Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 76 Interfering with the Past

"I can only express regret." Badr said calmly, and no one knew what he was expressing regret for. Is it for Luca who is about to die, or his father who has been dead for twenty years.

Although the flustered Luca couldn't see what was holding his limbs, Beunita and Salomon could see clearly that they were four friendly angels like miscellaneous fish. Bayonetta fired four shots in a row, and each bullet pierced the angel's head extremely neatly. The reporter fell down, but Badr seemed to take his promise very seriously. He waved his hand again, and a golden electric current restrained Luca, intending to throw him out of the window.

Bayonetta rushed up, but couldn't catch up with Luca's speed. The reporter smashed several pillars and a piece of stained glass, and flew out of the spherical room with a terrifying scream. Salomon didn't look back, but the pinch of down in his hand had disappeared, and Phoenix quickly flew out of the broken window - if Luca didn't die, then he would have to work for Salomon to pay off the debt , Salomon likes the overlord clause the most, but only if he is Party A.

The reason why Salomon was unwilling to take his attention away from Baldr was not only because Theresa was in his arms, but also because the tricks Baldr showed before gave Salomon a very familiar feeling. a feeling of. There are many ways to make a flower branch that has not yet bloomed bloom, whether it is to guide positive energy or the elements of nature can do this. Balder, who has the power of an angel, is naturally a master of using positive energy spells, but right there On a small flower branch, Salomon didn't feel positive energy, but something else—the power of time. Salomon played with the Eye of Agamotto several times, and the power of the time gem was no stranger to him, but at that time, Baldr actually used the power of time.

This is very unreasonable. It's not that the power of time can only be possessed by the time gem, but the time gem can only affect the time of all objects, controlling the increase and decrease of entropy. If a sage with angel power can control time, then the witches who have always been corresponding to it should be able to. Even if the scope is narrowed to the eye of the world, Beunita has never shown the ability to control time. The witch time commonly used by Beunita is only to improve the senses and lengthen the subject's perception of time, and it cannot be called controlling time.

Now Salomon finally knew why the Supreme Mage was so cautious about Baldr. Every spellcaster who can play with time is annoying, and there are almost no spells that Salomon can cast that can interfere with time.

Bayunita felt a little relieved when she saw Phoenix flying out with her. She turned around solemnly, stood on the steps covered with red wool, and looked at her nominal father.

"Ceresa, your journey ends here." Badr said, but his tone was still indifferent, "If fate cannot be realized as soon as possible, this tragedy will continue to repeat. Speaking of tragedy, I I think you have seen Joan? Although she sealed you up and kept you away from these troubles, she played a big role after falling into our hands."

"Although she was very disobedient at the beginning, which made her need some spiritual transformation. But as I expected, her tragic ending is the opportunity to lead you to me." Bader seems to want Enraged Beunita, he kept poking the wound in Beunita's heart, and told her all the truth about Joan of Arc's enmity with Beunita. Badr said, "The time to awaken the left eye will soon come. Fear not, my dear Theresa."

"I don't understand." She said, "Why did I summon me here when I was a child, and why did I do such a troublesome thing?"

"You have lost all your memories. In order to awaken you as the 'left eye', you must retrieve your previous strength and experience, as well as your love." Badr carried the little girl and walked towards Bayunita , without looking at Salomon standing aside.

Naturally, the mystic would not be angry about this kind of thing, he was thinking about a more difficult problem.

He originally thought that Celesa was Beunita's half-sister, but after discovering the power of time, Celesa's identity was shrouded in a layer of gray mist. But Badr has never concealed his address to Bayonetta, whether it is called Celesa or Bayonetta, they all use the same name. Because of what Joan of Arc said to Beyoneta, and what she called Beyoneta, Beyoneta realized the identity of the little girl first.

Ceresa is Bayonetta, and Beunita is Ceresa. This little girl was brought back five hundred years ago by Lumen Sage Baldur through time magic.

But Salomon couldn't figure out what Baldr's purpose was, because interfering with the past could not change the present, it could only extend a parallel world, and the existence of the parallel world proved that time does not always go forward. Just like the different branches extending from the trunk, the variables produced by interfering with the past are equivalent to a bright green sprout on this branch. Only when the new sprout grows into a new branch and the changed variables have an impact, people will It was found that the branches of the same origin grew different flowers.

Salomon suddenly realized another possibility, that is, the parallel worlds extended from a certain world would interfere with each other! And what Bader did was equivalent to transplanting a tree bud at the trunk, although this was not his purpose, but a means to interfere with the current Beunita. This conjecture made his heart pound - it was a huge subject, and the curiosity in his soul even tickled his skull, as if his brain had grown slender tentacles, stroking his brain incessantly The gray matter made Salomon want to jump forward immediately and have an academic discussion with Lumen Sage Badr.

If it is said that the supreme mage follows the eternal incarnation of the holy spirit, and uses immortality to pursue the ultimate in the way of magic. Then Baldr brought the childhood Beunita back to the present, and let Salomon see another way, another way to explore the magic way forever without becoming a lich. But in the room now, apart from Salomon, the other two people are not in the mood to discuss these things. Soon, Salomon also refocused on Baldr, and prepared a 100% ability to temporarily subdue the sage. Unique magic - only the most suitable magic, not the most powerful magic, and low-level spells can also play miraculous effects.

Beunita's emotions were successfully ignited by Lumen Sage Baldr, who said with great anger, "Not only did you mess up the world, you killed Mommy. How dare you open your mouth and say... Love! "

"I didn't kill Rosa. It was the distortion of the world that separated us. It was the angels eager to resurrect the Lord God who killed her. I can't do anything." Putting his hand on his heart, he gradually approached Beunita, "The angels fought with you and drove you to a desperate situation, just to become a sacrifice for your strength improvement, and Joan of Arc is the final polishing The procedure is to maximize your strength. To achieve this goal, you must awaken your memory. She did a very good job, and you can stand here now is proof."

"You're crazy." Beunita pointed the pistol at Badr, ignoring the little girl in the sage's arms, the past self.

"I don't think so." Badr whispered in a very magnetic voice, "It's not me who is crazy, but this world. Can you really shoot me, are you going to shoot your father? I Dear daughter, Ser, Lei, Sarah..."

"Why not?" Beunita narrowed her eyes, tilted her head slightly, and pulled the trigger mercilessly. At the same time, the spell prepared by Salomon was released.

Tasha Laughter!

Hehe, the necessary spell is here. If you have a bard teammate, you can let him learn this spell, provided that he can tell jokes. Chapter 2 later.

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