Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 75 Father and Father

Salomon didn't fail to notice the vast starry sky above Barda's room. He also saw the vast space emitting warm light, and the huge sleeping creature that just revealed its human-faced headdress like ivory, and the almost infinite space. endless angels.

Among these angels, there are many big guys like Siyuande, but now it seems that they are smaller than ants.

Even under the effect of magic, Salomon was far away from the creature, but he still felt an indescribable sense of oppression, which was the unavoidable fear of being a human being against a giant. Even Phoenix, who was staying beside him, was inevitably stiff, and the golden-red down on his neck stood up, which made him look fatter.

Lumen Sage followed Salomon's eyes and looked at the strange space on the ceiling. "Ah, this is the most important research achievement of the Yizaweier Group," the sage Badr said in a proud tone, and he stretched out a hand, as if showing off, "The artificial gods connected to the heavens , the entire room has also been alienated. It is because of this that we can get a glimpse of the true face of the Creator."

"It is indeed an excellent magic." Salomon exhaled a long breath, and he felt that the current situation was even more difficult. The photos taken by Luca before, those blood-red coffins that were drawn from the blood of the witch, probably provided energy for the huge space in front of them.

Salomon really couldn't figure out why the Supreme Sorcerer asked him to carry out this mission. The situation in front of him had already shown that the sage Baldr was well prepared. Under such a crisis, shouldn't the Sorcerer Priory first Did everyone rush over to kill the sage?

The Eye of Agamotto—there is only this answer. The Supreme Mage must have seen some kind of possibility of Lumen Sage's failure, and this possibility must have the participation of Salomon. Otherwise, in the face of such a serious situation, no one would let a fledgling spellcaster participate.

But Salomon didn't dare to relax, he took out the potion sent by Baron Modu and drank it in one gulp. Immediately, he felt that his fatigue had disappeared a little, but it was not enough. "I'm really exhausted, Mr. Badr." Salomon said, "Please allow me to take a nap, so that I can meet the finale in the best state."

"It doesn't matter." Badr sat on the high-backed chair with Celesa in his arms. He didn't know whether it was because of confidence or pride. He seemed to be indifferent to everything Salomon did. He even allowed the spirit The gray-like shorthair was in Teresa's arms. Salomon glanced at Phoenix. The big golden-red bird bowed slightly, expressing that it would try its best to protect Salomon's safety.

The mystic once again glanced at Baldr, who was expressionless, and Theresa, who was in his arms. Then he relaxed his body, leaned against the soft back of the chair, closed his eyes, and quickly fell into a deep sleep. A short rest is extremely important for a spellcaster like Salomon who casts spells by signing a contract with another world. Only after recovering can he have enough mental strength to cast spells, and the potion given by the supreme mage is even more important. It can maximize the effect of this short break.

After an unknown amount of time, Phoenix's voice sounded in Salomon's heart again, and a person walked into the portal of the spherical room. Bayonetta walked in through the portal with a solemn expression, and Salomon thought that Luca, who had given up in the face of danger, followed closely behind.

Bayunita was in a very bad mood. She won with difficulty under the siege of several Siyuande and Joan of Arc. At the same time, she also retrieved some of the memories of the past five hundred years ago from Joan of Arc. In fact, Joan of Arc was her childhood playmate. Before the witch of Ambera was destroyed, Beunita's only friend and opponent, who was the son of taboo and feared by everyone, had the same competitive personality. Joan of Arc was aggressive and was about to become the leader of the witch clan at that time.

And when the Ambera Witch fell into desperation because of witch hunting, it was Joan who sealed Beunita. What Beunita thought of before, the scene of Joan stabbing her chest with a rapier is the scene of Joan sealing her up. As the leader, Joan of Arc will never allow the treasure of the Witch Clan to fall into the hands of others, especially the Sage Clan who intend to break the balance.

Joan of Arc used the unique magic of the witch family. She temporarily sealed Beunita in a ruby, which is the ruby ​​on the pocket watch on Beunita's chest today. The ruby ​​is the witness of the friendship between the two . Then Joan broke through the siege with the ruby, sealed Beunita in the coffin, sank into the lake and hid it until Luca's father broke the seal twenty years ago, and then let Beunita see the light of day again.

In addition, Bayonetta also recalled the origin of that lipstick. She remembered that she was kneeling and crying in front of a dying woman. The surrounding area was engulfed in a sea of ​​flames, and the sky was full of angels. The angel floating in the forefront was the Angel of Perseverance in the Four Elements of Virtue. This also explains Beunita's subconscious hatred for the Angel of Perseverance, and why she feels better after killing it. Beunita remembered the identity of the dying woman, that was her mother, and her mother gave the lipstick to Beunita and told her to save someone.

"In order to protect you who lost your will to fight with the death of your mother, and to protect the 'left eye', I have no choice." Joan of Arc, who was defeated by Beunita, said, "It was so innocent at that time."

"I remember," Bayonetta said, "You were unique to me a long time ago."

"That boring doll-like woman is my friend." Joan of Arc said with a light smile.

"That day five hundred years ago, why did you choose me as your opponent?" Bayonetta still had countless questions to answer, "I am hated by everyone."

"In order to become the strongest witch, one has to choose the strongest opponent, that's all." Even lying on the ground, Joan of Arc was unwilling to express her feelings, her personality was exactly the same as that of Bayonetta. She said, "Never run away from the sage Badr, and settle the grievances five hundred years ago. This is your destiny."

"Fight, then come back victorious, and open a new path. Don't be afraid of your destiny, hold your head high, Theresa. Hold your head high, and open your eyes. Behind every fact, there is another truth." Zhen Beunita was greatly puzzled by De's words. Even if Joan was in a trance, it was unlikely that she would recognize her as Theresa. Beunita became suspicious of Celesa's origin. Originally, she only thought that Celesa was the child of the sage Badr, but now this identity has a question mark.

Behind every fact, there is another truth. Why did Joan, who was once a companion, help the sage? What is the identity of Theresa? A heavy fog weighed on Bayonetta's heart, she raised her head and glanced at the top of the Isabel Building. Perhaps, as Joan of Arc said, all the answers are there.

Joan of Arc, who was seriously injured, sat up suddenly, and fired at Beunita with the last of her strength. Startled, Beunita quickly backed away, and Joan of Arc was submerged in the golden thunder that fell from the sky. Endless remorse and pain intertwined in Beunita's heart. She finally recovered her memory and companions, but lost them again in an instant.

After that, she met Luca who was desperately climbing the stairs. After picking up her mood, Beunita and Lucca came to the top floor of the Isabel Building, walked through the spiritual path cast by light, and came to this spherical room.

"Mummy! Mummy is here!" Teresa, who was in Badr's arms, yelled and turned her head. She stretched out her chubby hands towards Beunita and shouted in a childish voice, " Mommy!"

"You are finally here... my dear Theresa." Badr said, "My dear... why do you have a sad face? When you were a child, your smile was warmer than the sun."

"Huh?" The little girl looked at Bader with a puzzled face, but she quickly put the matter behind her and showed a sweet smile to everyone in the room. Immediately afterwards, she yawned cutely and slowly fell asleep.

Bayonetta glanced at Salomon who had just stood up from his seat. Obviously, she was questioning the mystic with her eyes, why the little girl was in the hands of Baldr. But Salomon didn't answer, but nervously looked at Theresa in Badr's arms.

Beunita temporarily gave up asking Salomon, because she couldn't guess the intentions of the Magus Priory, so Beunita changed her target. She pushed her glasses and looked at Badr behind the table. She asked, "As far as I know, you are the last Lumen Sage?"

"Yes, my name is Baldr." The sage said, "but you can call me Father. You have lost a lot of memory. The last time we met was five hundred years ago. If you hadn't lost With memory, this reunion will be even more exciting."

"Where did that girl come from!" Bayoneta asked.

"It's a long story." Bader stood up holding Celesa, and he slowly walked towards the astrologer placed beside the table. He said, "We Lumen sages and you Ambera witches are supposed to be observers of history, and they all observe the world with their own 'eyes'. All this is for the sake of this universe and to maintain its existence. But five A hundred years ago, you were expelled from this race, even if you are the left eye of the Eye of the World."

Badr walked towards the decorative potted plant on the table, and folded the unopened flower branches in his hands. Under the effect of magic, the originally budding flowers slowly bloomed. He inserted the slender branch between Theresa's thick hair. He said, "At this very moment when we are about to successfully resurrect Jubilus, the Creator, there is only one way to restore your memory and open your observer eye. Your pure eye must experience the history it cannot see. You The battle...your struggle...everything you experienced in Vigrid will help you recover your memory, all for the sake of the left eye."

"I'm fed up with your philosophical nonsense." Bayonetta raised her pistol impatiently and pointed it at Badr. "I'll ask you one last time. Where did this girl come from?"

"Your question has already been answered." Badr replied with a chuckle, "All this is for the awakening of the 'left eye'. To awaken the left eye, you must re-examine yourself."

"You are really hopeless." Bayonetta's voice was full of anger, which was the most intense emotion she had ever shown in front of others.

"Ah...salvation. Such a mysterious word." Badr said his lines like a stage actor, "I marked the way to salvation with light. However, no matter how bright the light is, the dark side of the human heart But it is still deep. Light, darkness, and the chaos between the two... To create a new world, you must merge these three separate worlds. For this reason, the Easter Festival held five hundred years ago , aroused fear in the hearts of people, and triggered a witch hunt. Even though they all believed that Jubilus, the creator, would return, the left eye was still far away. Since then, I have worked hard to build Vigrid, and now, finally It will bear fruit."

"That's right, Jubilus will be resurrected, and we will become the eyes of the world!" Baldr's voice kept rising, but Celesa in his arms was never awakened, "A new world will Born!"

"I absolutely can't call the culprit who created this nightmare 'Father'!" Bayoneta said disdainfully, she hid her emotions in her heart again, and once again showed her usual frivolous attitude.

"Nice speech, big man." Luca, who watched the play for a long time, said, "Is it a little too much, big boss of Yizawei? Redemption, light, you have implemented this corporate philosophy a little too thoroughly It's gone, isn't it?"

Salomon squinted at the guy. Sure enough, he was not wrong about the person, this person just likes to kill.

“But it’s bullshit if you say it!” said Luca. “History is full of people like you who committed genocide, or should I say, notorious butchers.”

The identity of Luca recognized by Badr. In fact, as an ordinary person, Luca is very brave to go this far. There is some truth to the saying that a tiger father has no sons—because Luca's father is an employee of Baldr, although he does not agree with Baldr. idea, but Bader didn't care what Luca's father investigated.

"But when bad rumors start to spread, I have to stop them." The sage said nonchalantly, "But in order to thank him for finding the bottom of the lake where my long-lost Seresa was hiding, I fulfilled his final wish." wishes, and accepts his permanent resignation."

"You bastard!" Luka yelled, rushing up. But within a few steps, his limbs were held up by invisible things, just like what happened to his father twenty years ago.

"I don't need you anymore. But, to show my respect," Baldr said, "I will allow you to die in the same way as your father."

I need a recommendation ticket, very, very much, I have fewer collections than me, and there are far more recommendation tickets than me! Let's start dividing chapters tomorrow, otherwise someone will always dislike me for an update????

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