Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 704 Chapter 700 The Mars Agreement (Second Change)

Salomon walked forward along several meters-wide crawler tracks on the red sand, and gradually approached the iron-gray fortress standing on the red soil desert. This fortress built against the mountain is different from other small mobile fortresses that were later formed through modularization. Steel airtight doors and countless small gates are used to connect with other small mobile fortresses with different functions, forming the main department of the Martian foundry. The exterior of the fort is equipped with automatic anti-aircraft artillery turrets and plasma turrets to defend against enemies from the sky.

So far, no force has been able to threaten this place, and the only kill record of automatic artillery comes from an innocent Mars rover in the distance. Fragments of that rover are still in the craters made by the cannon shells, and the charred American flag can barely be discerned. Salomon didn't care that the governments on Earth found the Foundry, they were powerless to stop it.

The Fifth Demon God Pillar is the main person in charge of this project, but no one on Mars knows the true identity of Marbus. The only thing that can reveal some information is the golden lion sculpture outside the iron-gray concrete fortress. The steel door opened slowly, the gold-plated steel eagle logo on the door was separated from the middle, and pale lights poured out from the gap one person wide. Malbus was dressed in a crimson robe, and stood behind the door to greet his master—the Demon God Pillar has the ability to transform into a human form, and so does Phoenix. The human form of Malbus is a middle-aged man with a lot of mechanical equipment, which is quite in line with his preferences. The demons and demons of the lower planes don't need machines at all, they only need armor and swords. Before Salomon recruited Marbus, he was only responsible for casting armor and swords, so Mars, who could display his mechanical talents wantonly, made him more satisfied. This was also the promise he made when he arrived in the lower plane for recruitment.

"Happy Halloween, my friend."

After walking through the steel gate, Salomon smiled and handed Marbus an exquisitely packaged gift. Behind the gate is a huge railroad track that criss-crosses across the sky above the fortress. In the dark depths of the fortress, there are a large number of electroslag remelting furnaces equipped with vacuum units. The production line consisting of these furnaces of more than one thousand tons and a series of metallurgical equipment has not yet started, and the electronic control equipment on the rails is also quietly staying at the starting point. These equipment are spotless, and the dust of Mars is blocked outside the electrostatic barrier. The vast foundry square is filled with silence, only the air exchange equipment is running at the lowest power, sending oxygen with the smell of chemicals, mixed with the air full of engine oil.

There are still many such standard casting squares, and more casting fortresses will be built in the future to form a highly industrialized factory area covering the land. When the automated mines are ready, these foundry squares will operate with unimaginable efficiency, refining steel to shape them, and manufacturing war machines according to the production process designed by Malbus. More importantly, the Orbital Foundry is about to start construction, where giant space battleships will be manufactured and maintained.

In addition, the construction of agricultural factories and genetic research laboratories has also been put on the agenda. We only need to wait for the arrival of the subsequent small mobile fortresses, and then we can start work after sending the personnel and equipment. On this planet, there is only efficiency. No matter what gender, race, or sexual orientation, only work and study will run through the life of every Martian resident. In addition to complex life-extending operations and mechanical transformation, any identity label will be wiped out. , all the idiots on the earth have no room to live here.

"My lord." Malbus bowed his head in a gesture. He took the gift but did not open it, but activated the scent analyzer installed on his face. In the shadow cast by the crane, small bright green lights flickered continuously, which looked very strange. "I guess the gift is a data storage device. What new technology have you brought me?"

"It's's just a pumpkin cake, my friend, and no one can smell silicon."

"I know, it's my sense of humor." Malbus blinked. He followed Salomon's footsteps and walked deep into the foundry. The farther they went, the fewer lights were turned on on the steel dome, and darkness gradually enveloped them.

"I just hope your sense of humor doesn't cross the red line, Malbus," Salomon said. "This is the early days of construction, and I don't want you to use artificial intelligence to do the job. I hope Ultron is doing well." It's in your hands, or Mars will raise the flag of rebellion one day."

"For us, the third-generation species with entities, electronic demons cannot affect the artificial intelligence in my hand." Malbus said softly, "I will perform an exorcism ritual on the artificial intelligence to ensure the purity of the equipment .”

"No, my friend." Salomon showed him his tail ring, which was a warning hidden in the subtext, "I don't deny the power of artificial intelligence, but it is also because this power makes us quite passive, Because we cannot judge the position of electronic life. We must find alternatives, but we can look at artificial intelligence with a dialectical eye."

"When the destruction cannot be stopped, artificial intelligence will be the strongest means to restore the endangered situation." Malbus agreed.

"Yes, but only the high-level officials of Mars know. It cannot be mass-produced, it cannot be researched, and all artificial intelligence cannot be activated when it is not necessary. Unless I give direct orders, this method will be frozen forever." The mystic nodded, " We will sign a contract with all the terms, and only those who sign the contract can become high-level managers of Mars. This contract will be used as the ultimate means when the empire faces the extinction of civilization in the future—"

"—One, I believe you must have other plans." Malbus said calmly, "Your wisdom will make you fully prepared, I believe those genetically modified fighters are only a small part of it, and artificial intelligence is absolutely Not an option of last resort.”

"Forgive me for not being able to tell you, it's not distrust." Salomon said, "The power of a secret lies in its secret itself. The strict secrecy process ensures that neither technology nor magic can pierce this information. The more secretive, The higher the value of the information, the enemy will find those secrets at all costs and use them as a fulcrum to destroy our cause. The less people know, the less likely it is to leak the secrets. Only in this way can we win the final victory victory."

"Your ideal is our long-cherished wish, my lord. It has been so in the past, it is so in the present, and it will be so in the future." Malbus said, "But please forgive me, not everyone can understand your ideal. Selfishness is always buried in biological In their souls, their fragile minds need an acceptable idea, so that they can get out of the narrow vision and the cage of the past life, so that they can turn their eyes to the universe like you. Will you allow me to comment on the first generation of foundry workers Mind reforming so that those mortals remain loyal. I think that's the only kind you need."

Salomon glanced at Marbus, most of his face covered with a mechanical mask showed no expression. He was very curious when Malbus made progress in guessing other people's ideas. According to Phoenix's description, Malbus was essentially a dead house obsessed with mechanical manufacturing—perhaps for Phoenix, a romantic poet, everyone was not enough Funny, even more so with Marlbus, who loves the company of steel.

Ask for a ticket!

I will update normally from today onwards, because I am going back to work.

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