Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 700: Peaceful Coexistence (Second Change)

Perhaps it's been too long since there have been no ghost lovers here, so many of the souvenirs in this church cannot be sold. After listening to the nonsense of the local priest, Wanda and Pietro reluctantly bought two crosses and a few books about the haunted house of Polly Ledori before they were able to say goodbye to the over-enthusiastic priest—— Wanda originally thought that the author of those books was a famous supernatural expert, but she looked through them before throwing them into the trash can, and found that the author of the books was actually that priest.

She threw the book into the trash can without hesitation, and planned to tell Salomon about it as a joke.

Wanda intends to walk along the banks of the Stour River and perform some psychic rituals at the same time-according to the archives of Karma Taj's missions she has read, doing so in psychic attractions will not cause unnecessary attention. In some moments, it can even serve as a cover-up. Seeing that his sister was so persistent, Pietro could only follow Wanda step by step under an umbrella, trying not to let the burning black scented candle in her hand go out.

The scent from the black candle was extremely pungent, and Wanda seemed indifferent to it as if her sense of smell had failed, so that Pietro had to stretch his arms as far as possible. Besides, Wanda's slow pace was torture for Pietro.

Compared with his sister who had been fully trained in the castle, Pietro started to make good use of his abilities after leaving the castle. After a lot of training from the Avengers, he has begun to get used to his extraordinary speed, and the movements of normal people seem to him to be in slow motion. The voice is dragged out, and the body movements become slow, as if other people live in a frozen air, and only you are free. This feeling came up so often that Pietro would slip into a trance from time to time. It was torture for him, and sometimes he became overwhelmed after getting stuck in this state.

Luckily, he didn't have a seizure during this mission, otherwise he would have looked like a flailing idiot.

Wanda carefully protected the candle with her palm, chanting in a language that others could not understand. She walked along a river bank several times before finally pointing to a river bed. "That's it!" she said. "I don't think there's any worse reason for this, or that the Wraith is bad enough for ordinary people to write a few books and make a few movies."

"There's no need to be so mean, we used to enjoy watching horror movies."

"What are you still doing here?" Wanda tilted her head and asked, "I've already completed the work on behalf of the Immortal City, shouldn't it be your business next?"

"The Avengers don't have a base in London." Pietro took out the mobile phone that was issued, and glanced at the map and information displayed on it, "And your plane is flying too fast, and the Quinjet fighter can't keep up. I'm sure the The fighters are still in the Atlantic Ocean, complaining and asking the pilot to fly at full speed."

"I thought you came here alone!" Wanda looked so surprised that she even spilled some candle oil in her hand. "Don't those idiots in the Avengers still think of using bullets to solve magic problems?" Wanda felt the burning candle oil on the back of her hand start to tingle. She frowned, very dissatisfied, "Agent Hill, right? What exactly does she want to do, do you want the Immortal City to kill some agents who see things they shouldn't see?"

Maybe this is Agent Hill's idea! Wanda thought of a possibility.

"We can make an assumption that Wanda Maximoff does not yet understand the nature of Salomon. Because in the last East Coast earthquake, all the agents were executed by the Kama Taj mystic. Then We can make an inference that Wanda Maximoff didn't know about it, and she never really understood the core of the organization created by Salomon." Agent Hill said confidently. Her audience wasn't the Avengers, but the long-sought, now-missing Nick Fury.

"It's possible, but it's not 100 percent sure, is it?"

"I don't think there will be any loss in this attempt, sir." Agent Hill shook his head, "The base of the Avengers is full of agents from various intelligence organizations, and I don't think they can use the base under the surveillance of Vision The internal communication system to transmit information. It turns out that the agents that have been excavated are all independent. In order to ensure the safety of other agents, they do not know who else is from the same organization. Since we cannot clear these spies in a fair manner , then they can be included in this mission, even if Wanda Maximoff really did the same thing as Salomon, the power of the Avengers will not lose too much."

"Does Rogers or Stark know about this?"

"Are you sure you want to let them know about this, sir?" Agent Hill shook his head. "They don't realize how bad their situation is, and they don't realize that their behavior is being monitored. Every time I go to Washington for hearings , you will hear a lot of proposals to restrict the Avengers. The reason why these proposals have not been passed is simply because they have not caused big trouble, or some people need to use the Avengers to fight against political or commercial enemies, but I I feel that if they continue to hunt Hydra across the border without any scruples, then those proposals will not be too far away. They thought everyone in this world liked them. Especially General Ross who entered the political arena, He doesn't take kindly to Dr. Banner."

"There's no point in telling me about this, Hill. The Avengers are just a contingency squad to deal with things that normal people can't handle. If you can, you can treat them as special purpose agents. Originally in the Battle of New York This team should be disbanded in the future, but it’s not up to me now.” Nick Fury’s holographic projection’s big face was full of relief, as if he didn’t care about the Avengers at all, “Let Stark be his own Dreams pay the price, anyway, he can afford it."

"Sir, this is a very serious matter! I hope you can resolve this matter, the world still needs the Avengers."

"Don't call me sir, I'm retired now, if you don't believe me look around me. Homeless, addicts, unemployed, black drug dealers, I'm no different from them except sharing a needle. I'm a wanted man, a No one can control me as a dead person in name, and I don’t need to be responsible to anyone! This is a garbage dump I built myself, I can use hamsters to generate electricity, and watch 4Chan forums all day with my mobile phone!”

"Stop joking around, sir!" Agent Hill slammed the tabletop hard, causing the tablet to jump up. Although she doesn't know the specific location of Nick Fury, she can guarantee that she is definitely not with the homeless people. This is just a reason Nick Fury made up casually in order to get rid of this troublesome matter. "The organization established by Salomon is a threat to the world! I have recognized his essence, he is brutal and cold-blooded..."

"We used to be the same, Hill. Try to make peace with Salomon. I know you're upset that Salomon watched S.H.I.E.L.D. You'll find he's a nice guy. He keeps his promises, and he's very principled. He'll even make you breakfast as long as you don't break the rules of his organization that's thousands of years out of date."

Ask for a ticket!

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