, because she knows what the end of the Avengers will be like, and no one can prevent that day from coming."

"What about you, Wanda? What arrangements have been made for you?" Pietro curled his lips. "Learn magic, and then fight a group of monsters? What's the difference between our jobs?"

"Hydra won't destroy the world, but a monster that can set off an East Coast earthquake will, and that's the difference."

"You speak so for him, is it because he bought you a house and raised you as a mistress? My sister, even if you like him, you can't give up your own ideas. When did you become such a person? "

Wanda's expression suddenly became very ugly, and Pietro realized that he had said something wrong. Until before boarding the plane, the atmosphere between the brother and sister was still extremely bad. Pietro apologized in every possible way, and was the first to hand over the hand of reconciliation. Wanda shook it with extreme resistance, and seemed to want to quarrel again. Contrary to when they first met, the brother and sister exchanged emotions, but it was clear that Wanda was far more vindictive.

This assault transport ship from the Immortal City is not an atmospheric aircraft, but a trans-atmospheric aircraft equipped with twin assault cannons, heavy explosive bombs and even missile launchers. Its volume and weight are far beyond what humans have today. Transatmospheric aircraft. As a fusion of Wakanda technology and S.H.I.E.L.D. technology, Malbus has made major modifications to it. This special aircraft has thicker armor and installed more terrifying weapons and magic runes. , whose purpose is to protect the safety of passengers. This aircraft is an exclusive aircraft given to Wanda by Salomon, so it is painted crimson according to the witch's idea, and the golden double-headed eagle symbol stands on the front of the aircraft, marking the identity of its owner.

"Don't be angry, my sister, only you can do things like exploring a haunted house." Pietro had long understood why Agent Hill asked him to join this mission. Perhaps Salomon and Agent Hill had come to an agreement to resolve their sibling dispute. Both sides believed that Maximov on one side could convince the other Maximov.

Ask for a ticket!

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