Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 717 For the big plan (first update)

The foundry fortress that was originally transported to Mars has a modular design and can be linked with other foundry fortresses to form foundries and research facilities for different purposes. There is no need for Salomon to worry about this issue. He only needs to harvest the hydroponic farms and crop laboratories built on Mars to deliver food and fuel to Mars, and help ordinary people who have not undergone prosthetic transformation to survive the difficulties. However, the use of Mars is not limited to casting armaments and improving crops. The things buried deep in the ground of Mars are the biggest secrets of the Mars Foundry. Salomon hopes to use them to promote human technological leaps and explore the path of human evolution, as the first step for humans to raise the banner of rebellion against the Creator.

Whether it is the gods of the outer dimensions or the gods of the real plane, Salomon does not hope that there is anything in this universe that can surpass the human race. Humans will become the race that truly dominates their own destiny—"Don't bow your head to ignorant worship, and don't bow your knees to false fame and power. We are the best, and we are destined to conquer the galaxy. Any species, any thing that claims to be a god will become a stepping stone for our development and progress."——This is what he told the Praetorian Guard Zero. The great cause of the galaxy, this is the destiny of mankind.

He is not malicious to aliens, but alien empires in the universe do not have the idea and qualifications to coexist peacefully.

The Skrulls, disgusting amoebas, have a habit of masquerading as other races for peaceful subversion.

The Cree, the Smurfs, and the warlord civilization ruled by computers.

The Shia people, whose genes are deeply polluted by outer dimensions, are hollow skeletons and feathered birdmen who may self-destruct at any time.

Cosmic buggers and symbiotes, slime with teeth, who just want to eat and infect all living things.

The Xandarians, the fusion of multiple alien races has led to the spread of strange venereal diseases and mixed-race freaks in civilization, the source of most of the troubles in the universe, and recently they are promoting the "anti-mixed-race and multi-gender discrimination" movement, liberals among liberals, white lefts among white lefts.

The Asgardians, the pioneers of human evolution, but a race manipulated by the ancient gods, have never been free from the beginning to the end.

Throughout the entire galaxy, Salomon feels good about himself, even hell is much more interesting than these alien races.

It only took thousands of years for human beings from the birth of civilization to the initial exploration of space. Thousands of years are as short as a snap of fingers on the grand scale of the universe. For many races in the universe, human beings have done well enough. However, the time left for the human race is running out, and destruction is coming. The so-called Dark Titan is just the prelude to the dark future, a cruel tool that all human beings experience from the real cold universe, and a scalpel Salomon uses to remove weakness from the race.

Even Gaia, the goddess of the earth, did not expect that Salomon had quietly taken the position of chess player. He doesn't trust the plans of the Mother Earth, and he doesn't agree to rely on the fate of human beings on the favor of various gods. He is about to repeat what the Earth Mother has done, only more extreme and thorough, and he has found an effective way to implement this method, and he is still in progress.

"I am honored to receive the invitation from the Lord of Asgard and the Father of the Gods. I will definitely attend this banquet." The camouflaged Lorelei wore a black denim vest and boots, and black leather gloves were inlaid with several well-cut gemstones. She skillfully stuffed several high-value Asgardian gold coins into the pocket of the Golden Palace ambassador in an inconspicuous way. During her short career pretending to be a businessman, Lorelai once again displayed her incomparable ability to adapt, and quickly learned the business methods she had dismissed before.

Coupled with Loki's disguised Odin ignoring state affairs, resulting in a loose atmosphere in the Golden Palace, which gave Lorelei an excellent opportunity. She bribed the theater troupe and several nobles, and repeatedly mentioned a businessman from other galaxies who sold valuables at the banquet. This kind of money offensive lasted for a long time before Loki became interested-it’s not that Loki didn’t know what kind of guy he was newly promoted. What he didn't know was that Lorelai's operation funds were almost bottomed out, and it was Salomon's continuous blood transfusion through the space pirates he formed and his business in the gap between dimensions that allowed Lorelai's spy operations to continue.

After the Golden Palace ambassador left, Lorelai closed the door of the hotel room, and took out a piece of parchment full of words from the drawer. She knew every word on the parchment like the back of her hand, but she had to read it every day until the next letter arrived. She buried her face in the parchment, took a deep breath carefully, and seemed to draw some kind of strength from the ink and incense soaked in the parchment——Salomon repeatedly emphasized in the letter how important and indispensable Lorelai was to him, and he kept mentioning the honor that Lorelai would get after completing her mission. Lorelai felt that her master was always watching her, like a pair of gentle hands holding her heart all the time, warm as if in the severe cold of Jotunheim. A fire lit with the scent of mead.

These letters will be sent by the Karma Taj embassy in Asgard through various unobtrusive means every once in a while, so as to avoid being discovered by the Asgardians about Kama Taj's connection with Lorelei. Lorelei shoulders an extremely important mission, a mission that can affect the lives of hundreds of millions of people. In order to let her complete her task, Salomon did not hesitate to use some extremely despicable means. However, he didn't completely deceive Lorelai. He did prepare a position for Lorelai to stay by his side forever. She will become the head of some extremely important departments in the future and become one of the few people most trusted by Salomon.

It wasn't until Asgard's artificial sun gradually disappeared in the mountains that Lorelai began to prepare for the next step.

She needs to sneak into the Golden Palace, continue to hide her identity, and find a chance to get in touch with the real core of Asgard.

It's not Odin's treasury, and it's not the golden throne or the defense system, but what Salomon is thinking about.

Asgard possesses a weapon to exterminate all gods. This weapon is more important than Gungnir and Mjolnir. Odin absolutely does not allow other races to get involved, and he even uses his own magic to deeply bind it to the blood of the Asgard royal family. This is Salomon's goal - Rainbow Bridge. The earth, or the atrium, itself is in the center of the World Tree transportation system, and it is qualified to use the Rainbow Bridge. He wants to take the Rainbow Bridge from the hands of the Asgardians, and make it a tool for the future human race to communicate and transport across galaxies, and let the special dimension of the Rainbow Bridge play its true role.

Only the Supreme Sorcerer knows his full plan.

This is a big gamble, and the status of monarchs and ministers of Asgard and Midgard will be completely reversed. If things come to light, Casilios, who is now monitoring Odin and Frigga, will be killed, and Salomon will also be attacked by Odin. This is still the slightest consequence, and what is more serious is that the earth is very likely to be attacked under Odin's desperate gamble, completely completing the unfinished rule thousands of years ago.

"Sacrifice is the cornerstone of the continuation of the human race." After Salomon dragged out the overall plan to the Venerable, the Supreme Mage said without fear, "Your plan is feasible. As long as you can do it, the entire Karma Taj, including me, can sacrifice for this plan. Just do it, my disciple, and you will eventually complete your mission."

Ask for a ticket!

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