Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 703: Mechanical Glory (Part 1)

"You won't believe that we can survive on Mars without wearing spacesuits!"

"That's because you're in the eco-chamber!" The technician roared impatiently, "James, you idiot! Hurry up and get back to work, didn't you get tired of seeing the scenery during the early exploration?"

"Have a sense of humor, buddy. We're earthlings on Mars!" James looked out the window at the red sand hills in the desert in the distance, the orange sunlight poured down from the sky, and the whole world looked as if it was about to be engulfed in a fire . He had to wear cheap sunglasses he bought on Earth to keep his eyes from being blinded by the light. The inspectors found this pair of sunglasses when checking his luggage. For some reason, the aerospace industry, which cares about the load, gave him a size, allowing him to carry personal items that were not on the declaration list. Now he knows why, because the censor is as Australian as he is.

"Considering that we are now at least 55 million kilometers away from the earth, the current Mars is very suitable for me to miss the forest fires in Australia. After all, they are all red." James left the observation window and walked towards the busy technicians past. He took off his sunglasses to reveal the myopia glasses he was wearing. "How do we solve the gravity problem in the foundry? The operation manual only says 'press this button once', 'press that button twice', 'when the light turns red Flip this switch', it's not at all like an operating manual for astronauts landing on Mars."

The huge eco-cabin with the golden eagle emblem trembled twice, and the short-haired gray-and-white technician knew that he had completed the first step: settling down on Mars. He believes that the two huge crawlers can work well. This is not so much an ecological cabin as it is a huge mobile fortress.

Except for the most important landing module carrying astronauts, other modularly designed components have already been sent to the designated place through rocket launches, and finally the manned landing module landed on the previous components with amazing precision. The landing module is like a turret, where the technician and his assistants are located. This mobile fortress on Mars is far stronger than most spacecraft today. There is no need to worry about space debris the size of a finger or meteorites breaking through the shell and causing leaks. gas. The sturdy armor plate and the non-stop operation of the reactor allow this eco-chamber to have almost inexhaustible energy, and there is no need to worry about the impact of the three-month Martian dust storm on the project progress.

Only weak spacecraft use solar energy, and the real hunk landers use nuclear power, and there is even a huge plasma cannon installed in the front of the eco-chamber because of someone's whimsy.

"Because the easy-to-operate manual you saw for future immigrants to read seems to want to speed up the process of Mars immigration, and will not require all immigrants to receive higher education." He checked the operation status of the radio relay station that was transmitted to the vicinity in the early stage , and proceed to send signals to other landing pods. They are not the only ones who have landed on Mars, and they are not the first humans to set foot on Mars. The reason why they were able to land on Mars was because their boss had a very grand plan for Mars. Before this plan, even Martian monsters could not escape the fate of being annihilated by plasma cannons.

If there is really a Martian monster in this world.

"Even if we get to Mars, we can't get away with having refugees take our jobs? Fred, I remember you complaining that your previous boss was so keen on diversity that he would rather recruit a Middle Eastern refugee with a violent criminal record than a high school student. educated white mechanical engineer."

"Our bosses are standard pragmatists. Do you think they care about bullshit humanitarianism? We will open a school and teach everyone scientific knowledge, regardless of the color of the person, their origin, or even their age." Fred said nonchalantly, "We'll teach them as we go until they have our skills. But if those refugees think this is Germany, they can commit crimes with impunity and get their asses licked by white politicians." , then they were very wrong—although the boss used this kind of words to deceive them at the beginning, they were still deluded into fantasizing about a good life in Europe until they were launched to Mars.”

Facing his companion's suspicious eyes, Fred had to suspend his work and began to explain to James.

"You remember those cyborgs you saw in the Earth base? Our bosses don't keep garbage people. If they break the law, they become cyborg slaves, working endlessly for the project before their bodies completely rot work."

"No wonder you're joining this company, man, it sounds evil enough!"

"James, I think it's time to tell you the truth." Fred took a deep breath. He turned suddenly and took out a strange-looking pistol. James was startled, and he quickly raised his hands. Fred said, "This is not a company at all. This is a government that has nothing to do with any government on Earth. The real purpose of this project is to defend humanity against alien threats. It is not about protecting politicians or Money people, but people like us. Protect humanity, preserve civilization. Sorry to keep you in the dark, but your inventions are too important for us to lose a talent like you."

"That sounds like shit, man! I just met a girl at a science seminar, and now you're telling me I can't get back to Earth? That's the first time in my twenty-eight years that I've met a girl I could talk to Come on girl! You bastard! The boss is a bastard too! Fuck!"

"There's no way for any of us to go back, James, unless you want to be a mindless slave on an outdoor mission. If you'll hear me out, I'll give you another piece of news—Jennifer, that you The girl I met at the workshop is here too. We're not giving up on any of our recruitable scientists, including her. We'll be docking with the pod she's in in a few hours if you let me do my job gone."

"I'm staying here, Fred, and I'm going to work! Please, I don't want to be a science nerd again!"

"The intelligence department said it would be useful against you." Fred put away the stun gun. He smiled and patted the young man on the shoulder, "Welcome to the Immortal City branch, the NERV Mars base. This will be the frontier of genetic modification and mechanical manufacturing. High-end technology! Imagine that we build space battleships tens of kilometers long, and we will be the saviors of mankind!"

James put down his arm resentfully, his expression was very strange, "Are we going to make humanoid robots tens of meters high?"

"You're right, buddy! That's one of our projects, the Titan Robot!" Fred laughed. "Let's get to work and create miracles!"

"I can now be sure that our boss is also a nit."

Salomon shrugged and continued to walk on the red desert of Mars. He's happy that his employees are optimistic about what's next. He has obtained the private authorization of His Holiness that Mars will enter the state of time acceleration, shorten the time of the preliminary work, and complete the first stage of work as much as possible before the arrival of the space pirates.

All his visions will be realized on this planet.

Ask for a ticket!

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