"Tasha Laughter Technique" is a spell from the famous witch of Perryland, who severely imprisoned Play lovers, the creator of "Devil Chronicles", and the master of the three giants of the abyss, the dark master, the two-way plug, the six-finger, and the master of the triple domain. Lover of friend and foe, and mother of the demigod Iuz—Igwivel of Greyhawk World.

Baldr and Beunita are natural spellcasters, and the power of angels and demons flows in their blood vessels. The closer they are to this power, the greater the power they will exert. And the attribute that is compatible with magic power is charm, which can be felt from Beunita's unparalleled attractiveness, and even if Baldr covers half of his face, his voice is still fascinating. Therefore, Salomon chose this soul-threatening spell to address the shortcomings of natural spellcasters.

Bullets always come faster than chanting spells. When Salomon was still chanting spells, throwing out small cakes and waving feathers, Beunita's bullets had already quickly approached Balder's head. Immediately afterwards, an invisible force spread out from Baldr as the center, and everything stopped. In this field, except for Baldr, everyone else was still. He easily raised his hand, grabbed the four stalled bullets, and turned the bullets around.

Badr's fingers flicked across the air, and everything returned to normal. No one realized what had happened, but Bayoneta still avoided the bullet that was supposed to shoot at Badr by virtue of her excellent reflexes. bullet. But it was also because of this that Bader caught Bayonetta's opening, and the sage stretched out his free left hand, tightly grabbed Bayonetta's neck, and grabbed her.

"That's it, Theresa! Don't be afraid of your fate!" Badr's fingers were deeply embedded in Beunita's slender neck like an iron hook. He ignored Beunita's wailing, "Hold your head high , my child, grasp your true potential! Hahahahahaha!"

Badr burst into a wild laugh, his tense muscles forced him to bow slightly, even though the left half of his face was covered by a golden mask, he could still see the madness he displayed. Suddenly, Salomon appeared between him and Bayonetta with a thin silver mist. The mystic's right hand was holding a dagger, and he swiped at the sage's left hand, which was weakened by the spell. Forcing him to let go of Beunita, at the same time, Salomon extended his left hand to the little girl in Baldr's arms.

The spell of Lost Step is really too easy to use. This spell is almost a teleportation with a very short lead time. Whether it is escaping, chasing, or even inserting into the battle situation, it is always useful. However, due to time constraints, Salomon was unable to cast any more spells, let alone the time to activate magic props.

Without Salomondo saying anything, the chubby gray short-haired cat stretched out its sharp claws and grabbed Baldr's priest robe and climbed up. Its movements were as swift as if the fat didn't exist. Salomon's Demon Pet scratched Badr's neck fiercely, leaving four white marks.

The invisible field expanded again, Badr coughed hard a few times, and took a deep breath, all the negative effects of Tasha's Laughter Technique disappeared. (Will check)

"I still admire you, mystic." He let go of the hand holding Beunita, pushed Salomon hard, and then grabbed the fat gray cat that was about to bite, ruthlessly Throwing it to the side, he patted Salomon's hand that was reaching out to the little girl.

Although it was troublesome for Badr to maintain this kind of power, his overconfidence made him willing to spend some time talking nonsense when he had the advantage, even though he knew Salomon couldn't hear it. He said, "You actually deduced the weakness of the sage family after only seeing it for a while. You are worthy of being the disciple of the Supreme Master, and you are worthy of being the Son of God. But you are just lucky."

Badr suddenly threw a punch.

Time flowed normally again, and Salomon only felt that he was attacked twice in an instant, once in his left hand and once in his chest. Before he could react, the huge force made him retreat involuntarily, bumping into the soft and warm body behind him, flying back with Beunita, bumping into the slowly rotating huge rune disk.

"Cough! Cough! Vomit!" Such an attack almost made Salomon breathless, and Bayonetta hadn't recovered from the pain. When Salomon pulled Beunita to stand up, he saw Bader holding the young Beunita up, and the little girl floated up, with blue magic power blooming all over her body.

"Theresa, we are one, my child." Baldur looked at the little girl in front of him intoxicated, and the little girl floating in the air crashed into Baldr's chest and disappeared. Immediately afterwards, a huge amount of blue magic power appeared out of thin air and rushed towards Baldr like a tide. This magical power set off a strong wind in the spherical room with Baldr as the center, and all the tapestries, tables and chairs were covered by this force. Pushing outwards, colliding with each other, breaking apart, and making a sound.

The sage cried out in pain, but there was some joy in his voice. But Salomon and Bayonetta had no time to comment on this extremely perverted scene. They could only hide behind the Seraphim Shield propped up by Salomon and try their best to fight against this majestic force. But Salomon couldn't hold it for too long. The Seraphim Shield he propped up was pulled in the magic storm, and countless dazzling sparks were like paint poured into the turbulent water, drawing an arc along the airflow, Get blown into the air.

Fortunately, this magical storm stopped suddenly when Salomon was about to be unable to sustain it, but worse things followed. After this magic power converged on Badr, it exploded with a stronger force, and the Seraphim shield exploded into sparks. The huge impact even blew up the spherical room floating in the air into pieces, and even spread to The spire of the Isabel Building was smashed, and huge concrete stones and steel bars fell from the sky. Beunita hugged Salomon tightly, she used her magic power as the last barrier, and fell down with the mystic.

Badr was floating in the air, and the peacock feathers behind him suddenly bloomed, stretched out like wings, exactly the same as what Beunita saw five hundred years ago, there were ten symmetrical feathers of different lengths on his left and right sides. Lingyu, a total of five pairs of wings also symbolizes Balder's identity, and is the human spokesperson of Jubilus.

But the difference from five hundred years ago is that the azure blue magic power surged on his body surface, and a small head made of blue magic power protruded from Balder's chest. The face made of magic power and Serene's Sarah is exactly the same, even the glasses and the flower branch in the ear are exactly the same.

"Boya! You..." The gorgeous butterfly wings stretched out from behind the falling Beunita, trying to avoid falling rocks while slowing down, but Salomon, whose mouth and nose were bleeding, made her extremely worried. Salomon waved his hand and coughed up a mouthful of blood—Badr had injured his lung with one punch, and now he still felt a dull pain in his ribs. But it doesn't matter, he can use the positive energy provided by Visandi to heal himself.

"You go..." Salomon said, "Remember... lipstick! Kill him..."

Targets hit by the Laughter Spell will need to make another check every time they are attacked... So, remember to use this trick to hit the kitchen knife, and don't use this magic on the magic user, or you will cry.

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