Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 706 The Ambition of the Winner (Second)

Salomon has been paying attention to the development of Pym Technology, but he has not participated in it. This is also his style of doing things, he has never been involved in those "superhero" shit, he has no idea why the concept of "superhero" has arisen, and those guys seem to do nothing but disrupt order and cause trouble did. However, considering the weak social control of the U.S. government and the federal nature of state autonomy, the appearance of these guys is justifiable. Whoever makes the task that should be the government no one completes gives the "superhero" space for their activities.

He prefers to treat them as a social science experiment, exploring the ruling philosophy under an incompetent government, just like the gangsters during the Prohibition period as a supplement to government control. The difference between the Avengers and the Mafia is whether they involve gray Just industry. It is precisely for this reason that if the Avengers do not reach an agreement with Capitol Hill, they will end up the same as the Mafia during the prohibition period. He even wrote an SSCI social science paper on public management because of this, the second author is Daxi who is also in the same physics laboratory.

Because of the title of the second author, Daxi kissed him hard.

He's pretty sure his thesis will be cited a lot when the Avengers finale comes around. It is hard to imagine that this is something that a physics bachelor and a former social science major and now a physics graduate student could write, especially when Salomon has just graduated from Oxford and is preparing for further study. No one thought that he could show off his energy to others with his hands free. For those in the know, that's all the more surprising because the period between Halloween and the winter solstice is a busy time for Karma Taj.

Like the Winter Solstice, the Samhain Festival, which is the New Year of the Druids, is a period when outer dimensions have a greater influence on the real universe. The mystic must expel ghosts and extradimensional creatures to ensure that the real world remains undisturbed, and the task of cleaning up the haunted house of Polly Ledori was sent to Salomon out of this idea. The problem of Polly Laidoli's Haunted House is not too complicated. For him, the difficulty of the task is not much different from that of shopping.

In fact, the spirits of the Polly Laidoli haunted house came from other places, but the three skeletons had higher negative energy, so they were able to keep the spirits there. His Holiness was considerate of Salomon's exhaustion, so he gave him this simple task. It's just that he handed over this task to Wanda Maximoff, and his apprentice solved the problem thoroughly and did not disappoint him.

Compared to tasks that were less difficult than shopping with the witch, Salomon naturally focused on other aspects. Not only did he take the time to complete the preliminary preparations for the construction of the Mars foundry, but he also handed over a battleship buried deep in the etheric plane to Malbus, and entrusted the Fifth Demon God Pillar to analyze the technology of the battleship to train a large number of naval officers and pilots .

There is not enough time for everyone.

Whether it is Princess Su Rui who races against time to research the project of the Celestial Group, or the mystic who cleans up ghosts everywhere, or even Marbus who directs the construction of the foundry far away on Mars.

With the food transported from the earth to Mars, it can last for a while, Marbus must put biochemical transformation on the agenda as soon as possible, and use the mechanical equipment produced by the immortal city to transform those qualified scholars. And the most important technology, that is, the development of the astral engine has also been put on the research agenda of Malbus. This technology that only a few cosmic civilizations possess is very important for future humans.

Rhine's daughter Lorelei, as Salomon's spy, is also carrying out this task at the moment.

It's just that the mission she undertakes is more secretive and deadly. If the Asgardians find a trace, even the Supreme Mage cannot prevent Asgard from fighting with Kama Taj, and even Odin may Fully armed and holding Gungnir to kill Salomon himself - in order to ensure the safety of Salomon, His Holiness instructed Kama Taj Consulate in Asgard to provide cover for Enchantress. The mystics contacted the interstellar merchants under the pretext of buying goods, and at the same time strengthened the protective spells in the consulate to prevent the witches of Asaheim and Vanaheim from being able to spy and predict the traces of this matter. Neither the Venerable nor the father of the gods made a fuss, and even the Venerable understood the significance of Salomon's actions better than others, because the Venerable knew that his disciples were not spying on Asgard's important weapon So simple.

Salomon's real purpose is to defeat the gods.

Not those descendants of the ancient gods who have entities and have extraordinary talents in some concepts of reality, but magical entities with powerful souls. His Holiness is very satisfied with his disciple's ambition and means, and he doesn't care about trampling on the rules that Kama Taj has made for thousands of years, just to help Salomon's series of long-term plans that will last thousands of years, even if Salomon's ambition is very likely to lead to Karma Taj's end and he will not hesitate.

Although Athena didn't know exactly what happened, she still noticed some doubts from Salomon's disturbance of future destiny. The goddess of victory is always on the side of the victor, which was confirmed when she found the omen of Salomon's birth. No matter what the future holds, Athena knows she is invincible.

"Regarding the recent large-scale theft of Pym Technology..."

"World War II tanks appeared in Pym Science and Technology Plaza..."

"Darren Cross mysteriously disappeared, and Pym Technology has no leader..."

"Look, this is the embarrassment of the key technology being caught." The mystic put down the hot black tea with sugar in his hand, propped his hands into a tower shape, and said to the old guy sitting on the sofa opposite him, "I hope you They also own shares in Pym Technology, and this power can at least slightly prevent the US government from emptying Pym Technology's 'cold storage', they are now struggling like the man whose balls were caught!"

The old man got up long before dawn, in order to receive an important guest. But now he thinks he did something stupid.

"You came here just to tell me this?" Dr. Hank Pym was furious. "I've invited you before, but you can't find an excuse to come!"

"Old man, I'm doing this because I don't have to. The second Ant-Man has to be Scott Lang, and he's going to be the last. I have to make sure I have all the power before the fuzzy future comes. .”

"You actually believe in fatalism. Isn't the theorem of John Conway and Simon Couchen enough to prove free will?" Broad, one person has just put forward some ideas, and the other can quickly follow up and come up with conclusions. Without profound knowledge, it is difficult to keep up with the rhythm of the conversation between Salomon and Hank Pym.

Scott Lang, who has just become the second generation of Ant-Man and has a master's degree in electrical engineering, thought for a while before he understood what the two men were talking about. Salomon denied free will, and Hank Pym rebutted it using a proof developed by Princeton mathematicians. He was about to interject, but was suppressed by the eyes of Hope, the daughter of Dr. Pym. stop. She didn't know where Salomon came from, let alone what he wanted to do.

"I don't want the technology of the cold storage to leak out, old guy." The mystic made his own condition, "At least not now, anyone knows what will happen if those technologies fall into the hands of Congress. If you agree, I will A complete airstrike can be launched to destroy all data, and I guarantee that all technology will be returned to you. How about it, old man, am I good enough?"

"You are a hyena, and you will never miss any chance to eat." Dr. Pim pouted, "What do you want, Salomon?"

"It's very simple." The mystic glanced at Hope, and Scott Lang silently moved his butt in this direction. "I don't know if you have heard the news about Martians from NSNA recently. That is actually my research institute. Dr. Pim, I have some research and development projects here that you may be interested in. Don't worry, I'm not bored yet Kill all who disobey."

Ask for a ticket!

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