Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 705: The Wisher Takes the Bait (Part 1)

The Mars Foundry is not only a project set up by Salomon to increase production capacity, build space battleships and super-large robots, but also scientific research projects such as genetic experiments, magic technology, and artificial intelligence that are inconvenient for Wakanda. In the research institute of the bus. With the exception of Maya Hansen's still-running genetic alchemy experiments, almost every project requiring large-scale industrialization has been turned over to Mars.

Su Rui, who is the representative of Wakanda in the Immortal City, quickly discovered the suspicion.

Although the industrial facilities inside the Immortal City are still in operation, the development tasks she received suddenly decreased a lot, and the researchers of the Immortal City also changed overnight from the joint project with Wakanda [Ancient Corpse] retreated, and also took away the most critical research materials, the corpse of the god of the universe-the god of the universe is a pure mechanical race, through the metal and residual energy radiation of the dead god of the universe, the immortal city and Wakanda are in the material Great progress has been made academically. Even after a long period of research, there are still many unsolved mysteries on the body of the most powerful entity in the universe, the god of the gods. The Wakanda people believe that they can get another technological explosion through this body.

"This is a long-term project, Salomon, you can't unilaterally withdraw without saying a word." Su Rui patted the table angrily. She was so hard that the android who was guarding Salomon and the security of the interior department at the door of the office almost rushed in and gave her a sword.

"Many projects are stalled because of this! The Wakanda royal family invested a lot of money in the corpse of the god, you can't do that!"

After a few days of adequate rest, Salomon's expression was much more vivid than before. Facing Su Rui's questioning, he subconsciously stuck out his tongue. The rich expressions made him look more like a person. I have to say that he is quite satisfied with the witch's artistic sense. The white handkerchief with the bright red lip print in the pocket of the suit matches the black and purple collar pin very well.

"Happy Halloween, Shu Rui." He cleared his throat, threw away the pretentious documents and the economics magazine underneath, "In the agreement between me and Wakanda, the corpse of the god belongs to the city of immortality, and the contract also states Yes, it was temporarily loaned to Wakanda, and the price Wakanda paid was far from enough for you to own it."

"Just research! The corpse of the god has rich scientific research value, which is very important to Wakanda!"

"It's time, let's experience the ruthlessness of the contract society. I will do what is written in the contract." Salomon's expression did not reveal the shame that should be shown when bullying minors, because the subject of the negotiation with him is not A certain little girl, but a representative of Wakanda's scientific research force. It was a less-than-formal political negotiation, not to mention that he was already wary of the Wakandas.

"I have other plans for that corpse. After all, it's not so easy to find a cosmic super robot that has shrunk in size, is it?" Su Rui took a deep breath. She felt like a dragon, and the air she exhaled was full of hot flames. She has never encountered such a thing as a Wakanda princess!

"But it's not impossible." The mystic mage smiled.

Su Rui's eyes lit up, and Salomon's attitude showed that he did not completely stop the research project on the corpse of the god. The technology from the universe made her unable to restrain her curiosity at all. Like a cat being teased by a feather, she couldn't hold back her desire to pounce on it.

"The research of the Cosmic God is now assigned to the research field of a few people. I can't let the secret of the God's body be known. All research projects are confidential and can only be carried out in a specific location. Wakanda can join, But the conditions are very strict, and only volunteers who have taken an oath not to leave there for the rest of their lives can participate."

After an hour of uninterrupted negotiations, Su Rui finally reached a partial compromise with Salomon. Both parties made concessions where they could, and barely reached a cooperation. Su Rui learned the lesson this time. She asked Salomon and her to draft a draft contract first, and then revise it according to the terms of the contract. "I'll pass on your terms, Salomon. Then I'll talk to you about it, not my brother, nor my father, it's my personal decision. I know what you want, I Will develop War Machine for you, as long as you make a concession and open up more classified projects to me personally."

"Congratulations, you made a wise choice. As long as you don't open that part of knowledge to Wakanda, this is the condition I can accept." Salomon put the fish into the fish basket with satisfaction. The reason why he stayed in the office today was to wait for this big fish to take the bait. Now he's got his wish - he doesn't intend to take Shuri to the Mars Foundry, even though she's his most important Wakanda. The project of the Mars foundry also needs to be kept strictly confidential.

The value of Princess Su Rui's research and development ability far exceeds that of Wakanda, which is composed of five different tribes, and even more than that of the Black Panther with Bastet's blessing. Salomon is willing to exchange three sky carriers for the loyalty of one person. It is not enough to rely on the Mars Olympus Foundry, which has just started and needs a long period of construction to start research and development and casting work. Su Rui, who is the main force in high-tech research and development, is indispensable for the current stage of the business. For example, the [Knowledge Instillation] project - Salomon did not expect to be able to teach illiterate Middle Easterners captured from war zones to know how to operate machinery and maintain equipment in a short period of time through simple class education. The biochemical mechanical transformation including the brain-computer interface is a standardized process. As he said to Marbus, there will be no garbage population on Mars. Survival of the fittest is the simplest and most practical law. He must find it in a limited time. Produce technicians who can operate space battleships and scientists who can build orbital platforms, instead of a bunch of ignorant illiterates who are lazy and waiting to receive benefits.

Under the whip and labor, those people will abandon the useless religion as quickly as possible and throw themselves into the arms of science. Salomon believed in Marbus' transformation method very much. After all, the Fifth Demon God Pillar, as the descendant of the Old God, had been in the lower plane for two thousand years, so he was very experienced in how to build an organization that could obey orders.

He also needs to recruit as many soldiers as possible to prepare for the coming war. After the powerful and highly industrialized Martian foundry is put into operation, as long as there are enough people and technicians, Salomon can become the largest warlord in the solar system in just a few years. Before the completion of the construction of the Mars orbital platform, he is the only one in the current solar system that has a fleet of space battleships that can cross the galaxy, which is also the only space navy fleet in the entire solar system. The first enemy this sword will face will be Thanos.

The reason why the Dark Titan is feared by all civilizations in the universe is not only Thanos's super personal combat ability, but also because the Dark Legion is a group of space pirates, and they also have genetic modification, invincible A biochemical beast that fears death. Coupled with the fact that Thanos has recovered the Chitauri pirates, the number of the Dark Legion is increasing, and some remote areas of cosmic civilization cannot defend against these pirates who come and go whenever they want. When the fleets of various interstellar civilizations arrived, Thanos had no idea where he had gone.

As for the so-called record, Thanos can only bully those aliens who have just walked out of their home planet. In the face of real cosmic empires (Xandar is not counted, Wen Tianwuxi, American democracy, typical of capitalism), such as the Cree Empire and the Shi'ar Empire, the Dark Legion that has not yet obtained the Infinity Stones simply does not have enough fleets to directly Break through the defenses in its galaxy.

For Earth, Thanos' fleet is an out-and-out threat.

Even if an extremely violent unification war is launched immediately, it is impossible to destroy half of the earth's population. Thanos' plan is undoubtedly a huge waste of human resources and a threat to human civilization. This is an unforgivable threat. Salomon will never allow the Infinity Stones to be taken away by the Dark Titans, let alone the Dark Titans to waste human life.

Ask for a ticket!

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