Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 715 Blood Connection (Part 1)

Zero is pretty sure he can survive in this place because it's just a library.

He shook his frozen palms. In the thermal imaging of the body temperature monitoring device built into the armor, his limbs were blue, while the outside of his armor was sunk in a deeper frost. In order to preserve those old books, the air in the library is kept dry and low temperature all year round. After being separated from the energy backpack, most of the thermostats no longer work. Only a small number of emergency systems rely on small emergency batteries and sports motors to barely operate to resist the loss of body temperature. He had to, playing the role of an alien trader who had to be disarmed to gain access to the library of the Shi'ar Empire. This is one of the courses that No. 0 must take-to learn and understand alien culture, understand how other races in the galaxy operate and how to survive, especially those alien empires in the universe. His monarch believes that No. 0 can learn from the development history of those races. Wisdom.

These humanoid races evolved from some bird-like egg-laying organisms have limbs similar to humans, which convinced Zero to believe in the monarch's statement that humans are the most perfect race in the universe and the most perfect product of the genetic engineering of the Celestial Group. The Shia Empire is a militarized race with distinct classes, and Zero can easily distinguish the two classes through the feather crowns on the heads of the Shia. One is a triangular-style pointed top, and the other is a scattered flat top, which is similar to the use of tools by ancient Egyptian nobles to control the development of the heads of their offspring, indicating that they are a status class that does not need objects on their heads for labor.

The owner of this library is an aristocrat. On the most conspicuous showcase of the library is the bloodline map of the library owner, together with the pattern of the forearm feathers as evidence of his ancient bloodline. Zero had already looked through the map and found the line to prove his conjecture. However, what surprised him the most was that, as a cross-galactic civilization, the Shi'ar Empire's attitude towards art was explicitly prohibited. The Shi'ar believed that art distorted the mind and was a signal of insanity and deviant behavior. The death penalty was a verdict for those who had artistic dreams. In the past, there was a race that allowed the Xi'an to regain the ability to imagine. For this reason, the Xi'an did not hesitate to destroy that race, destroying all music, paintings and sculptures, and launched a large-scale cleaning campaign internally, just to eliminate this stain from the genetic level.

He knew why the Shi'ar did it.

This is a race that is plagued by evil gods from outer dimensions. They are so close to the veil of reality and illusion that some mutant Shia have the ability to see through the weak veil and influence the hearts of others. Shi'ar with this ability are often influenced by the spiritual world, displaying extraordinary fantasies and creating works of art that affect others. Karma Taj's library records several rebellions in the Shi'ar Empire. In all of those events, there are some very mysterious and terrifying distorted figures. Wherever those figures appear, there will be appalling and crazy sacrifices. In order to prevent similar things from happening again, the Xi'an Empire completely banned the act of art, and even started from the genetic level, intending to completely eliminate the ability of the Xi'an people to dream.

However, this natural ability cannot completely disappear. The owner of this library is a person with dreaming ability.

He sneaked into the nobleman's banquet, looking for an opportunity to assassinate the nobleman who was making a filthy sacrifice. However, the plan didn't go so smoothly, and he was forced to give up all weapons after entering the banquet, and the armor passed the inspection as a life support device. He was thrown into a spaceship after receiving the Halloween gift from the monarch. From the time he arrived on this planet to the present, the built-in time of the armor has gone through a full fifteen Earth days. Now he has found a way. The foreshadowing he arranged at the noble banquet a few hours ago will play a role. Soon, the noble will bring the butler privately to the depths of the library to meet him and quietly buy a priceless and artistically exquisite gemstone ornament.

"Old cluck. Hurry up and prepare a gift for our great Baron Neramani, and I will meet him here." He greeted his alien entourage. The voice that came out through the mask was so mechanical that one couldn't tell his age. "Get moving, lazybones, and don't forget who picked you up from the street."

"Yes, yes, my master. I'll go right away, I'll go right away." The washed attendant shivered from the cold, tiptoed, and walked towards the lounge. This servant is an old tramp he picked up in the space port. After he paid for the old guy to take a bath that only a noble and a rich man can afford, and eat a full meal, this tramp nicknamed "Old Cuckoo" became his entourage logically. "Old Cuckoo" doesn't ask unnecessary questions, he doesn't even know what a "question" is, years of malnourished life almost grinds the soul of this homeless man. He didn't have his own eggs, he didn't have his own greenhouse nursery, he didn't even have his own nest, and it would be a kindness to the old fellow if anyone would give him a shot. This is a flat-topped commoner. Even though the Shia people have an extraordinary social status among the imperial people, it is not ruled out that some people will fall into the plight of having nothing. After all, as a business association, the Xi'ar Empire pursues profit rather than social stability.

According to "Old Cotta" himself, he was once an honorable member of the death commando, but no one believed the bullshit.

Looking at the figure of the servant going away, Zero took a deep breath of the dried air. Even if he doesn't have a powerful weapon in his hand, the strength, speed and wisdom endowed by the mysterious genetic alchemy also give him a fighting ability far beyond that of ordinary people, allowing him to use a small knife built into the armor as an assassination tool and break out of the encirclement.

This is the ongoing test of No. 0. He needs to serve as a prototype of the Imperial Guard to pass various actual combat tests of various abilities.

Assassination is just one of them, and he has this ability. He had already arranged the evacuation plan, and the nobleman's name would be a footnote on his medal of merit.

"I don't think it's difficult for him."

Salomon stared at the picture in the water mirror, and the white hot air spit out by Praetorian Guard Zero was clearly visible under the pale lights of the library. Maya Hansen looked nervously at the silver water basin, fearing that the experimental product that she had put together countless efforts would fail in the next action. "If he him."

"If he can't even do that, I'll just take his body back."

"Why are you so cruel!" Maya Hansen shook her head violently, looking like a lion, "He can contain your strength, we can't find any more qualified experimental subjects!"

"That's why he has to endure hardships that ordinary people can't bear. This is just a mission to assassinate alien cultists. If he can't even complete this mission, it means that all our work is a failure and worthless, which means that he can't bear the power we give him at all." Salomon shook his head. "But I believe he can do it. His soul is connected to me. This is not only the result of genetic alchemy, but also the connection brought by his blood."

"What's so special about the bloodline of the Macedonian dynasty?"

"No, it's not the blood of the Byzantine emperor. To be precise, it's the blood of Zoe I's sister Theodora [Note 1]. This child has a certain connection with me, and this connection existed before the genetic modification operation. It is because of this that he can survive the genetic alchemy modification and accommodate my power."

"It is said that Theodora was imprisoned in the monastery by her sister Zoe I for 14 years, and she refused to marry even during the co-government period with her sister. How could it be..." Maya Hansen thought of a certain possibility, which made her spine shiver. "You can have children with normal people?"

"I don't know, Maya, may be a product of genetic engineering I made after the time jump in the future, and doesn't represent what happened to me and Theodora."

【Note 1】Empress Theodora, the last empress of Byzantium and the last emperor of the Macedonian Dynasty.

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