Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 716: The Secret of Mars (Second Change)

The lineage of Praetorian Zero is a secret, and Salomon can only trace it back to Theodora, the youngest daughter of Constantine VIII, the stubborn and serious queen who claimed to be beautiful in the history books. It can be said that the Undead Prophet, the Divine Source, and even the lost city of Kit City that Laura Crawford found are all related to that bloodline. One of the most important tasks in the mission of the undead prophet is to continue that bloodline. The marriage process of the child's ancestors is controlled by the prophet, and the secret hidden in that bloodline is continued through the sad incest sin.

Salomon had no idea what happened to him after the time jump that caused Praetorian Zero to have a soul connection to him, but that didn't stop him from performing genetic alchemy on Zero, using Zero's body to accommodate his superhuman strength. As a result, he succeeded, copying the technology obtained from the body of the Praetorian Guards to Praetorian Zero, and now Salomon needs to thoroughly exercise the abilities of Praetorian Zero, and give him a name after he completes the training.

The trials he gave Praetorian Zero were no easier than the twelve trials of the mythical Hercules. Similarly, he is very much looking forward to No. 0 completing the trial, and he is ready to give No. 0 a real name.

Real name is not a fixed concept, people in different periods have different real names. "Salomon Damonette, lord of the Immortal City" or "Salomon Damonette, lord of XXX Manor in Oxfordshire" are both inaccurate for Salomon, though. His real name, ███ ███ ███, is a series of concepts that point to him accurately, and represent his destiny in a sense. The same is true of the real name he intends to give to Number Zero. Ordinary people can only call a part of it, and the remaining part represents Number Zero's current mission and future destiny.

Salomon removed the bookshelf in the office, revealing a narrow and deep tunnel.

The dim light barely illuminated the steps under his feet, and the further he went down, the lower the temperature became. He walked down for more than ten minutes on foot, entered the depths of the Immortal City, and arrived at a huge and thick alloy gate that smelled like engine oil. After being authenticated by genes, electronic permissions, iris, fingerprints, etc., the door was slowly opened, and the icy air leaked out, quickly forming a layer of hoarfrost in the concrete tunnel.

This facility was not built by the Wakanda engineering team, but after he recruited Malbus, he summoned the secret room built by the engineering team from Hydra to transfer things that were previously stored in certain places. For example, precious magic materials, terrifying biochemical viruses, and terrifying creatures from extraterrestrial dimensions.

All construction personnel have undergone deep brainwashing after the construction of this underground facility, and then were taken to Mars for work. The mystic stepped forward calmly and walked into the darkness. Following his steps, countless small lights lit up in the darkness, and the faint lights illuminated the long-awaited things in the room.

"Is the power armor ready?" he asked a heavily mechanically modified human body. That thing can no longer be called a human, because his blood has been replaced by engine oil and nutrient solution, his internal organs have been replaced with more durable machinery, and even part of his brain has been removed and filled with a large number of electronic devices.

"Yes, my lord." The modified prosthetic eyes of the human body lit up, and the annoying buzzing sound constantly rubbed against Salomon's senses at the soul level, and a stench of ionized air emanated from the human body. After a while, the voice of Malbus came from the loudspeaker, and faint electric lights flashed across the shriveled skin from time to time, exuding an unpleasant smell of burning.

A projection device popped up from the chest cavity of the human body. Marbus was very interested and planned to explain the results of his work to Salomon.

It was built by Malbus for his complex communication with Salomon while he was on Mars.

Not long after Halloween, the Fifth Demon God Pillar, as an avid mechanical enthusiast, had already started to mechanize himself. In hell, he can only be responsible for casting armor and swords. Only in the Mars foundry can he give full play to his talents and install various electronic devices for himself. When Salomon went to Mars to summon him again, he had already completed the transformation of his upper limbs—his fingers could be folded, stretched, and connected to electronic device ports. In addition, he also quietly installed some magic technology equipment for himself, but Salomon didn't know exactly what it was. Salomon wouldn't be surprised if Malbus transformed himself into a cannon with robotic arms someday.

Malbus never tired of the tasks that Salomon entrusted to him. One of them was equipping the golden armor of the Praetorian Guard with servo systems. He even made a batch of vibranium alloy as the joints of the power armor. As the largest supplier of vibration gold, the Wakanda people were reluctant at first, until Salomon exchanged the Antarctic vibration gold mine, they agreed to exchange vibration gold and anti-vibration gold at a ratio of one to one. Prince T'Challa and Princess Su Rui played a big role in it, that is, they persuaded the king to allow the deal to continue. "Princess Su Rui's talent is amazing. She often has extremely genius ideas when manufacturing power armor energy systems." Malbus said, "But unfortunately, she is not willing to modify herself to improve work efficiency."

"Not everyone can accept prosthetic modification. How is the prosthetic modification program on Mars going?"

"Oh! Very good, Your Majesty!" Marbus commanded the human body, "After instilling knowledge into machines, many people have abandoned their stupid beliefs. The most extreme and radical people have begun to accept prosthetic transformation and intend to abandon flesh and blood, and those who have abandoned their beliefs but cannot understand much knowledge have also undergone war transformation. I have promoted some trustworthy people to take charge of the work of the foundry. The production lines of tanks and assault transport boats have started to run, and the sound of forging steel in the furnace has become the only belief in their hearts. It won't be long before you start worrying about not having enough drivers."

"Very well, I hope that Mars can train a group of accompanying drivers and maintenance personnel. These people must be modified and have a lot of professional knowledge. I think if the popularity of prosthetic modification is to be increased, it should be installed when the mechanical modification is carried out. Bionic skin shells seem to be much more acceptable."

"Like that alien robot whore you brought back? That would be a nice gift indeed."

Salomon rolled his eyes.

Ever since Malbus transformed himself, this guy seemed to have become more and more direct because of his lack of flesh and blood.

"One more thing." Salomon lowered his voice, "Buried deep in Mars..."

"Only I know, my lord. No one knows where the materials I asked them to analyze came from. The personnel from the information department of the Immortal City were responsible for the transformation and the ritual I taught them to give them the ability to expel electronic evil spirits. They will become the secret keepers in the depths of Mars to supervise the entire secrecy process of all high-level Mars in the future, ensuring that no one will know what they shouldn't know."

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